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Everything posted by {VCU}Punk

  1. Come on over to Punks Public RPG+DM... Its fun! with all new exciting commands noone has! Come on over and try it out for your self! Bring a friend! Bring two friends! BRING ALL YOUR FRIENDS! better hurry though! Theres only 12 Spots available! MTA:VC [uW]Punk
  2. but is that available for mta mirc commands?
  3. i cannot understand any of that code! Its annyoing to look at and go "What... the...helll....?" cuz i cant understand a single line! All i need is the part that thinks... If they arent where they are supposed to be, FIRED. bada bing, bada boom. I tried using aliases to help me, >.< no luck. i tried a smaller one, like to test to see if it would work and it dont.... it would do like, .timer 0 10 woot } alias woot { if ($mta.area($1,$2) != $readini(----)) { mta.slap $1 $2 } } nothing.
  4. well idk if it helps much, but so you know, i am trying to make a custom jobs script, but i am having a hard time with it. I have the format to setup multiple jobs, via .ini, but i cannot make sure that if they are on a job, they stay in their job area assigned. HElp.
  5. holy crap... i didnt even know of $ticks. Thanks! Also, would this work? while( $mta.area($1,$2) == Sunshine_Autos) { } else { } or are else's not affiliated with whiles?
  6. Okay, i found out my problem. Heres the scenario... I have many many issues with windows, which makes my machine frequently crash. To prevent loss of data, i made a "D:\" format. This has my mIRC on it. When i moved my files onto my disk drive or c:\, the vcpdata.txt was in there.So when i ran the script D:\, there was no vcpdata.txt in that folder with mirc. so it couldnt find it... too many dupicatates.... i thot it was a recurring error i had previously. ok so thats one problem solved... My next question is ... lets say i want a person to stay in a certain area for, lets say, 5 minutes.... For example, Sunshine Autos, How would i go about doing that...? this confuses me.
  7. ook... anyways.... i am having issues with places commands. the following doesnt read its location its supposed to. HELP! if ($3 == !place) { var %a = $mta.area($1,$2) if (%a == Vice-City) { mta.msg $1 $2 There is no property at your current location } else { mta.say $1 %a --- Owner: $readini(vcpdata.txt, %a, Owner) --- Price: $calc($readini(vcpdata.txt, %a, Price) + 1) } } Ok, so you guys know, its in brackets correctly and everything, just keeps bringing back this... Sunshine_Autos --- Owner: --- Price: 1 Which is like, not even close. The vcpdata.txt shows this... [sunshine_Autos] Owner=FOR SALE Price=100000 Please help.
  8. i feel so n00bish cuz i dont know this i should know this but what is the mrc, function? idk what its called for id's. like for cars it $mta.vehicle($1,$2) and health it $mta.health($1,$2) etc etc. How do i do Player id's? HELP!
  9. ok you scripters needing a challenge or just a task, i need a "Nuke" script. for instance its like a car bomb script but for places. you buy a nuke at the military base for 10,000,000 or whatever... then type !nuke and it kills everyone in that area.. if sumone can help me id greatly appreciate it.. also, simple script would also be appreciated. eg: if ($3 == !skin) { if ($4 == $null) { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$mta.findid($1,$2)) - Skin: %b } else { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$mta.findid($1,$4)) - Skin: %c } } if ($3 == !forums) { mta.say $1 Be sure to visit http://urbanwarriors.7.forumer.com } if ($3 == !showroom && $mta.level($1,$2) == 5) { mta.msg $1 $2 Sunshine Autos: $readini(RPG2.txt, Cash, Showroom) } and not like this... } alias rpg.clanscan { var %a = 0,%b,%b,%d while %a < $mta.maxplayers($1) { if $rpg.isclan($1,%a) == $true { var %b = 0,%c = 1 while %b < $mta.maxplayers($1) { if $rpg.isclan($1,%b) == $true && $mta.name($1,%b) != $mta.name($1,%a) && $rpg.clan($1,%a) == $rpg.clan($1,%b) { !inc %c } !inc %b } if %d { %d = %d $+ , $rpg.clan($1,%a) $+ ( $+ %c $+ ) } else %d = $rpg.clan($1,%a) $+ ( $+ %c $+ ) } !inc %a } if %d { !return %d } else !return None } thanks.
  10. sry toucan, i dont understand the clips like $gettok(% [ $+ [ $1 ] ],1,32)) + $ticks - to confusing... BUT... I did fix my script... the author forgot var %a = $mta.area($1,$2) in several areas, not just this chunk.. i detected it all on my own
  11. ooohhh ook i get it.. i think. Sorry bout that.
  12. you could of just opened up your mta.data.ini and changed the name from Sunshine-Autos to Sunshine-Autos-Mainland-Vice-City or w/e but that works.
