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Everything posted by shibz!

  1. That was made public quite sometime ago i think. But yeah, nice to look on the past.
  2. Elo Reb, long time no see
  3. Lmao.. When will the first version release ? (Good but hatefull question.. =) ) You know that's not going to get answered...
  4. There was even a blog entry about. Fuck me people read ffs
  5. shibz!

    Noob needs tuts

    on* :say:!lol*:#: /msg $chan $nick laughs out loud at you. Wrong on *:TEXT:!lol*:#:/msg $chan $nick laughs out loud at you.
  6. shibz!

    Noob needs tuts

    Use the mIRC help, in mIRC press F1. Also, I suggest just looking at other peoples scripts and scanning through those and see what does what, that's what I've done. Hope that helps a bit.
  7. Jesus man. People give you answers in your previous topic, then you come here and start a new one?
  8. shibz!


  9. Why to people not look at other topics and repeatedly post the same stuff
  10. lol then you're not making it are you
  11. shibz!

    MTA:MA Scripting

    Well, MTAmA runs off mIRC so the commands are very similar.
  12. shibz!

    MTA:MA Scripting

    I've found using mIRC's help very useful lately. To get it up press F1. It lists every function and anything you need to know about mIRC Scripting.
  13. shibz!

    MTA:mA Help!

    What would that be then?
  14. shibz!

    MTA:mA Help!

    Read the help sections that have already been posted.
  15. shibz!

    MTA:MA Scripting

    You're trying to read a text file with the $readini function. Try the following: if ($3 == !place) { var %a = $mta.area($1,$2) if (%a == Vice-City) { mta.msg $1 $2 There is no property at your current location } else { mta.say $1 %a --- Owner: $read(vcpdata.txt, %a, Owner) --- Price: $calc($read(vcpdata.txt, %a, Price) + 1) } } Or you could even just rename vcpdata.txt to vcpdata.ini as use the code you were using before. Gl
  16. shibz!

    !giveme bot

    Well obviously it can be made in VB or any other language, but as said in a previous post, it's breaking MTA's EULA.
  17. shibz!

    i need help

    The rules clearly state that no discussions of Warez are to be held on the Forums.
  18. Nice, I look foward to some more information
  19. Who? I've just done a World Cup theme'd signature and avatar now, basically because I fucking own.
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