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Everything posted by Tunner
by the way slothman, i know why the bots ignore the guard order. debug says that bot_stop is added serverside but it isnt added clientside.
Alright! i SOLVED MY PROBLEM wohoooo. updating drivers didnt help, but what did help was looking into the windows sound options. i dont know how is that possible since i set it alright when i first ran the computer and also its worked till yesterday, but the settings were at "7.1 home cinema" which i never set up and i dont rly have anything like that. so i changed it to 2 stereo speakers, and voila! GTA and MTA both have sounds back now. I hope your problems have the same cause man. good luck
BTW ive recently found out that my GTA sound doesnt work either..so im gonna try reinstalling oth GTA and MTA and see what happens. UPDATE: reinstall of gta doesnt work. but interesting is, that i cant hear shooting, but if i aim, i can hear it. there must be something messed up with sound distance or something like that.
exactly the same problem as me. it happened to me today, right after i finally got my online radio stream work, but i think it has nothing to do with it. and also i have trouble connecting to master server when my server launches, it might have something to do with it my guess is, that something wrong shipped with the latest mta mini update.
alright so this is the conclusion. MTA doesnt support internet radios which stream through windows media player, flash player or whatever. solution : some radio stations have link on their own wbesite, which contains either .m3u, .pls or any other standart stream files, and those work in MTA. if they dont have these buttons available, you are doomed and need to look for different radios. for example the link in first post doesnt work but this does : http://977music.com/itunes/80s.pls i firstly tried to download the .pls and include it as normal sound file, but it didnt work. this link above works alright.
well, not even one of my internet browsers can display it (page not found). but i think it would work since it has .mp3 at the end, and the othes said that urls like this work. but it would play just 1 song right?
no problem with finding it now, but it still doesnt play anything (and well the site you provided is empty). but anyway, script says unfinished string. and when i use exactly what you posted (only playSound, not 3d) it doesnt work but doesnt give erors wtf
aaah. well ill try if normal playsound support URLs. but i guess it will be the same as 3d. EDIT: yep, its totaly the same. no win here today
you might have posted in a wrong topic. this wouldnt help me at all , unless i want to waste time.
i saw people speak about 2 options of streaming online. one was laggy and second one was not. but both of them were on web. what are they?
that is great...anyway how are we suposed to use the new online stream function when we obviously cant stream it? is there any other way to stream it from web? or any exmple of working URL?
i dotn get it, how could be online radio ever mp3? and yes, everytime similiar errors- the music cant be found, or sometimes whole resource cant be located everytime something like that. heres the script: function onResourceStart() local sound = playSound3D("http://www.977music.com/channels2/80s/wmplayer80s.php", -708.47106933594, 956.06134033203, 12.469902992249, true) setSoundMinDistance(sound, 5) setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 100) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), onResourceStart) and meta and as i said it doesnt work even if i make the physicaly in the resource folder as shortut.
hello, id like to know how do i make a radio sdtream. Playsound3d works without any problems with files, but when i specify URL, it never finds it. i even tried to tranform the website into a file (shortcut) but mta wasnt able to locate it either.
as well as slothbot doesnt. the function IsLineOfSightClear is messed up in MTA 1.1 and thats what makes the same warnings in zomibe and slothbot scripts.
oh hey, but fortunately, i figured it out myself. so for EVERYONE WHO WILL EVER have similiar problem. heres key: i basically had to do 1 function per 1 bot and make modesubject the variable x,y,z. Also, DONT SPAWN right next to them or they will follow you and totaly disobey the guard order. (if you spawn somewhere else and come, they wont move, if they see hostile they just shoot and wotn move either). Anyway The guarding location CAN be the same as their spawn location BUT you cant make one guard location for 2 bots because they wil be runing into each other, then theyll get stuck and wont do anything untill hit. and when they are hit they will chase so it wont work. This is one of 2 soldiers to show you what i mean. function Spawnsoldier () local x,y,z = 14.8071,1500.2646,12.75 local rot=0 local skin=287 local interior=0 local dimension= 0 local team=Team local weapon=31 local mode="guarding" local modesubject= x,y,z call (getResourceFromName("slothbot"), "spawnBot", 14.8071,1500.2646,12.75, rot, skin, interior, dimension, team, weapon, mode, modesubject) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), Spawnsoldier)
what happened to you all? it was such an active topic, normal question, nswer time 1 or 2 days, and now nothing whole week? BTW conected pathpoints dont work either, they just stand there and do nothing
Hi there, bots are working fine in follow mode, but when i make them "guarding" they stay on a place, but when i come in sight, whey follow me.... i thought they were suposed to stay on that place or not? all the other options do the same, they still follow me like a bad smell. heres the code. BTW it doesnt matter if i delete modesubject completely, its still the same. Also i removed the first line about the x y z cause i dont want them to get my position and folow me and it generated warnings. function Spawnsoldiers () local rot=270 local skin=287 local interior=0 local dimension= 0 local team=Team local weapon=31 local mode="guarding" local modesubject= call (getResourceFromName("slothbot"), "spawnBot", 23, 1518, 12.7, rot, skin, interior, dimension, team, weapon, mode, modesubject) call (getResourceFromName("slothbot"), "spawnBot", 27, 1518, 12.7, rot, skin, interior, dimension, team, weapon, mode, modesubject) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), Spawnsoldiers)
It might be a good idea to send you my script so you can try if it works for you. http://www.sendspace.com/file/mz1px6 EDIT: Dont waste your time, ive redownloaded zombie script, put those 2 lines into it and it works lol . I dont know why the previous didnt (perhaps i delted some end or if in the script while i was meesing with the radar) anyway THX fo help.
cant tell dude, but it looks like the game thinks the whole world is zombie proof. and theres nothing bad in any other script/line cause when i delete the lines with the area and setelementdata everything works OK.
but that will set the area to a diferent place, wont it? EDIT: It doesn't work either and the area is elsewhere.
bad news....it doesnt wor EDIT: maybe it is related to the error i have. Whenever i try to restart the script debug tells me ERROR, zombies/zombie_server.lua 230:failed to call scoreboardAddColumn or something. Ive got the right scoreboard
thx very much. Well i did it so, cause it looked like part of the code so i thought i need some kind of function (like IF something happens, then setelementdata...) and so on so i put it to the place where all of this is . and thanks again
And what about my problem? how do i do it correctly?
well, try it and you will see. I think its 10000x faster than waiting for a reply. just set the spawns dimension in map editor or something. But peds i think, will have to be modified in the script to appear in diff dimension (map editor cant do that). Anyway. Dimensions have never worked for me