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Everything posted by 50p

  1. 50p

    Moving peds

    TBH, I don't understand you.
  2. Then you'll have to check if you logged in successfully (server-side) if so, then hide the login window. The wiki "introduction to GUI scripting" should tell you that.
  3. Something similar. You must pay attention to end when using if, elseif and else statements. Also, what wdwLogin is? Assuming to your code it's a Window, so you don't want to get the text of the window title bar but the edit (text box) so you must check if edtUser and edtPass are not empty strings. if ( guiGetText( edtUser ) ~= "" ) and ( guiGetText( edtPass ) ~= "" ) then -- rest of the code end I recommend you type end just after then (the next line). That way you will always have the statements "closed".
  4. 50p

    Moving peds

    setPedControlState http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=mSI4sgihFwU&ftm=22
  5. 50p

    1.0 server

    There is lots of things you need to have before you can compile it (eg. Platform SDK)
  6. Do not use source as name of parameter, ever! Use player, vehicle or something else instead. How do you know what is source? I've explained it somewhere on the forum the other day.
  7. Why do you talk about this in Scripting section? Stop flooding.
  8. A debug window is what appears when you type "/debugscript " (usually use 3 because it will show all the errors/warnings when executing your script) in chatbox or withoug '/' in console (which can be shown with ` the key under Esc). From the code you posted I can't say you're a noob because you know what table and nil in Lua are (there is no noob that knows this ). Make sure your xml file doesn't have any errors: http://www.w3schools.com/Dom/dom_validate.asp
  9. Does executeCommandHandler works? It didn't in DP2.x because if it did, many servers would have a script that changes chatbox to look better by executing commands.
  10. First of all, load file whenever you need and unload it when you're done with it. Do not load the file onResourceStart and unload it onResourceStop, you may have problems when server crash. Second of all, paste long codes on http://pastebin.com You should debug the code by outputing messages (outputChatBox or outputDebugString (with debugscript window enabled)). As you can see the errors say "bad argument", that means the argument passed to the function does not match the argument it expects. Some functions returns elements and false (if it fails), so check if the returned value is not false, especially when working with XML.
  11. call() doesn't seem to work now or it didn't in r35 (which I'm using).
  12. AFAIR votemanager has a function for starting polls. EDIT: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/index.ph ... otemanager
  13. No custom skins and textures on skins, so it's not possible.
  14. 50p

    Images alpha

    They are supported but in some images you will see a "white border" in places of transparency.
  15. 50p

    marker problems

    1st thing you have to do is think of how MTA events work. 2nd thing you must consider is how do you know which marker player hit? 3rd thing you should think of is where are you going to take the coords of teleportation? You should check if marker that you hit is the marker that you wanted? if source == lvpd then -- you just hit marker stored in variable -> lvpd -- so teleport me somewhere end
  16. 50p

    Images alpha

    In image editing software you can save .png with transparency. That transparency is used in CEGUI (gui library used in MTA) too, so you can do that. In Photoshop you can just cut out that circle and it should be transparent (white and grey squares) when you save it.
  17. Vehicles are not objects. Try to make an object of vehicle. I've never tried that myself by worth a try.
  18. If you don't know if releasing source code gives you ability to support controllers then you're not likely to make it. Also make sure you can compile the solution before you start making any changes. You'd have to find some input code in MTA10 folder or its sub-folders.
  19. setVehicleLightState You can break lights. Break front-left and back-left but fix front-right and back-right then swap. That's how you make it.
  20. 50p


    I guess so that the camera doesn't move with the player, but stays at the same position. That's what I can understand out of the code and his explanation. Did indeed look a little weird on first watch though... ^^ From what he described I understand that he wants to set camera inside of player's ass; like an FPS but camera set a bit lower then head.
  21. 50p


    If you're using the latest server (Nightly build) then it's setCameraMatrix and getCameraMatrix. If you want to get player's position you need to use getElementPosition (I can't see it in your code).
  22. 50p

    Travel Meter

    That is correct if M is distance travelled.
  23. 50p

    Travel Meter

    ROFL 1Km = 1m * 1000
  24. GTA has its own recoil, can't you see? Why would you need to change it?
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