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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Just move the text to wherever you want?
  2. You may be using wrong arguments, does the debugscript say something?
  3. Castillo

    Hello there

    You're getting the skin and vehicle from an invalid player element, your argument name is: "hitElement", not "player".
  4. You can use one of the following functions: guiCreateLabel dxDrawText
  5. Are you sure that isn't created? because you are creating it in the same position you're standing, so you'll pick it when it get's created.
  6. You can use the resource I made long time ago, it's a shop where you can buy: Weapons, weapon skills, vehicles. Link: https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ils&id=720
  7. Where is sodButton1? if that's the entire script, it has missing button?
  8. function checkSod ( button, state ) if ( source == sodButton1 ) then if ( guiGetText ( sod1 ) == "1" ) then outputChatBox ( "Test" ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", guiRoot, checkSod ) If that doesn't work, then post your entire script.
  9. You're pretty much asking us to know which functions your script really has, which is impossible because we're not telepathic.
  10. What exactly doesn't work? does the pickup get created? P.S: outputChatBox client side has no visibleTo argument.
  11. First argument of: onClientGUIClick is the mouse button used, not the state. function checkSod ( button, state ) if ( state == "left" ) then if ( source == sodButton1 ) then if ( guiGetText ( sod1 ) == "1" ) then outputChatBox ( "Test" ) -- This function has no visibleTo argument in the client side. end end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", guiRoot, checkSod )
  12. I think he's saying that he has a MTA server with a Counter Strike style game mode?
  13. Tema movido a: "Scripting". @On topic: Busca por el foro, otros ya preguntaron sobre esto.
  14. 1: En el server side te falta un end. 2: En el client side usas las funciones: guiGridListGetSelectedItem, guiGridListGetItemText pero no las definis. 3: Envias "getRootElement" en lugar de "localPlayer" en triggerServerEvent. 4: Mejor no sigo.
  15. Porque no lees todo el tema en lugar de postear boludeces, ElMota?
  16. @Jaysds1: Your code is wrong still. I told him what was wrong in the Spanish section, but he doesn't seem to understand the basics of Lua, my guess is that he want someone to give him the fixed script.
  17. function createLine() for k,wood in ipairs(woodTable) do if ( wood and isElement ( wood ) ) then local xW, yW, zW = getElementPosition(wood) -- I GET ERROR HERE... bad argument @ getElementPosition end end end
  18. Well, what you can do is check if it's a valid element.
  19. function createLine() for k,wood in ipairs(woodTable) do outputChatBox ( k ..": ".. tostring ( wood ) ) local xW, yW, zW = getElementPosition(wood) -- I GET ERROR HERE... bad argument @ getElementPosition end end
  20. Maybe because you never execute: "saveinfo" function?
  21. Sorry, forget about what I said. Debug your script client side, see what "wood" returns.
  22. You can't do that, if you insert "k" and "wood", then in client side "wood" will be a index, not an element.
  23. Pero si lo que tenes en la grid list son strings..
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