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Everything posted by Tunner
Just a bit over one hour until 2 days will have passed. *excitement intensifies*
Today I was also told you can do the same thing by just creating a URL shortcut and include the mtasa:// as the adress to connect to. To make a URL shortcut, right click->new->shortcut->paste the adress->finish. Or you can just copy an existing URL shorcut and modify the adress.
Okey I figured it out myself but thanks anyway for the info Callum. For anyone that needs help with this as well this is how you do it: 1) Right click the desktop shortcut 2) Click properties 3) Find "target" 4) Paste the adress to the very end of the line without any quotes This is what it should look like: Target: "C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.5\Multi Theft Auto.exe" mtasa://
How do I put it in the shortcut? I mean where? To the "target"?
I'm looking for a way how to make a special MTASA desktop shortcut that would automatically launch MTASA and connect to the server I type in the shortcut parameters. I saw it somewhere long ago and now I can't find it. Can anyone help?
Dafuq, I never would have imagined this kind of reply and so soon You got me all excited man, hope it works out.
If this forum still exists by year 2159 I will let you know
So, I came back to MTASA after some time to find out pretty much all of the biggest RPG servers are utterly horrible visually and functionally alike. There are some cool new things, but in the end, the custom cars everywhere, nonsense jobs and more custom crap nobody ever needed anyway is what makes me always leave. They are all way too overdone, too complex and need a massive cleanup/streamlining. What Im looking for is an RPG server that: 1) is populated and English speaking 2) has useful and multiplayer jobs For example you need to take a taxi driven by a player to get around, you cannot teleport or just steal a random car and go yourself, taxi drivers dont deliver NPCs but players) 3) has jobs, that are fun to do On other servers the only fun jobs are cop or criminal as you actually do something. Other jobs are usually very boring, just going to checkpoints and waiting (trucker, bus driver) and that is something I don't want in any circumstance. 4) where being busted by cops doesn't mean you waste your time in a cell, but you get either released immediately (with a fine or something like in the singleplayer) or wait less than a minute for the biggest of crimes. 5) doesn't have teleport or any other fast travel I want a server where fast travel means going to the airport and getting flown to another city by a player (pilot) 6) uses as little custom visuals as possible and uses only those new/custom visuals and features, that are neccessary for improving gameplay. 7) has a simple gameplay and rules 8 ) doesn't have any "premium" that gives advantage to paying players 9) IS NOT an RP server, I can't stand that sh** for real Basically what I'm looking for is something between RPG and RP. Although there was once a great RPG server that met 80% of my requirements, and that was the first SANL (San Andreas No Limits) from many years ago. Gameplay was simple but much more fun, civilian jobs had a purpose etc.
Oh I just found the Owl topic. Weird, it didnt come up in search at all. Nvm, from now on, find me here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f ... 9&start=60 EDIT: This topic can be locked now. It is no longer needed. Discussion continues in the topic above.
I cant do anything really. Either the system is bugged somehow, or I made a mistake in the email adress. In any case, Id like it fixed. Are you capable of fixing the problem (changing the e-mail at least)? Or can you contact someone who is? If so, Ill be happy to provide all neccesary information via PM. PS why do you have this on your support page? "Account issue Problems logging in, creating new account, serial, IP, etc.." Problems regarding the creation of a new account cant be solved pretty much. If you cant create an account, you have no means of contacting the staff (because you cant log in and sumbit a ticket). If you do have an account, then this category is not really needed either as only 1 account is allowed per person. It would be nice if they made the support system work even without account at least in the "account issue" category. I wonder how many people got stuck like me, but never solved their problem because they didnt post on the MTA forums or somewhere else.
Im looking for someone from Owl gaming staff so that I can solve a problem of mine regarding account creation. Long story short, I cant do anything now (not even ask for support on the forums) and need my account activated or deleted. PM me for details. Thanks
So will you finally tell me how to convert total cnversions into MTA without now?
So why did you say it worked and now you say it does not? Anyway, this is GTA United: http://www.moddb.com/mods/gta-united And for info, this is how it looks on EIR:
Has the year 2015 brought anything new in this matter guys?
Asking for more information is a good enough reason to post for me. Especially when I dont want this project to fade away just like that. Besides, forums are for discussions, not for "not posting". In any case, thank you for the link. Bug tracker itself seems kinda dead but the target MTA version is 2.0 so I suppose some work either is or will be going on. The Eir project looks promising, lets see how it goes. Just dont forget about this people, it would be a huge asset for MTA to support total conversions.
So? Will we see Vice city and Liberty city in MTA?
Well, im definitely not going to do anything like that, but thanks for the info. The point of this topic was to find out if MTA supports custom tracks now or not, and if not, if there are any resources for it. In any case, if the answer is no, then Im finished here. Thank you both for contributing. I just hope MTA supports custom tracks in the future. That would be so awesome.
Thanks for the effort but that script has nothing to do with what Im looking for. It is quite cool though.
Is there any script around which would allow me to drive trains on tracks I add in map editor?
Got it. I think Ill manage from now on. Thank you all for the help.
Oh thanks man. Didnt think it could be done this easily But in case I want to do a looooooot of the markers and objects, I should use the more complicated thing decribed in above posts right?
Whats happening? Where have you gone?
Well the marker and objects dont have to have any numbers, its just how i wanted to demonstrate it. I also thought it would be possible to tell the script to automatically assign markers and objects to each other based on the name in which i would just change the number. The principle: Theres a marker at for ex. 1,1,1 and an object (visual effect) at 1,0.5,1; Player hits the marker, gets teleported to 30,30,30 (theres nothing at all, just some piece of land) and the marker with the object described above are destroyed - they are no longer needed. Hope its more clear now. As for the type etc, dont mind that. I will edit it so it suits my needs. But its really close to what I want.
Thanks for the early replies. Im kinda confused now that ive seen the codes of yours. I will put part of the script here so we all understand each other. But I think the last code is what im looking for. function blabla (markerHit, matchingDimension) if (markerHit) == marker1 then if (matchingDimension) then setElementPosition (source.....) destroyElement (marker1) destroyElement (object1) triggerClientEvent ("...", getRootElement ()) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerMarkerHit", getRootElement(), blabla) function blabla (markerHit, matchingDimension) if (markerHit) == marker2 then if (matchingDimension) then setElementPosition (source.....) destroyElement (marker2) destroyElement (object2) triggerClientEvent ("...", getRootElement ()) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerMarkerHit", getRootElement(), blabla) i need the script to detect anything which begins with "marker" or "object" and to do what i want with corresponding marker or object (if 1, then 1 etc.) automatically. PS Dont mind the setElementPosition etc. im interested in parts of code about markers and objects.