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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Meta.xml Use the "download" attribute recently added.
  2. La funcion: detachTrailerFromVehicle require un elemento de vehiculo, no un elemento de jugador.
  3. No one said that. Anyway, I'm not going to argue with you because I know where this is going otherwise I would have to tell someone to lock the topic. Instead of argue for no reason, why don't you do something else and let other people who will BUY HIS SERVICES decide if it's good or not?
  4. Click on a player and click "Set team".
  5. Castillo

    im good?

    No. function server ( text ) outputChatBox ( " #00e8ffServer#ff4a00: ".. text, root, 255, 255, 255, true ) end setTimer ( server, 220000, 0, "press F7 to open the User Panel" )
  6. Castillo


    I don't think dbPoll would be needed on Ryden's MySQL.
  7. Lo que yo te recomiendo es aprender Ingles primero, ya que te seria mucho mas facil aprender.
  8. You must make a script which saves team on quit and loads on login. Events you need: onPlayerQuit onPlayerLogin Functions you need: getPlayerTeam getTeamName setAccountData getAccountData getTeamFromName setPlayerTeam
  9. The only thing you can do is create a script which creates the teams when the resource starts.
  10. https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=3198 That resource has a command to respawn the empty vehicles, not sure if a timer to automatically respawn them, you can edit it .
  11. Skin mods: https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=5232 https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=5231 https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=5230 https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=5229
  12. Eso depende del game mode y los scripts que estes usando.
  13. Decis que aparezcan en el chat los colores HEX que tiene en el nick?
  14. You're welcome. P.S: There's no need to lock it ( I can't lock it anyway ).
  15. Does it output script errors? what exactly does not work?
  16. To be able to reload your weapon, the server must have the resource "reload" running.
  17. Castillo

    puede ser ?

    Me lo suponia De nada.
  18. Castillo

    puede ser ?

    Deberia funcionar, es server side.
  19. Castillo

    puede ser ?

    local zombieNames = { [ 30 ] = "Monstruo" } addEvent ( "onZombieWasted", true ) addEventHandler ( "onZombieWasted", root, function ( killer ) local killerName = getPlayerName ( killer ) local weapon = getPedWeapon ( killer ) local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor ( killer ) local zombieName = ( zombieNames [ getElementModel ( source ) ] or "Zombie" ) exports [ "killmessages" ]:outputMessage ( { killerName, { "padding", width = 3 }, { "icon", id = weapon or 0 }, { "padding", width = 3 }, { "color", r = 255, g = 0, b = 0 }, zombieName }, getRootElement(), r, g, b ) end )
  20. I don't see why you should search for such a easy script, you only need to have basic knowledge of scripting. You would need to combine the event: "onZombieWasted" with givePlayerMoney.
  21. function giveSomeoneMoney ( player, cmd, target, amount ) if ( target ) and ( amount ) then local money = getPlayerMoney ( player ) local targetplayer = getPlayerFromName ( target ) local amount = tonumber ( amount ) if ( targetplayer ) then if ( amount > 0 ) then --agregue esto! if ( money >= amount ) then givePlayerMoney ( targetplayer, amount ) takePlayerMoney ( player, amount ) outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( player ) .." dio "..amount.." a ".. getPlayerName ( targetplayer ), getRootElement(), 205, 092, 092, true ) else outputChatBox ( "No tienes suficiente dinero!", player, 205, 092, 092 ) end else outputChatBox ( "Error: El monto debe ser mayor que 0!", player, 205, 092, 092 ) end else outputChatBox ( "Error: Player no encontrado", player, 205, 092, 092 ) end else outputChatBox ( "Error: /dardinero [Jugador] [Monto]", player, 205, 092, 092 ) end end addCommandHandler ( "dardinero", giveSomeoneMoney )
  22. Awesome scripts dude, and unique which is hard to believe this days.
  23. Verifica si "amount" es mayor que 0.
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