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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Oh, I found the problem, copy my code again.
  2. Eso no tiene nada quever, ademas el problema ya esta resuelto aca: viewtopic.php?f=91&t=45403
  3. Castillo

    Vida 2

    LuaQ = un script Lua compilado, no se puede editar. P.D: De nada.
  4. Castillo

    Vida 2

    No hiciste todo, yo te dije que borrases del nombre de la funcion, no que lo remplazes por 'source', solo en las otras funciones tenias que remplazar.
  5. That's odd, it has to work when the player changes nick, no matters how. You're welcome.
  6. Castillo

    Vida 2

    Volve a leer lo que dije.
  7. 1: You should use the event: "onPlayerChangeNick" instead of "onPlayerCommand", as I'm not sure if you cancel the event, it won't change nick. 2: You only need one table, no need for two tables. 3: Test my code. local nickChangeRestriction = { } addEventHandler ( "onPlayerChangeNick", getRootElement(), function ( ) if ( nickChangeRestriction [ source ] and isTimer ( nickChangeRestriction [ source ] ) ) then cancelEvent ( ) local a, b, c = getTimerDetails ( nickChangeRestriction [ source ] ) local waitTime = ( a / 1000 ) local waitTime = ( waitTime < 60 and tostring ( math.round ( waitTime ) ).." seconds" or tostring ( math.round ( ( waitTime / 60 ), 0, "ceil" ) ) .." minutes" ) outputChatBox ( "#FF9900*[PM][ANTI FLOOD] #FFFFFFYou have to wait #ABCDEF".. tostring ( waitTime ) .." #FFFFFFto change your nick again", source, 255, 0, 0, true ) return end nickChangeRestriction [ source ] = setTimer ( function ( thePlayer ) nickChangeRestriction [ thePlayer ] = false end ,5000, 1, source ) end ) function math.round ( number, decimals, method ) local decimals = ( decimals or 0 ) local factor = ( 10 ^ decimals ) if ( method == "ceil" or method == "floor" ) then return math [ method ] ( number * factor ) / factor else return tonumber ( ( "%.".. decimals .."f" ):format ( number ) ) end end
  8. gates = { } cols = { } gates [ 1 ] = createObject(1495, 239.5, 116.099609375, 1002.200012207, 0, 0, 90) gates [ 2 ] = createObject(1495, 239.5, 119.099609375, 1002.200012207, 0, 0, 270) cols [ 1 ] = createColCircle ( 239.5, 116.099609375, 1002.200012207, 2 ) setElementInterior ( gates [ 1 ], 10 ) setElementInterior ( gates [ 2 ], 10 ) setElementInterior ( cols [ 1 ], 10 ) function moveGate ( thePlayer ) if ( source == cols [ 1 ] ) then if exports.factions:isPlayerInFaction ( thePlayer, 1 ) then moveObject ( gates [ 1 ], 2000, 253.19921875, 107.599609375, 1002.200012207 ) moveObject ( gates [ 2 ], 2000, 253.19921875, 110.599609375, 1002.200012207 ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", getRootElement(), openGates ) function closeGates ( thePlayer ) if ( source == cols [ 1 ] ) then if exports.factions:isPlayerInFaction ( thePlayer, 1 ) then moveObject ( gates [ 1 ], 5000, 239.5, 116.099609375, 1002.200012207 ) moveObject ( gates [ 2 ], 5000, 239.5, 119.099609375, 1002.200012207 ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", getRootElement(), closeGates ) Your problem was with this line: isPlayerInFaction = exports.factions:isPlayerInFaction
  9. Castillo

    Vida 2

    1: Cuando usas un evento creado por un script, necesitas usar addEvent tambien. 2: El argumento del jugador de ese evento no es 'thePlayer', es 'source' ( borrra 'thePlayer' del nombre de la funcion y remplazalo en las otras funciones con 'source' ).
  10. Castillo

