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Everything posted by Feche1320

  1. Ah, that is smart. And what about music mp3 and images files?
  2. No, if you want to share a DB with another host, you MUST use MySQL. MTA internal .db is only for the current server that is running it.
  3. Okay, I managed to create the objects serverside, no more download but I have issues to load the clienside scripts.. any help please? thanks
  4. Thank you! I will see what I can do
  5. Mhh do you know the download link for the resource?
  6. But I have more than 800 maps lol Edit: better question, is there any function to load a specific .lua file? for example: loadLuaScript("scriptname.lua")
  7. Okay I have a problem.. my idea was to read the .map file serverside and then create the objects, but in order to load the map scripts, resource has to be started, but if I start the resource, map download appears again.. any idea on how to fix this?
  8. Mhhh, maybe I know how, thanks for the clue.
  9. I was on some race servers that map download is instant, objects are loaded as soon the resource is loaded avoiding map downloads.. how is this done? thanks :
  10. How can I do that? I tried cancelEvent() under onVehicleDamage but it's not working! Thanks
  11. Feche1320


    Any way to do it without a timer?
  12. I am currently using this script server side: elseif col.tp == "vehiclechange" then if getElementModel(veh) ~= tonumber(col.model) then setElementModel(veh, col.model) triggerClientEvent(player, "onPickUpSetPosition", veh) playSoundFrontEnd(player, 46) triggerEvent("onRacePickupPickUp", player, col.tp, tonumber(col.model)) for i, playa in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if isClientReady(playa) then triggerClientEvent(playa, "onClientRacePickupPickUp", player, col.tp, tonumber(col.model)) end end end end Sometimes, very random, screen freezes, and MTA aswell, to close it i have to use task manager. Nah they won't even read it, I have 9 open tickets atm since 1 - 2 month.
  13. Sometimes when I use setElementModel on vehicles, it crashes my client and I have to close it by task killing it (ctrl+alt+del), any ideas of why? Thanks
  14. How could I get the current players and display it on a webpage? Just as GameMonitor does.
  15. local jobMarker = createMarker(1808.1796875, -1916.625, 12.56644821167, "cylinder", 2, 0, 255, 255, 100 ) function jobMarkerHit(p,d) if getElementType(p) == "player" and not isPedInVehicle(p) and d then local v = createVehicle(431, 1798.38171, -1929.55750, 13.38790) spawnPlayer(p, 1798, -1929, 13) if v then setTimer(warpPedIntoVehicle, 50, 1, p, v) setPlayerTeam ( p, Bus) end end end addCommandHandler("acceptjob", jobMarkerHit) It's not working becouse you are a lazy to check if the code is right.. bad for you, scripter.
  16. It's not a bug (or maybe it is), but you have to spawnPlayer first or it won't work.
  17. Is there anything to check if a player hits a line made with dxDrawLine3D?
  18. Is there any way to lock the time to a specific our without using a timer? Like setTimeLocked ? Thanks
  19. Server function getServerMaps(loadList) local maps = {} for i, res in ipairs(getResources()) do if getResourceInfo(res, "type") == "map" then table.insert(maps, { name = getResourceInfo(res, "name"), resname = getResourceName(res) }) end end callClientFunction(loadList, "loadMaps", maps) end Client function loadMaps(maps) guiGridListClear(gridMaps) aGamemodeMapTable = maps for i, map in ipairs(maps) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(gridMaps) guiGridListSetItemText(gridMaps, row, 1, map.name, false, false) guiGridListSetItemData(gridMaps, row, 1, map.resname) updateMapLabels(1) end end
  20. First of all, learn some proper english lol. Secondly, learn some lua too local x, y, z = 0, 0, 0 x = tonumber(guiGetText(GUIEditor_Edit[5])) y = tonumber(guiGetText(GUIEditor_Edit[6])) z = tonumber(guiGetText(GUIEditor_Edit[7]))
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