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Everything posted by eAi

  1. In my experience, Chrome and Safari will load pages that both Firefox and IE crash or hang on. They also cope with very long pages much much better than Firefox.
  2. Check what resources you're running for a start. Look for anything suspicious. Then try searching all your resources (your resourcecache folder is best) for the server name (or IP) that it's sending them too.
  3. That isn't your script. Credit your source.
  4. Anything that reduces the barrier of entry is good. I was one of the proponents of git in the first place - purely on principle, rather than after actually having tried it. The use of git was always on meant to be on a trial basis, and I think it seemed obvious to me fairly quickly that there are some fairly major issues with it (mostly in it's usability). I think going back to SVN is fine - it's not the 'cool' thing to do. Everything I've read has suggested that git is much better at merging branches than SVN is - I've little experience with doing that in either, but if that's been taken into account, I'd go for it. Just make sure there are systems in-place to make the processes smooth, and people to keep those systems running. If only Accurev was open source!
  5. eAi

    client / server

    This isn't your own code - the English in it is better than yours.
  6. Disabled his account and deleted the resource.
  7. Be interesting to try it in a slightly more predictable way, a bit like the colour matching games like Guitar Hero. That way you get a slight advanced warning what's going to happen - maybe one side lights up (or a marker appears). Maybe it could happen regularly every 10 seconds initially, and get faster and faster. Although I see the interest in this version, it seems a bit punishing and perhaps lacking in skill - giving people a bit of warning would make it easier to pick up and still as hard to master. I think there's more potential for combining colour matching style gameplay with racing that could be interesting to explore.
  8. IE is a pain to code for, and pretty much universally hated by web developers. So, yes, your choice of using IE does limit your access to websites. IE can't even get some of the simplest layouts right, though it has undeniably got better. I can't think of any reason you'd use IE over Firefox or Chrome, except for fanatical devotion.
  9. Add some custom events with addEvent/triggerEvent then other resources can build on your resource without modifying it.
  10. As the wiki says, if you'd bother to read it.
  11. Zombies don't use guns.
  12. I think this would be a useful feature too - as I mentioned before. Provide a simple playback resource that other resources can use. I guess it'd have to manage the setup and cleanup of each playback neatly, so as not to leave mess in the world.
  13. Well, there's an obvious easy solution!
  14. Surprisingly, yes, you can use MTA's map editor to make maps for MTA. Odd how that happened.
  15. Annoying, yes, but a fact of life. Your server should have the vast majority of your code. Client side code should provide interface and cosmetic elements. If you're sending a lot of data from client to server, you're probably doing it wrong.
  16. It's about encouraging developers to do things properly. There shouldn't really be any client-side functions that can cause desync. It encourages developers to do things client-side that really should be, then wonder why things don't work correctly.
  17. You can adjust the speed by setting 'time'.
  18. I'm really impressed. We discussed making a resource like this 'officially' a few months back, but decided nobody really had the time. A few points, just from watching the video: - As others have said, try and avoid using the chatbox. We've always strongly discouraged this as it's pretty ugly and not user-friendly. You already display whether you're recording/playing back on the HUD, that should be enough - you can hide extra stuff in the console if people want it. - Minimize the number of keys - provide a GUI for them if you possibly can, even if keys are much faster, the GUI helps introduce new users. - It should be possible to integrate this inside the editor - this would probably make some things easier! - When we discussed this in the team, we talked about a timeline view - like 'real' video editors have. Here it could be really useful, you might want to make a car start driving a little earlier or later for example, or speed up or slow down a section or something. Lots of possibilities there, probably not that easy, but you see pretty capable! Adding something like that would really take things to the next level. - What about having it so you can play back a player or vehicle as a spectator (i.e. in the view you were in originally, behind them), and if you want, take over control of them? Maybe you could record the driving the first time, and the drive by the second time - or maybe you recorded a really long drive but then crashed near the end and just want to redo that bit? - Can you record different cameras and cut between them? What about adding in fade to blacks and so on? I've love to see this made into a cut scene editor, that could then be used by other resources. Even better, perhaps it could build into a co-op game mode editor, though that's fairly different! Well done! Looking forward to seeing what you do next!
  19. eAi

    Web request

    It should be entirely possible and pretty easy to get this working with ASP.NET. If you do, please release your source so others can use it!
  20. callRemote may do what you want.
  21. eAi

    spawn help.

    Once again, please store your locations in map files. That's what they're for!
  22. You can block HTTP access to individual resources in the ACL too.
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