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Everything posted by eAi

  1. I need a working !makemerich script.
  2. Someone can write a resource, if it's good, we'll include it in the release.
  3. It is up to servers where their admins are - it's not in our control who or where server admins are. Making all Spanish players admins might have some unwanted repercussions, but is generally a sound idea.
  4. If you set it, it would override any built-in MTA functionality for switching the syncer. It seems there's a fairly clear case for having a more 'raw' way to send packets of data to the server - or maybe looking at optimizing the existing element data/event stuff.
  5. eAi

    MTA and SAMP

    You're welcome to discuss this, of course, but please keep it civil.
  6. That would make most sense - yes, a function to override who 'owns' unoccupied vehicles. It would be fairly simple to add.
  7. The main page needs a redesign, making downloads more obvious and generally tidying things up. Things like the history page no-longer have a link.
  8. Remember you'll need to call getElementChildren recursively...
  9. outputDebugString is perhaps a better choice for outputting debug messages. That way you can leave them in without disrupting player's chat.
  10. eAi

    Writing a file

    You'll end up with slower code that isn't compatible with other resources or other editors. Your choice, of course.
  11. eAi

    Hide Player Map

    showPlayerHudComponent is probably what you're after.
  12. You can manually iterate over the element tree, if you're specific enough this shouldn't be too slow. Use getElementChildren on the root node for the resource, combined with getElementType. See https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Ser ... _functions
  13. eAi

    Writing a file

    You should save the location of things using map files - that's what they're designed for and will probably do what you want in a couple of lines. See saveMapData which will save anything you have loaded in-game into a map file (or just part of what you have loaded).
  14. Zip up the files you've got and post them, we can't really help otherwise.
  15. Well you don't want to give them exactly the same controls you're pressing, you want to give them the controls you were pressing some time ago. This won't work well when you're accelerating or decelerating though.
  16. Vehicle AI shouldn't be that hard, it's just a matter of simulating the presses of the buttons to get the vehicle to follow a path. You can export the paths from GTA and import them in an MTA friendly format - that will let you defined your own paths if you want to use custom maps. Competitive driving - evasion, collision avoidance etc is more challenging though.
  17. Don't define positions in scripts, use map files, that's the point of them.
  18. eAi

    MTA on xbox

    Posting in old threads will not improve your reputation, particularly when what you've posted doesn't make any sense.
  19. Read the documentation on the wiki https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/
  20. Why not use account data? Learning SQL and Lua (and programming) all not going to make your life easy. Account data should do what you want. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetAccountData
  21. No, you should either be in the list or not in the list. Port forwarding is almost certainly your problem, check http://portforward.com/ and check that your game port (probably 22003) and the query port (the game port +123) are open. Try getting people to connect by telling them your IP address (http://www.whatismyip.com) - if that doesn't work you've got a port forwarding problem.
  22. What map? Try typing 'info TheMapNameHere' in the console and see what it says.
  23. Lua is certainly a more widely-accepted language and has been used in many games. Learning Lua is certainly more likely to be useful to you long-term than PAWN, and might even get you a job. It's also much more dynamic - which tends to make it faster and more fun to use, the downside being that you're more likely to make silly mistakes that the compiler can't catch (as with any dynamic language).
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