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Everything posted by 12p

  1. 12p

    Lógica de Castillo

    Que ahora me borre el post otro moderador... Me cago de risa
  2. Thanks twice, because you helped me twice with only 1 answer.
  3. 12p

    Lógica de Castillo

    No. Simplemente di las gracias de nuevo porque tenía 2 razones. 1. No sabía que los objetos no tenían colshape. Tú me enseñaste eso. 2. Sin más que eso, me diste la solución para mi problema, que iba más allá de la simple colshape. Si tengo 2 razones para dar las gracias, ¿no puedo dar gracias 2 veces? ¿Qué es esto, una dictadura donde nadie puede dar gracias 2 veces? Estás privándome de mi libertad de expresión ._.
  4. >Me llama spammer. >En cada tema en el que se le dé las gracias, hará un post sólo para decir "de nada". >Si yo doy las gracias 2 veces, me borra la segunda vez. >No estoy haciendo SPAM, al igual que él no hace SPAM diciendo "de nada". >Pero me llama spammer de todos modos. Y usa su poder de moderador para hacer valer el hecho de que hago SPAM. No, Castillo. Tú también haces SPAM, hipócrita. (espero y no te lo tomes en serio. estoy jugando)
  5. When the community is a bunch of assholes like that one you described, RP is never enjoyable. Otherwise, it becomes something cool when right done (e.g. SAUR).
  6. Debugscript is throwing me an error at that function. Maybe I can't check collisions with an element's colshape? disappearingObj = getElementByID( "disappearingObject" ) if isElementWithinColShape( getLocalPlayer( ), getElementColShape( disappearingObj ) ) then
  7. Hipocrit. I could mess around joking about your lack of social life then. I would like to know that. The actual version looks pretty good. Checking the Servers forum by 5 seconds. There are still lots of crazy people in the RP community...
  8. The way Moonlight made this map is interesting. I might be checking out other his previous stuff.
  9. 2:05 If that part would have been longer I would have liked this map.
  10. Can't say I liked it, but it was a bit better than other maps. If you both continue this way I may start giving thumbs up to you.
  11. So the map name's "EMOTION"... Exactly what it lacks of. Better get some interesting mapping ideas or just stop it. All I see is decoration and no effort but into making exactly the same stunts as everyone else.
  12. Hell, I haven't been active in a long time and yet nobody manages to beat my postcount and take my position as poster. This forum needs moar activity, ya'know. However, how have you been, guys? Anything in particular you could tell me about news?
  13. 12p

    Guys need help with PC

    Yes (the DVD reader+recorder), but that isn't the only problem; also the card's width is bigger than my PC's width... Also, if I was going to remove the DVD recorder then it would be a complete mess; I'm using it pretty much 20% of the time because I am recording many DVDs with series and stuff like that. Saying it another way; I would need to (turn off) take off the video card, put the DVD recorder and record any DVD, (turn off) then take off the DVD recorder and put the GTX550 to be able to play my games.
  14. 12p

    Guys need help with PC

    It says it needs at least a 500W power supply and mine's 600W. I READ IT FROM THE USER'S MANUAL.
  15. 12p

    Guys need help with PC

    Because I AM A FRIGGIN' IDIOT. Isn't it clear already? The actual one I got (GT210) is the first PCI-Express I ever got running in any PC of mine. So I didn't even suspect there would be "giant" graphics cards like this GTX550 one. Not like it was that obvious for me.
  16. Yeah, hi, it's been a long time I wasn't around here... Sorry However, I need help. I bought this NVidia GeForce GTX550 Ti. But my problem is this: MY COMPUTER IS TOO SMALL. It's a Gear Slim 31i and only supports uATX motherboards. Its dimensions are 105x305x395mm so... I can't put my new card there. I'm not changing it, though, but I need you guys to tell me your PC dimensions (not the monitor, obviously), ONLY if you are using a Dual-Slot graphics card (or if your motherboard supports it). Btw, probably I'll end buying a CoolerMaster RC-311B-OKN1, but dunno if it will support the size of the GTX550 Ti, that's why I'm not completely sure about this. So, if you can help me with this, I'll appreciate it very much
  17. "Solidsnake14" name="Knife" version="0.3.2" type="script" />
  18. His second argument was wrong written. He intented to say "abusing the common wallrides and loops".
  19. Meh. Not bad. The map itself needs some improvement and kill those bloody wallrides. Apart from that I didn't hate/dislike anything.
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