long live MTA!!!..
My best moments was the first time i found out there actually was an MP mod for GTA "Two years ago"
And i was playing the mod lets see almost every day after that.. Yes i've got a life soo dont think i dont =D..
Soo i hope too see some more action from the MTA team when a new GTA game comes to the PC without a MP mod and i wish that the mta team will be the first folks making one for "EKS: GTAIV or a new title after that"
Grats MTA ^^
I usually got 25-35 FPS =S Specs: -intel Inside Pentium D 925 3,00 Ghz With 512MB GF 7300 SE and 2 GB ram
How the hell can you run Sa better than me by just getting one more ram =/ maybe me that got some shitty bricks "Ram"
Why dont get more Scripters that can start in a way on MTA SA: Race 2,0 ?
Ohh and wasnt there a site that some folks from the mta team made based on some RPG mod or something? Remember there was a site