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Everything posted by eAi

  1. It was never really intended to be a permanent feature of MTA - it was added so we could tell which version we were running during beta testing. That said, it does have some benefits as it identifies screenshots and videos as being from MTA.
  2. eAi

    Strange thing

    At most they can create their own vehicle that you can't see. I don't believe they'll even be able to drive them.
  3. Download the latest Release Candidate from https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ - the latest green build with 1.0.4-rc in it's name.
  4. Well, aclGetGroup ( "Admin, Junior-admin" ) looks wrong to me.
  5. I'm confused - what do you expect us to do about it? Is anyone claiming you and he are the same person?
  6. You did, the evidence is in the script.
  7. See Example 2 on: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetElementsByType#Example
  8. You're not meant to read the settings data directly, as this can be overridden by admins.
  9. eAi


    So, don't rely on element data for syncing important things. This isn't ideal, and I think improvements can be made here, but the basic principle is - Don't Trust The Client. Ever. It always will be too - we can't check or guarantee that the client is running legitimate code.
  10. eAi


    I believe that events triggered using triggerServerEvent do pass the player that triggered them as a hidden argument. I can't remember what the name is though - maybe sourcePlayer or sourceClient or something?
  11. eAi


    Files are already locally hashed, though this isn't secure. This is why we suggest that you never trust client-side scripts - put important logic server-side, and limit what clients can do.
  12. Map files are the best place to store position-based data, that's what they're designed for. This is fast, and can be edited by the MTA editor - and various other editors.
  13. eAi

    [DEV] Unicode support

    If we make Lua support wide chars as the link you referenced said, couldn't we convert other strings in our netcode to UTF-8 too - rather than the hacky method? There can't be a huge number, and support could be added gradually if it really is an issue. Maybe I'm missing something. Also from my limited understanding, isn't UTF-8 preferable to UTF-16 in that it's backwards compatible with ASCII?
  14. Anyone feel like making that into an example for the wiki - it's lacking one currently.
  15. eAi

    SQL Question

    That'd be quite a slow thing to do with a large table. I'd generally avoid adding columns to tables like this - unless it's a kind of administrative task.
  16. eAi

    Passing by...

    I redesigned the home page - don't go giving that toad all the credit!
  17. Yes - assuming you mean by scripting: ShowChat ShowPlayerHudComponent
  18. eAi

    Weird Spawn

    You haven't attached your function to an event - you've not used addEventHandler. Check you've followed the wiki carefully.
  19. eAi

    easy question.

    No, it's up to the server admin to provide an option to turn them off if they want. We can't force admins to provide features to their users. If you want them off - ask the admin to modify the relevant resource to provide you with an option to do so, or play on other servers.
  20. eAi


    I'd make redmarker and bluemarker have their own functions - it's simpler. bluemarker = createMarker ( 4000, -460, 25, "corona", 3, 0, 0, 255, 255 ) -- blue redmarker = createMarker ( 4040, -460, 25, "corona", 3, 255, 0, 0, 255 ) -- red function setElementGravity(theElement, gravity) if (getElementType(theElement)=='ped') then setPedGravity ( theElement, gravity ) end end function BlueMarkerHit(theElement) setElementGravity ( theElement, 0.008 ) end function RedMarkerHit(theElement) setElementGravity ( theElement, 0.004 ) end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", bluemarker, BlueMarkerHit ) addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", redmarker, RedMarkerHit )
  21. It would, but I guess sockets aren't elements. I reckon they could be though - but I'm not sure if there's a simple way to make new C element types.
  22. I'm interested why scripters think it's the event consumer's responsibility to add the event, rather than the event emitter's? When I envisioned this system, I expected the resource that triggered event to register the event.
  23. The fact that even the syntax highlighting in your code above is broken is a good sign you've done something wrong.
  24. eAi

    Crash After Splash

    Sounds like a graphic card drive could be the cause, as the crash sounds like it's roughly when the direct x device is initialized. It could be many other things of course!
  25. I'm pretty sure MTA has already has dead reckoning, at least it used to.
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