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Everything posted by 50p

  1. <script src="client.lua" type="client" />
  2. I don't have that script and I'm sure there are other people here who can help you with that. Speaking to the author of the resource would be the best idea, so that he can fix it and release a new fixed version.
  3. What you're doing is creating new blip for every zombie every time a zombie spawns. then you end up with plenty of blips attached to all zombies. This is what you're doing: When they die you destroy only the latest blip for the dying zombie, what about the other blips that you created in the pointless loop? They stay on the map. See what you're doing wrong?
  4. It depends what is in the script. Simple GUI shouldn't lag. Maybe you have some other resource which uses a render event that may slow down their fps. On my very old PC, it took about 1-2 seconds before I could open admin panel the first time but that panel is full of ui elements and when I hid it and reopened it was fine. It only happened at creation of GUI.
  5. @Lloyd Logan, read Cadu12's message again. Tab adds 4 spaces, Shift+Tab removes 4 spaces but it only works if you highlight more than 1 lines. I find it annoying not being able to reverse tab just 1 line so I will report it to the lib author since he's pretty active. BTW, I will have to delay the release from this week to the next week or the week after (depending how long it will take me to fix the issues) since I found MTASE not working the way it should after using installer. Yes, I'll be using installers from now on.
  6. Save it in a database or a simple text file then load it when you need to use it.
  7. Or https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ils&id=186
  8. 50p


    Go ahead, I'll have a look.
  9. 50p


    It doesn't really matter where you get the model from. As long as it's a 3D mesh converted to editable poly/mesh. I still can't tell you what you're doing wrong. If the game crashes even single player then files must be corrupted. The dff seems fine as it loads in DFF viewer. TXD also looks fine. Have you tried to load these without .col?
  10. 50p


    You must be doing something wrong. Every step is important. Describe what you're doing step by step.
  11. 50p

    Disable pickups

    Right, not used to race resource but just checked it and it seems only dummy elements are server-side and pickups themselves are not actual pickups but models with colshape around them.
  12. 50p

    Disable pickups

    function disablepickups(_,_,pickupType) local racePickups = getElementsByType( "racepickup" ); for _,v in ipairs(racePickups) do if getElementData( v, "type" ) == pickupType then -- skip this statement if you want to remove all race pickups destroyElement(v) end end end addCommandHandler("testing", disablepickups) -- /testing repair EDIT: Sorry, haven't read your last post.
  13. It's hard to say what it is from the screenshot. It looks like a texture problem or vertex ordering is different. Try to weld all the vertices that are close to each other.
  14. Do server-side scripting as much as possible. Only do UI based scripts client-side this way your script is safer, clients don't have to download as much and last but not least everything is synced. Good luck.
  15. 50p


    No. MTA has disabled some Lua functions due to security reasons.
  16. This should explain your problem. addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", marker, srandomveh)
  17. 50p


    If you're using 3DS Max then you can create COL within 3DS Max. You can check youtube for tutorials if you want to.
  18. Are you changing these client-side? Get in the car and run this code from admin panel: setElementDimension( getPedOccupiedVehicle( getPlayerFromName( "YOUR NICK" ) ), 2) Then this: getElementDimension( getPedOccupiedVehicle( getPlayerFromName( "YOUR NICK" ) ) ) Watch the chatbox and see if the second run will return 2.
  19. Isn't that what you're doing when you save your vehicles? getElementDimension and getElementInterior return their current dimension and interior respectively.
  20. I'm not using the script. I never test people's script either. I only test them after I don't see anything wrong with the code. I just looked at the mistakes he made and I quickly looked at local interior" but missed the "Interior" which I copied. @HeavyMetal, Dimension is not the same as dimension.
  21. 50p


    Describe how you export your files and how you verify they are valid files. You can use DFF viewer to see if your model is valid. Collision File Editor to check your .col files and G-TXD or TXD Workshop to validate your .txd files.
  22. You SQL insert ends with: ..Interior.."',"'..Dimension..'"") but should be: ..Interior.."','"..Dimension.."'")
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