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Everything posted by SanZoR

  1. Maybe you should read my post first?
  2. Its not image? i see text there...
  3. Script should give me answer is there respawn or no. etc. when you type !mode at the game, this script should give me answer is there respawn on/off...
  4. Btw, modifed from !trace script!
  5. Hello, i got problem with this script: on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:{ if ($3 == !mode) map.mode $1- } alias map.mode { if (!$sock(map.mode)) sockopen map.mode www.xendot.com 80 } on *:SOCKOPEN:map.mode*:{ tokenize 32 %map.mode if ($sockerr > 0) { sockclose $sockname mta.text $1 Error with !mode command! } else { sockwrite -n $sockname GET /mta/map/respawn.php?map= $+ http://fin-mta.zapto.org/maps/ $+ $mta.race($1) $+ .map $+ &display=whois HTTP/1.1 sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: MSIE 6.0 sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.xendot.com sockwrite $sockname $crlf } } on *:SOCKCLOSE:map.mode*:{ unset %tr.* } on *:SOCKREAD:map.mode*:{ var %t sockread %t tokenize 32 %map.mode mta.text $1 $mta.race($1) $+ 's Respawn Mode: $gettok(%t,2-,58) sockclose $sockname } } Example: http://www.xendot.com/mta/map/respawn.php?map=http://fin-mta.zapto.org/maps/flatout.map If you found what is wrong, please help! Thanks for advance!
  6. Sorry for bumping, but is there possible to use just space in name? Like this: http://www.xendot.com/mta/map/respawn.p ... rg/maps/MY MAP.map There are now allowed to use space... http://www.xendot.com/mta/map/respawn.p ... %20MAP.map
  7. you are wrong.. $4- means that it will use all the parameters since $4 ($4 $5 $6 $7...$n) example: on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:{ if ($3 == !test) test i am sooo cool, better than anyone in the world! } alias test { mta.text $1 $5- ; $1 = 'i', $2 = 'am', $3 = 'sooo', $4 = 'cool,', $5 = better, etc. ; so this one will return 'better than anyone in the world!' (since the fifth parameter and further) } Well, yes is you put those in 'var'...
  8. $4- works like this: If script is !lol, and you type it like !lol someone, and there's a $4- in mta.text, it will displays it like this: Player is laughing out loud at 'someone'
  9. Thanks for suggestions and anything else! Im almost done my version 1.0, and i have too friendlist there And i will make it for PGS, sure... Now i have done: - Friendlist - Own finish text. - Own join text. - own !nick text, where you can add anything what you want =D So... I will release them all, you have little time to post there more commands what you want be in next release!
  10. That works just fine, so i cannot see the error. Maybe i can add 'Signal' and under of it getid, but this one works fine too =P And im almost done my version 1.0, and i wanna it works perfectly, so i really wanna know what is wrong.
  11. Okay... I will try to edit prs version more... Btw, what was problem in gus version?
  12. SanZoR

    Ascii Pic

    Sorry, but i cant find what you mean... Please explain...
  13. Did you wrote this with notepad? Looks noobish, and why did you wrote that like ''Signal'' You need to use ''SIGNAL''... However, this script is kinda useless...
  14. SanZoR

    Super Alias!

    i think you know that there are some noobs what couldnt edit anything. So, i make this script for PRS. There it goes: on *:SIGNAL:mta.join: { var %pma = 0,%ID = $2 while (%pma <= $mta.server($1).cmax) { if ($mta.level($1,%pma) >= 2) { if (%pma != %ID) mta.pm $1 %pma Alias for $mta.nick($1,%ID) $+ : $iif($readini($scriptdir $+ alias.ini,ALIAS,$mta.ip($1,%ID)),$v1,Not Found) } !inc %pma } } Btw, as you can see, i put this only for lvl 2 admins...
  15. i have added new prices into PGS version, please check PGS version out, cause im not sure am i did everything right way.
  16. Hello, I have just finished my new !buy scripts. Please post there ideas, suggestions and anything what you want, and comment these scripts. All of them are tested, and works fine. REMEMBER: This version is ONLY for GUS. When i have free time, i will make them for PRS using hash tables. This one is using writeini commands. If you can modife it yourself, feel free to do it, but if you can wait few days i will do it. So there it goes: ----------------------------- ADDED SO FAR: --> !buykick - With this command you can buy kicks for some player. Price is $1000 --> !buyselffreeze - With this command you can freeze yourself for 15 seconds. Price is $200 --> !buyfreeze - With this command you can freeze another player for 5 seconds. This will be useful if there are you with monster and another player with normal car. Price is $200 --> !buystart - With this command you can start map what you want. Price is $500 ------------------------------ Feel free to edit prices and other stuff in scripts. So as i said, please post there !buy suggestions. If i have free time, i will add that in next version. ------------------------------ DOWNLOAD THIS SCRIPT HERE: http://pixelitaivas.com/buycommands.mrc ------------------------------ EDIT!!! PGS + PRS version out NOW!!! Download it HERE: http://pixelitaivas.com/buycommandsPGS.mrc Btw, someone, please check them! Im not sure am i done everything right, but i think so. Enjoy! ----------------------------- I hope you like them! - Lil'San^,^u<3
  17. Btw, if you konw even little bit of scripting, you can simply add gus's admin system to prs, and use gus.level...
  18. SanZoR

    Problem with Script

    There are same much lines
  19. SanZoR

    Problem with Script

    ...Btw, how about this one: on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:{ var %a = $iif($4 == $null,$2,$mta.getid($1,$4)) if ($3 == !warn) { if (%a == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !warn elseif (%a == $2) mta.pm $1 $2 You cannot warn yourself! elseif ($gus.level($1,$2) >= 10) { !writeini -n " $+ $scriptdir $+ warn.ini" WARNS $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($iif($readini($scriptdir $+ warn.ini,WARNS,$mta.nick($1,%a)),$readini($scriptdir $+ warn.ini,WARNS,$mta.nick($1,%a)),0) + 1) if ($readini($scriptdir $+ warn.ini,WARNS,$mta.nick($1,%a)) >= 3) mta.ban $1 %a if ($readini($scriptdir $+ warn.ini,WARNS,$mta.nick($1,%a)) >= 2) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) has been warned 2 times, next warn is a ban! if ($readini($scriptdir $+ warn.ini,WARNS,$mta.nick($1,%a)) >= 1) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) has been warned 1 time! } else mta.pm $1 $2 You must be level 10 to use this command. } }
  20. SanZoR

    Problem with Script

    First of all, that script is typed with really bad english, so that is one problem
  21. Most of those stuff are in interior objects? I have see those stuff there before, but couldnt found them again :l
  22. StarOfStar is finnish, and his english is bad, so i tell him to say it to finnish, so i can help him...
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