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Everything posted by Kenix
adds only 1 instead of 2 bindKey ("F5", "down", function() if (guiGetVisible(MainWindowLevel) == false) then guiSetVisible(MainWindowLevel,true) showCursor(true) if (skillsID) then local ids = split(getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"SkillBought"), string.byte(';')) for lol, id in ipairs(ids) do if (id == tonumber(skillsID)) then outputChatBox("get element data") local textAddSkill = guiGridListSetItemText(MainGrid,tonumber(skillsID),5,"purchased",false,false) local textAddSkill2 = guiGridListSetItemColor (MainGrid,tonumber(skillsID),5,0,255,0) outputChatBox("text add "..tostring(textAddSkill).." , "..tostring(textAddSkill2).." , "..tostring(getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"SkillBought")).."") end end end elseif (guiGetVisible(MainWindowLevel) == true) then guiSetVisible(MainWindowLevel,false) showCursor(false) end end )
видяо из оригинального встроенного мульта ГТА4 Тем более для ГТА4 уже создается "iv-mp" и его форк - "networked: iv". В iv-mp уже можно играть, скриптинг система там взята как аналог из MTASA, язык другой - основан на LUA, освоить за 1 день можно. это не то от команды мта намного лучше выйдет
он будет делаться после версии мта са 2.0 на сколько я знаю
So this question is solved but I need to make this text is saved but not added at the entrance to gridList. for save function ShopLevelSystemLogin() local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if (account) then local GetDataSkills = getAccountData( account, "SkillBuy1" ) if (GetDataSkills) then setElementData ( source, "SkillBuy", GetDataSkills ) outputDebugString("set shop level : " ..tostring(GetDataSkills)) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), ShopLevelSystemLogin) function ShopLevelSystemQuit() local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if (account) then local SaveShopLevel = getElementData(source,"SkillBuy") setAccountData (account,"SkillBuy1",SaveShopLevel) outputDebugString("save shop level : " ..tostring(SaveShopLevel)) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(),ShopLevelSystemQuit) client if ( skillsID ) then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"SkillBuy") == tonumber(skillsID) then outputChatBox("get element data") local textAddSkill = guiGridListSetItemText(MainGrid,tonumber(skillsID),5,"purchased",false,false) local textAddSkill2 = guiGridListSetItemColor (MainGrid,tonumber(skillsID),5,0,255,0) outputChatBox("text add "..tostring(textAddSkill).." , "..tostring(textAddSkill2).." , "..tostring(getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"SkillBuy"))) end end Actually, I need to add text to GridList at login
You can use the so: Example: local resourceName = getResourceName ( resource ) useGunsInSavePlace = get(resourceName..".UseGunsInSaveZone") meta <setting name="#UseGunsInSaveZone" value="[ false ]" /> and https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Get He asks if he could use this function CLIENT SIDE. I have not noticed that he was referring to the client side
You can use the so: Example: local resourceName = getResourceName ( resource ) useGunsInSavePlace = get(resourceName..".UseGunsInSaveZone") meta <setting name="#UseGunsInSaveZone" value="[ false ]" /> and https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Get
in my opinion it is already added to the MTA 1.1
objects: txd - bad support -- white textures dff - normal support -- dff with no problems encountered col - collision = bad support -- sometimes passes through the object Crash - often crashes or does not load and I do not know what it is connected Cars: txd - bad support -- white textures dff - bad support -- does not support collision in dff Crash -because of the time crash from the game I hope the MTA team to fix these problems . Please Fix This Problems. 500 post
в том то и дело что в col файле всего 1 модель только 1
Вообщем так практически постоянные креши при загрузке/рестарта объекта. Некоторые объекты вообще не хочет грузить сразу вылет Проблемы с плотностью объекта.(игрок проходит сквозь объект) На машинах :белые текстуры (возможно это связано что TXD не подгружается на машину),не делается плотность на машину(возможно проблема с DFF ). и многое многое другое... Как можно решить эти проблемы? Может быть есть какой-нибудь урок для удачной замены объектов и машин?
it working if remove KillTimer Thx guys
I altered the code now it is fully working. yes it work THX DUDE but WARNING : level/test.lua:13 Bad `element` pointer @ `getElementData`(1) this 13 line local SecondsTime5 = getElementData(thePlayer,"Seconds") full code setTimer . StartSecondsTime = setTimer(function() local SecondsTime5 = getElementData(thePlayer,"Seconds") if (SecondsTime5) then local getSecondsTime5 = getElementData(thePlayer, "Seconds") if getSecondsTime5 then setElementData(thePlayer,"Seconds",tonumber(getSecondsTime5+1)) else outputChatBox("I can't get the Seconds!") end end end,1000,0) how fix it? it is spam in the server window.
