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Everything posted by 12p

  1. 12p


    addEvent("buyfix", true) addEventHandler("buyfix", getRootElement(), function() if isPedInVehicle(source) then if ( getPlayerMoney (source) >= 15000 ) then takePlayerMoney(source, 15000) fixVehicle( getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) ) outputChatBox("*Vehicle Successfully Fixed", source, 255, 255, 0, true) outputChatBox("*Shop: "..getPlayerName(source).." has bought a repair for $15,000!",getRootElement(),0,255,0) account = getPlayerAccount(source) else outputChatBox("Not enough money.", source, 255, 0, 0, true) end end end -- you forgot to end the function at line 3 )
  2. maybe I will be able to help you at the Stunt Mapping, I've made 1 map that is very hard (in race ), check out it here (play it, you will see how hard it is ;D). If you like it, I will map something kinda that for you ;D.
  3. Maybe you forgot set this script as client-side... Did you?
  4. I just used another way and it works. Thanks anyway .
  5. Are you sure the sound path is OK? And do you see the marker above the ground, right?
  6. Well, I have modify the "zombies" resource, and I want to have a Safe Zone... But I don't want to use interiors, or the EDF or the "spawnZombie" function... So I just added these lines, but doesn't work: safeZoneShape = createColCuboid (2720.1, -2565.81, 0, 90.65, 255.16, 1000) setTimer ( function () if isElementWithinColShape (zomb, safeZoneShape) then destroyElement (zomb) end end,50,0) I have no debug errors or warnings, and zombies spawn in the colshape anyway. What's the bad thing here?
  7. I want to script for you!!! . Just a joke . Nobody will script for you, nobody wants; every scripter has its own server and life, including me. Be more intelligent.
  8. Yeah, I discovered it myself, my "Friendly Fire" scripts maked conflict with that (away from zombies). But thanks for the reply .
  9. Don't double post! And it's okay.
  10. 12p

    strange problem

    Are you sure that "zombieKills" can be processed to a number? Remember that "zombieKills" is saved at your account, maybe is causing problems your account's zombie kills data (it's a boolean value? or a nil maybe?). Just an idea.
  11. setPedAimTarget doesn't work; it causes another bug.
  12. For that, I'm telling. Please make the player's camera an element yes?.
  13. I modified a bit this resource. But when any zombie punchs me, server kicks me with this reason: "AC #1: You were kicked from the game". Can you tell me why does this happen? I do this: I replace all "run_old" zombie animations to "run_player". I replace all "player_sneak" zombie animations to "woman_walkshop" (more realistic zombie walk). I add these 4 lines: local headless = math.random (0,3) if headless == 0 then setPedHeadless (zomb,true) end And that's all I do.
  14. Aiming and looking (with mouse). It's not possible to aim the weapon, and change your point of view uisng the mouse. You can move and change direction, but you must use your keyboard for that.
  15. Well... There are some resources that make MTA looks like GMod. For example, "moving-objects" is a resource that keeps object movements by just moving yourself and setting the object movement target as your position. So it keeps out the object movement scripting. And a new "blip maker" that keeps you change the blips picture, making your own ones.
  16. well... nice, congratulations. Hope you will find a scripter ;D. I may do it, but I have already my Special Zombies server. PS: We will beat you, we are very original on scripts ;D.
  17. WTF, another ******* recluting message. LOL!!! LMAO!!!
  18. Yeah, I tried doing it... It works fine, camera works... But the direction is the problem D:
  19. It's not. I tried making a RE4 static camera. "setCameraMatrix" in "onClientRender" event doesn't work properly. I want to ATTACH the element (if player rotates, camera gets static to the player look).
  20. Maybe a "createPed" way? With the rotation, animation, and everything. Not the Slothman's "createBot", just the simple "createPed".
  21. I please you, MTA team, make the camera an element, or make a function that retrieves it as an element. It will make easier some "camera hacks", for example, using attachElements (player,camera,1,1,0.5) so camera position from player is changed.
  22. Subliminal message under image... . Nice work, it looks really nice, pretty .
  23. 1. Don't make double replies. 2. I don't know anything about this gamemode (it crashes or doesn't load the map?), but I think it isn't an error, if nobody replied. 3. This is not the right place for asking for this error. Post it in the official Basemode #2 thread (resources forum).
  24. 12p


    You made a SPAM message. Maybe you want to keep players know ALL his/her kills on freeroam window?
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