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Everything posted by DiSaMe

  1. DiSaMe

    8192. Again.

    I agree. I don't know what that limit is for, and even though there's lots of space anyway, it would still be nice to have unlimited area.
  2. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/IsLineOfSightClear https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/ProcessLineOfSight
  3. DiSaMe

    How To Make Bots

    For saving/loading recordings: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Ser ... _functions or https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Cli ... _functions For moving the car: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetElementPosition https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetElementVelocity https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetTimer These are the most important for making a basic recording system.
  4. SA-MP doesn't modify the game files, but unlike MTA, it needs to be installed into GTA SA directory creating a mess.
  5. I don't see what could be 'combined'. SA-MP has nothing what's impossible in MTA, so MTA features + SA-MP features = MTA features.
  6. you can import lol, but theres just a limit of how much you can import. thats the only problem Exactly, SA-MP can't import custom models, players need to do so.
  7. DiSaMe

    MTA - SA:MP

    SA-MP players themselves don't know why they don't play MTA. If you read some posts in feature suggestions thread in SA-MP forums, you will find many MTA features requested by SA-MP players
  8. You can disable collisions for that object and add invisible objects for collisions.
  9. DiSaMe

    GPS system

    So now you add vehicle rotation manually? No, you do NOT need that. Adding vehicle rotation is something what gives the arrow the wrong direction.
  10. DiSaMe

    GPS system

    Everything is fine in findRotation. Maybe it's always between 220 and 250 because you don't go to areas which need other angles to reach the destination. Look at your rotArrow function. It gets the angle to the destination and uses it as rotation offset in attachElements. That means the rotation of arrow will be rot + rotation of the vehicle. You need it to be rot. It's better not to use any attachment functions, but to simply get vehicle coordinates, put the arrow above it every frame (if you want it to move smooth, you need to use onClientPreRender) and set its rotation to the angle which findRotation returns.
  11. DiSaMe

    TXD Unloader?

    Use destroyElement on TXD element.
  12. If you don't want viruses, don't open any suspicious files in the client resources directory
  13. How can i made this? By scripting, of course. When you go to one place, one model is loaded, when you go to another, another model is loaded in the same place. That's how you'll never run out of model IDs. Well, I admit MTA custom model system is a bit unstable, but I hope it will be improved.
  14. DiSaMe

    Gravity gun

    The script gets coordinates in front of the player and sets element velocity to move to that position. Element data is used to to link the player and another element which the player holds. That didn't need much work
  15. Unlike ped functions, ped events don't work for players. Use player events instead.
  16. It's not better. SA-MP doesn't even import custom models. Everything it has is client modding the game. It's easily possible to do with .bat files. SA-MP doesn't have what MTA has: loading models directly into the game process. That doesn't need any modding of game files and what's more, objects can be replaced anytime. So if you want to have original and custom models together, you can make a custom model streamer.
  17. DiSaMe


    Because there's no client-side onPedWasted event... Use onClientPedWasted.
  18. This is not related to tocolor function. tocolor actually returns 32bit signed integer, so if the value is bigger than 0x7FFFFFFF, it's negative. Therefore if color value is 0x80000000 or more, you need to subtract 0x100000000 from it to get a value which dx functions can understand.
  19. If you make a script which reads rec files, then yes, but it looks like there's no rec file format description. But why to use it rather than making your own recording/playing script with your own format? And you can also make the NPC perform real actions with setPedControlState. When bot is playing the recording in SA-MP, it cannot be physically affected (for example, hitting the car won't change its speed). In MTA, bots can be physically affected, so it's more realistic.
  20. If you want object movement made client-side be visible for all players, then do it for all players. MTA doesn't need to have a function for attaching elements to bones. You can already make it yourself. Actually, it would be better to create such attaching system and then use it for helmet. Attaching system could be done in this way: Attachments would be set by changing element data. Something like: setElementData(object,"attached_player",player) setElementData(object,"attached_boneid",boneid) This could be done server-side. Then in client side onClientRender you could loop through all objects, check attachment data and if it exists, get the position of player bone and put an object there. And after creating attachments system, you could use it for helmets. What's more, you could use it for other stuff without the need to rewrite the code.
  21. If you are using MTA SA 1.0.4, then setObjectScale is not available server-side. You either need to set object scale client-side or switch to unstable nightly builds of MTA SA 1.1.
  22. You have an unused argument for function stahlhelm which overrides the global variable. Remove that argument.
  23. helm is a local variable of lolmao function, so stahlhelm isn't aware of it. If you stored helmet element into zahl variable, you could use this variable to set element position. Also, it is unknown what player variable in stahlhelm function is. You could use setElementData on helmet to store player element and getElementData to get the value client-side.
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