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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Castillo

    [REL] DxWorld

    Oh, so you think I shouldn't be in the position I'am because I asked one thing in a year maybe?
  2. Castillo

    [REL] DxWorld

    What can I say sebbe? that's how Kenix is, always trying to look as "the best".
  3. La verdad que nunca habia visto ese mensaje antes .
  4. Castillo


    1: Porque no empezas a pensar antes de postear? 2: El nunca menciono una columna ahora que vuelvo a leer su post, el dijo tabla. 3: Una columna y una tabla no tienen nada quever.
  5. Castillo


    No esa columna, el esta hablando de la de SQLite.
  6. @Reflex: Victor already knows how to use the function, he was asking how to draw the text with relative values for the position. P.S: My link wasn't for the wiki.
  7. Castillo


    Eso no tiene nada quever con su problema, el esta diciendo que la tabla requerida para el recurso "exp_system" no se esta creando.
  8. Maybe this could help: viewtopic.php?f=91&t=33478&p=350398
  9. Oh, my bad, sorry. local chatRadius = 15 function sendMessageToNearbyPlayers ( message, messageType ) if ( messageType == 0 ) then local posX, posY, posZ = getElementPosition ( source ) local chatSphere = createColSphere ( posX, posY, posZ, chatRadius ) local nearbyPlayers = getElementsWithinColShape ( chatSphere, "player" ) destroyElement ( chatSphere ) local gracz = getPlayerName ( source ) local dlugosc = #message for index, nearbyPlayer in ipairs ( nearbyPlayers ) do outputChatBox ( "#99b7d0".. gracz .." mówi: #c8e6ff".. message:gsub ( "^%l", string.upper ) ..".", nearbyPlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) end if ( dlugosc <= 8 ) then setPedAnimation ( source, "ped", "IDLE_chat", ( #message * 70 ), false, false, false, false ) else setPedAnimation ( source, "ped", "IDLE_chat", ( #message * 35 ), false, false, false, false ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerChat", root, sendMessageToNearbyPlayers ) Try that. It should make the first letter uppercase and add a dot at the end of the message.
  10. local names = { "MI CLAN", "-For Example2-" } local tags = { "MC", "TZ" } local colors = { "#00ffff", "#FF0000" } local acls = { "Admin", "SuperModerators", "Everyone" } --- Pero si solo quiero que entre mi clan y mi clan tiene Smod y Admin, lo pruebo y sale error.
  11. Of course the element data won't update when you change the variable.
  12. It'll work fine some times, then it'll start doing what I said.
  13. No, because the client won't have the script downloaded yet, so it'll output that the event is not added client side.
  14. onResourceStart has no "player" argument. --server side: local info ="string" function displayLoadedRes ( ) for index, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do setElementData ( player, "m", info ) end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, displayLoadedRes ) -- client side: function xy ( ) outputChatBox ( getElementData ( localPlayer, "m" ) ) end
  15. You're welcome. I'm moving this to "Scripting" section.
  16. You can use the function: getRandomPlayer.
  17. Accounts are saved at: "\server\mods\deathmatch\internal.db". You can open it with the program called "SQLitebrowser" ( Google for it ).
  18. You have to get the player health then decrease it. addEventHandler ( "onPedWasted", root, function ( _, killer ) setElementHealth ( killer, ( getElementHealth ( killer ) - 50 ) ) outputChatBox ( "Just in the middle", killer, 255, 0, 0 ) end )
  19. These details aren't the account, they'll just save the data so player doesn't has to write the details again when join again. The accounts are saved server side.
  20. Why would you save that server side? it's just for login reminder.
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