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Everything posted by eAi

  1. eAi

    Object - Camera

    Camera clipping doesn't work on CObjects (which MTA uses for all custom objects), wherever they're placed, I believe. Writing your own manual camera clipping isn't too hard, and raycasting - processLineOfSight or isLineOfSightClear is the way to do it. The principle would be to cast a line (or four lines, one from each corner of the camera) to the player (or whatever the focal point of the camera is). If the rays hits something en route, move the camera a bit in front of that point it hit. Combine that with some smoothing so the camera doesn't jolt around too much and you've got a reasonable first start. In practice it's a bit harder than that as there's some odd edge cases to catch. A better solution would be for MTA to hack GTA to support objects properly, which I'd guess would be quite easy.
  2. You've already got one thread on this.
  3. What are you actually trying to do?
  4. eAi

    Sound effects

    I can see some use for being able to apply effects, but frankly there's an awful lot more to do that's more important. Feel free to create a patch...
  5. eAi

    MTA and SAMP

    Google ignores meta tags - at least, they claim to.
  6. eAi

    Mtarace Server browser

    The point is that MTA 1.0 can do everything Race could do and many many times more. If it doesn't do exactly what you want, you've got the source code for every aspect of it and are more than welcome to modify it to your hearts content. You could even hack around to get MTA:MA to work with 1.0, I doubt that would be more than a few hours work, though quite why you'd use it I'm not sure.
  7. eAi

    A Lost City.

    Looks well made. Seems to fit fairly well together, which is hard to do!
  8. If this is data that does't change, store it as a file in the resource. That way it can be cached client-side. If not, does the every client really need all the data all the time?
  9. There are a number of event pairs like this when an event affects two elements. They point being that you may want to know when a player enters a specific vehicle or the reverse, when a specific player enters any vehicle...
  10. eAi

    WHY SO?

    MTA:SA Race is very old, don't download it. MTA 1.0.2 is the most recent version which also supports race.
  11. eAi


    Why not add the files to the meta.xml?
  12. getElementsByType("vehicle") will give you all the vehicles (even ones without players in). getElementsByType("player") will give you all the players, from them you can get which vehicle they are in using getPedOccupiedVehicle.
  13. Not sure, but you can ask us and we can do it. You may be able to do it by clicking the edit link on the resource's page (when you're logged in). As a side note, can you please make sure you write a reasonable description for each of your resources - and ideally a picture too. You'll get more downloads and the community center will look less like a rubbish dump.
  14. This sounds really good - I hope someone takes you up on your offer! You could write some code that would automatically generate paths for bots based on scanning the environment with processLineOfSight. This is effectively what Counter-Strike etc do. You'd run it once and store the result, rather than doing it in real-time.
  15. If you're using Vista or 7, you may need to run MTA with admin access (right click -> run as?), and you may need to run a normal server (not the one inside the game) and start the editor manually (type 'start editor').
  16. String formatting syntax is well documented all over the place. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printf#pri ... aceholders would be a reasonable place to start. %.3f means a floating point number (a number with a decimal point) with 3 numbers after the decimal point. %d would be an integer (no decimal places). So maybe you want "%d Miles Per Hour" or something?
  17. eAi

    MTA IV

    What a brilliant idea, we've never thought of that! I'm amazed nobody else has suggested it before.
  18. eAi

    wtf?? [ help ]

    Try reading the second line DarkDragon wrote.
  19. eAi

    Resources keeps failing!

    For one of the resources that failed to load, type: info name of resource here in the server's console, it should tell you some information about what went wrong. More than likely you're missing some default resources that are required.
  20. eAi

    Police Gates bug

    Add a variable to keep track of whether the gates are currently opening or closing and don't allow another 'moveObject' to be triggered if it's true.
  21. eAi

    MTA Magazine Feature

    I'd guess it sells about 20,000 copies a month, which is a bit below average for a UK games magazine.
  22. Why not show the controls in the help window like normal, rather than obscuring a fairly large part of the screen all the time?
  23. Use getTickCount. This will give you a time since the system started in milliseconds.
  24. Looks good. You could release that as a resource on the MTA community site.
  25. Yes. You can have a lot of objects, it'll just shown the ones nearest to you, which generally is fine.
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