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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. I know you want to help, but this way you'll confuse them even more, I may be rude, but is the truth.
  2. Can I ask you teteomar to stop replying to what you don't know? that script code makes no sense as most of your posts.
  3. I don't think there's such resource uploaded, you can start to learn Lua scripting to make it on your own though. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Scr ... troduction https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Int ... ng_the_GUI
  4. My bad, I forgot about isGuestAccount function.
  5. Take a look at current groups and make a new one the same way they are created.
  6. Are you sure that you're editing the wrong ACL group?
  7. setElementData -- To save the old skin. getElementData -- To load the skin when leave job.
  8. There is no function with that name, but there's a function to check if a player is logged in. getPlayerAccount returns an account element from a player, if he/she is not logged in, it'll return the guest account.
  9. You can save temporary the skin on element data and load it back when leave job.
  10. callClientFunction1(triggeringPlayer,"displayPersonalStats",thePlayer,points,wins,second,third,rank)
  11. Castillo


    Yes, you're right, I've just wake up .
  12. You can store timers on a table, for then kill them after quit.
  13. callClientFunction1(client, funcname, ...) You are sending 'thePlayer' argument as well, but is not required.
  14. What do you mean? the ACL is reverting back to old copy?
  15. @teteomar: Your reply makes TOTALLY no sense. @Cook1e: What game mode are you using?
  16. Castillo


    1: "race/rankingboard_client.lua" 2: "race/modes/base.lua"
  17. It should work Yakuza, I don't see anything wrong with your code.
  18. Well, it should end the map if the amount of active players is 1. Are you sure is returning 1 the function: getActivePlayers?
  19. I don't really understand what are you trying to do, but the second argument of executeCommandHandler is the player to execute it, but you're filling that argument with the amount of players alive instead.
  20. 'source' no esta definido en ninguna parte, tenes que poner el primer argumento en la funcion.
  21. I think event handlers are removed when a element is destroyed, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
  22. Ok, me alegro que lo hayas podido resolver solo. De nada.
  23. function setPlayerZombieKills ( playerSource, commandName, jugador, zkills ) local cuenta = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( playerSource ) ) if ( jugador ) and ( zkills ) and ( cuenta == "Alexs_Steel" ) then local jugador = getPlayerFromName ( jugador ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( jugador ) if ( account and not isGuestAccount ( account ) ) then setAccountData ( account, "Zombie kills", tonumber ( zkills ) ) setElementData ( jugador, "Zombie kills", tonumber ( zkills ) ) end end end addCommandHandler ( "zkills", setPlayerZombieKills )
  24. You can use this resource to replace vehicles/skins/weapons easier: https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=3016
  25. Topic moved to "Scripting" https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Ser ... our_server Read that manual.
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