  13. ok i dont get this... i setup the information in my ini to make a place, buyable, and sellable. when i try to buy it it says " bought the 1 for 1." i think i may have a !buyplace code error. I didnt write this but here it is... Please let me know. var %a = $iif($4,$iif($mta.name($1,$4) != Unknown,$4,$mta.getid($1,$4)),$2) if ($3 == !buyplace) { if ($mta.area($1,$2) == Vice-City) { mta.msg $1 $2 There is no property here that you can purchase } else { if $readini(vcpdata.txt, %a, Owner) = $mta.name($1,$2) { mta.msg $1 $2 You already own this property } else { if ( $readini(RPG2.txt, Cash, $mta.name($1,$2)) > $calc($readini(vcpdata.txt, %a, Price) + 1) ) { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) purchased the %a for $ $calc($readini(vcpdata.txt, %a, Price) + 1) writeini "vcpdata.txt" Properties $readini(vcpdata.txt, %a, Owner) $calc($readini(vcpdata.txt, Properties, $readini(vcpdata.txt, %a, Owner)) - 1) writeini "RPG2.txt" Cash $mta.name($1,$2) $calc($readini(RPG2.txt, Cash, $mta.name($1,$2)) - $calc($readini(vcpdata.txt, %a, Price) + 1)) writeini "RPG2.txt" Cash $readini(vcpdata.txt, %a, Owner) $calc($readini(RPG2.txt, Cash, $readini(vcpdata.txt, %a, Owner)) + $calc($readini(vcpdata.txt, %a, Price) + 1)) writeini "vcpdata.txt" Properties $mta.name($1,$2) $calc($readini(vcpdata.txt, Properties, $mta.name($1,$2)) + 1) writeini "vcpdata.txt" %a Owner $mta.name($1,$2) writeini "vcpdata.txt" %a Price $calc($readini(vcpdata.txt, %a, Price) + 1) } else { mta.msg $1 $2 Not enough Money. } } } } I greatly Appreciate it.
  14. thanks for all the help guys, but i got it working fine now thanks.
  15. ok yeah ive had it fixed already thanks for the input.
  16. ok nvm i got that last request already.. man thats outdated, uhh but i do need the correct parameters for mta.magcops, cuz my RPG is poping back errors about it not being connected. Or according to mIRC: * /mta.msgcops: not connected to server Anyone have any insight on whats wrong? heres the Alias its in... alias mta.on { set %RPG on set %joint off writeini "Skin.ini" Score Cop 0 writeini "Skin.ini" Score Robber 0 remini "RPG2.txt" Sell remini "RPG2.txt" Sell1 set %bet off set %hack off .timer 1000000 60 mta.msgcops $1- .timer 100000 150 writeini "RPG2.txt" Cash Showroom $calc($readini(RPG2.txt, Cash, Showroom) + 7000) mta.checker1 $1- } so you know, i didnt write this one...lol
  17. you think theyd grow up.. but no.
  18. Version 2 doesn't work with MTA: SA because the hot coffee mod caused heaps of money to Take-2. Take-2 released a version which is unmoddable, that right. UNMODDABLE!!! That alone is worth nothing. correction... i have version 2 and i play MTA:SA, its not worthless. i have a retro-patch for SA, converts the exe to version 1. Hit me up on MSN for it if you want it. pghpunkid@hotmail.com
  19. i dont remember his real name... but i have his ip. Hes posed as me, Oli, Demon-Bond,TreX, and im not sure who else. I asked him to stop and he continued. So i banned him from the server. I hope you do the same. IP: --Punk--
  20. all i heard was bitching about elseif's. also, wtf is $char(124)? where is it getting Char 124 from? ASCII code?
  21. yeah so what if im a noob, i learned on my own. I was handed a crappy script and like 2 seconds of teaching then i learned on my own. So if you dont appreciate my work, please keep it to yourself. Does it work or not? i do believe it does. So stop bashing my shit and lay off. Its a General Release. If i made it specifically for someone, i would have taken better care. So please, save it.
  22. Okay, I have had a good idea for a script and after many trials and tribulations, i present to the public of all MTA players, hosters, etc, the Army script. It allows you to enlist, and withdraw (even tho its not even close to the real army) and for admins, you can lock it. so ppl can withdraw but not join. also, it allows for them to have exclusive rights to the Stubby Shotgun. I have ideas for the next version thats already in progress. You can get it here. http://files.filefront.com/Armymrc/;4839161;;/fileinfo.html
  23. ok ppl, this is a easy one. I need a script that if you are not on a certain list for something, and you use a certain weapon, it kills you. Please send it to me w/o aliases.... thanks.
  24. Ok, sumthin is going on weird, i know DyWreck, who isnt bomb, or whoever, if thats what the conversation was implying. I vote for Dustin_poke@hotmail.com or w/e his F**king name is, to be banned from all existing, and future versions of MTA, on the grounds of posing as authorative figures. idc if your a admin of a server or w/e, you do not pose as anyone other than yourself. Also, idk if i have done so or not, but a administrative figure of Ankeborg's is named -MS-Punk, which isnt me. So i know im not posing as him, im referring to my original name, Pghpunkid. that is me. Sry if i have posed as anyone else, but i have not inteded to. Just thought i would say that.
  25. ok thanks, i tried my own as well to learn how it works, so now i understand, Do you have a !afk script?
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