    Vida 2

    Ese evento se usa para cuando un recurso inicia, vos tendrias que usar el evento para cuando el evento de mi sistema de niveles que es: "onPlayerChangeLevel".
  11. Castillo

    Vida 2

    Esta todo mal.
  12. Castillo

    Vida 2

    https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Cli ... _functions
  13. Castillo

    Vida 2

    Si, con las funciones de DirectX podes hacerlo.
  14. function createVehicleCommand ( thePlayer, commandName, carName ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( thePlayer ) local carModel = tonumber ( carName ) if ( type ( carModel ) == "number" ) then if ( carModel < 400 or carModel > 611 ) then outputChatBox ( "Invalid Vehicle", player, 255, 0, 0 ) else createVehicle ( carModel, x + 5, y, z ) outputChatBox ( "Your " .. getVehicleNameFromModel ( carModel ) .. " (#" .. carModel .. ") was spawned with an ID of " .. vehicles.id, player, 0, 255, 0 ) vehicles.id = ( vehicles.id + 1 ) end else local carModel = getVehicleModelFromName ( carName ) if ( not carModel ) then outputChatBox ( "That is not a valid car name", player, 255, 0, 0 ) else createVehicle ( carModel, x + 5, y, z ) outputChatBox ( "Your " .. getVehicleNameFromModel ( carModel ) .. " (#" .. carModel .. ") was spawned with and ID of " .. vehicles.id, player, 0, 255, 0 ) vehicles.id = ( vehicles.id + 1 ) end end end addCommandHandler ( "v", createVehicleCommand )
  15. Instead of keeping just with one answer, check mine as well, it should work.
  16. function createVehicleCommand ( thePlayer, commandName, carName ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( thePlayer ) local carModel = tonumber ( carName ) if ( type ( carModel ) == "number" ) then if ( carModel < 400 or carModel > 611 ) then outputChatBox ( "Invalid Vehicle", player, 255, 0, 0 ) else createVehicle ( carModel, x + 5, y, z ) outputChatBox ( "Your " .. getVehicleName ( carModel ) .. " (#" .. carModel .. ") was spawned with an ID of " .. vehicles.id, player, 0, 255, 0 ) vehicles.id = ( vehicles.id + 1 ) end else local carModel = getVehicleModelFromName ( carName ) if ( not carModel ) then outputChatBox ( "That is not a valid car name", player, 255, 0, 0 ) else createVehicle ( carModel, x + 5, y, z ) outputChatBox ( "Your " .. getVehicleName ( carModel ) .. " (#" .. carModel .. ") was spawned with and ID of " .. vehicles.id, player, 0, 255, 0 ) vehicles.id = ( vehicles.id + 1 ) end end end addCommandHandler ( "v", createVehicleCommand )
  17. local carName = tonumber ( carName ) if ( type ( carName ) == "number" ) then if ( carName < 400 or carName > 611 ) then outputChatBox ( "Invalid Vehicle", player, 255, 0, 0 ) else -- Your code end end
  18. No, no se puede cancelar ese evento. En el SAUR yo lo hice asi: setElementHealth ( source, 300 ) setVehicleDamageProof ( source, true )
  19. Command arguments will be always a string, you have to convert it to a number.
  20. Esta todo mal. function displayVehicleLoss ( loss ) local VidaAuto = math.floor ( tonumber ( getElementHealth ( source ) ) ) local driver = getVehicleController ( source ) if ( driver ) then outputChatBox ( "Le queda ".. VidaAuto .."% de vida a tu vehiculo.", driver ) end if ( VidaAuto <= 251 ) then setVehicleEngineState ( source, false ) else setVehicleEngineState ( source, true ) end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleDamage", getRootElement(), displayVehicleLoss )
  21. La verdad es que no es la fuente el problema, el problema es la libreria "textlib", no soporta fuentes propias que yo sepa.
  22. Dice que la fuente esta mal.
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