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Everything posted by Feche1320

  1. When I spawn a train and drive it, before entering Las Venturas, train turns left and drives on a 'ghost path' and it's on air, any fix?
  2. When I want to delete a col sphere, I just use destroyElement? Thanks
  3. How to set the map name that appears on Game-Monitor?
  4. I have a doubt, can getTickTime return the same value twice? As far as I know, MTA is single-threaded, so the other function won't execute untill the first one is finished, and it won't be possible to return the same tick. That's my doubt, thanks.
  5. Why do I get this error? http://i.imgur.com/B0N95.jpg
  6. Yes, that's my point. Anyways, I solved it by sending to the client the remaining time, and not the whole amount of time.
  7. I don't have the same getTickCount value on server than on client.
  8. Is there any way to sync getTickCount client-side too?
  9. So, I'm drawing a text on the world, using getScreenFromWorldPosition and getDistanceBetweenPoints3D. Everything works perfect, but there's a little detail: if dist <= 80 then local x, y = getScreenFromWorldPosition(pick.posX, pick.posY, pick.posZ, 0.06) local alpha = 255 - (dist * 3.15) local scale = 1 / (0.7 * (dist / 150)) if x and y then dxDrawText(getVehicleNameFromModel(pick.vehicle), x, y, x, y, tocolor(255, 255, 255, alpha), scale, "bankgothic", "center") end end If I go away, text just get's smaller and it doesn't have a 'relative' value according to the distance. Help would be appreciated, thanks.
  10. Nevermind, it was an issue with setElementFrozen, freezing in server-side and unfreezeng it client-side makes this. Problem solved.
  11. Did it, but it's still happening.
  12. Any ideas of why is this happening?
  13. Well, I just added the event onClientKey and started pressing keys, and got the "enter", that's why I used enter .
  14. Lol, what is "enter" for then? haha thanks
  15. Is there any function to avoid player from exiting a vehicle? I tried: toggleControl("enter", false) But it isn't working..
  16. No, not that one. On single player when you start, your bike skill is poor, and you can't jump too high. Like on race servers, with bike you can jump high.
  17. How can I make bikes jump higher? Thanks
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