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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. -- client side: function bombe10_Button ( state ) if ( state == "left" ) then if ( source == GUIEditor_Button[12] ) then triggerServerEvent ( "Feuerwerk", localPlayer ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), bombe10_Button ) -- server side: function Feuerwerk ( ) fire1 ( source ) end addEvent ( "Feuerwerk", true ) addEventHandler ( "Feuerwerk", getRootElement(), Feuerwerk ) function fire1 ( thePlayer ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( thePlayer ) createExplosion ( x, y, z + 15, 0 ) setTimer ( fire2, 500, 1, thePlayer ) end function fire2 ( thePlayer ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( thePlayer ) createExplosion ( x, y, z + 13, 0 ) setTimer ( fire3, 500, 1, thePlayer ) end @X-SHADOW: Please don't post useless stuff.
  2. This is a client or a server side script? P.S: Can you post the rest of the script?
  3. La verdad que no siempre se necesitan 3 o 4, yo podria crearlo solo la verdad . Cierro el tema asi no se ponen a insultarse.
  4. Entonces que tiene quever las funciones de cuenta con eso?? addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) exports [ "scoremota" ]:scoreboardAddColumn ( "ip" ) for index, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do setElementData ( player, "ip", getPlayerIP ( player ) ) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, function ( ) setElementData ( source, "ip", getPlayerIP ( source ) ) end )
  5. Because that makes totally no sense. function noobkicker ( ) local IP = getPlayerIP ( source ) -- Get the IP of the player that just joined. if ( IP == "" ) then -- If the IP matches. kickPlayer ( source, "You Have Been Kicked By Harry's Noob Kicker." ) -- Kick the player. end -- End the if check. end -- End the function. addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, noobkicker ) -- Attach the "onPlayerJoin" event to our function. And remember that you must add the resource to the "ACL.xml" to give permission to getPlayerIP function.
  6. exports [ "scoreboard" ]:scoreboardAddColumn ( "IP" )
  7. setElementData Recuerda que necesitas agregar el recurso al ACL.xml para darle permiso a la funcion getPlayerIP.
  8. No, is not possible as far as I know.
  9. Castillo

    robber error

    And what is the error? you're not explaining anything.
  10. Go to the "mtaserver.conf" and set this: <voice>0</voice> to: <voice>1</voice>
  11. @GytisJDM: You're trying to get the "serial" and "password" default data? if so, then you can't do that.
  12. Skin mod: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=4835
  13. Viendo tu manera de hablar y tus errores al escribir no parece muy serio la verdad. Ami siempre me parecio mas seria la gente que habla ingles.
  14. Tema movido a "Scripting". @On topic: Antes habia una funcion para cambiar el nombre del servidor. Para cambiar los jugadores sin reiniciar creo que podrias usar la funcion: setMaxPlayers.
  15. I don't see what's so special on it, is not a unique idea or something like that, SAUR had this in the old version.
  16. The function dxDrawText has text-scale argument, just use it.
  17. I already told you what to do, now read the function syntax. I won't reply anymore.
  18. Oh, c'mon, you're that lazy? just go to the wiki page and take some time to understand how it works.
  19. You mean adding custom Paintjobs? not default ones? if so, then I don't think it's possible.
  20. That's just an example, you must fill the arguments of the function with your data. removeWorldModel ( int modelID, float radius, float x, float y, float z ) P.S: "i" in that example is the object model.
  21. Check my reply here: viewtopic.php?f=91&t=43428 P.S: Stop doing double posting every minute.
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