do that every second add to ElementData + 1 and when such ElementData == 60 seconds, then zero out seconds and do a minute to. but the script does not work exports.dxscoreboard:addScoreboardColumn ( "Seconds" ) exports.dxscoreboard:addScoreboardColumn ( "Minuts") exports.dxscoreboard:addScoreboardColumn ( "Hours") function JoinStartTime(thePlayer) local TimeSec = setElementData(source,"Seconds",0) local TimeMins = setElementData(source,"Minuts",0) local TimeHour = setElementData ( source, "Hours", 0 ) StartSecondsTime = setTimer(function() local SecondsTime5 = getElementData(thePlayer,"Seconds") if (SecondsTime5) then local getSecondsTime5 = getElementData(thePlayer, "Seconds") if getSecondsTime5 then setElementData(thePlayer,"Seconds",tonumber(getSecondsTime5+1)) else outputChatBox("I can't get the Seconds!") end end end,1000,0) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(),JoinStartTime) function SetNewTimers(CurrentCurrentDataName) -- using dataName does not help and use thePlayer does not help outputChatBox("1") local getSecondsTime2 = getElementData(source,"Seconds") local getMinutsTime3 = getElementData(source,"Minuts") local SecondsTime1 = getElementData(source,"Hours") --[[ if (SecondsTime1) then local getSecondsTime1 = getElementData(source, "Seconds") if getSecondsTime1 then setElementData(source,"Seconds",tonumber(getSecondsTime1+1)) end end ]] if (CurrentDataName == "Seconds") then --[[ local getSecondsTime7 = getElementData(source, "Seconds") if getSecondsTime7 then setElementData(source,"Seconds",tonumber(getSecondsTime7+1)) end]] if tonumber( getSecondsTime2 ) == 60 then local MinutsTime2 = getElementData(source,"Minuts") if (MinutsTime2) then local getMinutsTime2 = getElementData(source, "Minuts") if getMinutsTime2 then setElementData(source,"Minuts",tonumber(getMinutsTime2+1)) setElementData(source,"Seconds",0) end end end if (CurrentDataName == "Minuts") then if tonumber( getMinutsTime3 ) == 60 then local HourTime2 = getElementData(source,"Hours") if (HourTime2) then local getHourTime3 = getElementData(source, "Hours") if getHourTime3 then setElementData(source,"Hours",tonumber(getHourTime2+1)) setElementData(source,"Minuts",0) end end end end end end addEventHandler("onElementDataChange",getRootElement(),SetNewTimers) added check once again writes an error on line 12 Bad Argument@ `getElementData` no errors in create dates outputChatBox("Create data"..tostring(TimeSec).." , "..tostring(TimeMins).." , "..tostring(TimeHour))
Я играл сегодня и вчера на тактиксе , мод не плохой но нужно ещё дорабатывать , могу предложить мою помощь если нужно. И ещё есть вопрос по подробнее о тактиксе Кто нибудь объясните кто разрабатывает и вообще вся инфа , я думаю всем будет интересно узнать и почему его никто не собирается кидать на паблик в комьюнити? . Да кстати 2 ссыль не работает.
All thanks dude I just do not quite understand =) it works.
And this time keep all codes if you are another problem this code works I wrote to you earlier but I want to do that at the start of the resource does not display but only after bind F2
Try to check your date insert this code after: bizx = data["bizx"] bizy = data["bizy"] bizz = data["bizz"] bizid = data["id"] bizname = data["name"] outputChatBox("Data = "..tostring(bizy).." , "..tostring(bizz).." , "..tostring(bizid).." , "..tostring(bizname))
not open He could not open if guiSetVisible (MainWindowLevel, true) instead of the function() I do not know what to do help local getVS = guiGetVisible(MainWindowLevel) addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() bindKey ( "F2", "down", function( ) if (guiGetVisible(MainWindowLevel) == false) then guiSetVisible(MainWindowLevel,true) showCursor(true) outputChatBox("open "..tostring(getVS)) -- Write open false Wtf elseif (guiGetVisible(MainWindowLevel) == true) then guiSetVisible(MainWindowLevel,false) showCursor(false) outputChatBox("close") end end) end)
function startShowingShopLevelMenu() showCursor(true) MainWindowLevel = guiCreateWindow(0.2234,0.0586,0.5969,0.9102,"New Skills Shop",true) MainButton = guiCreateButton(0.1289,0.9418,0.6974,0.0370,"Buy Skill",true,MainWindowLevel) MainGrid = guiCreateGridList(0.0419,0.0354,0.9058,0.8970,true,MainWindowLevel) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(MainGrid,1) guiGridListAddColumn(MainGrid,"ID",0.2) guiGridListAddColumn(MainGrid,"Name",0.2) guiGridListAddColumn(MainGrid,"$",0.2) guiGridListAddColumn(MainGrid,"Level",0.2) guiGridListAddColumn(MainGrid,"Status",0.2) if ( skillsID ) then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"SkillBuy") == tonumber(skillsID) then outputChatBox("get element data") local textAddSkill = guiGridListSetItemText(MainGrid,tonumber(skillsID),5,"purchased",false,false) local textAddSkill2 = guiGridListSetItemColor (MainGrid,tonumber(skillsID),5,0,255,0) outputChatBox("text add "..tostring(textAddSkill).." , "..tostring(textAddSkill2)) end end guiSetVisible(MainWindowLevel, false ) addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", MainButton, onClientPlayerSkillBuy) for i,v in ipairs (skillsLevelsTable) do local row21 = guiGridListAddRow (MainGrid) guiGridListSetItemText (MainGrid, row21, 1, v[1], false, true) guiGridListSetItemText (MainGrid, row21, 2, v[2], false, true) guiGridListSetItemText (MainGrid, row21, 3, v[3], false, true) guiGridListSetItemText (MainGrid, row21, 4, v[4], false, true) guiGridListSetItemText (MainGrid, row21, 5, v[5], false, true) guiGridListSetItemText (MainGrid, row21, 6, v[6], false, true) end end