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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Castillo


    Decis que transforme el string en "*******"? si es asi, entonces usa: guiEditSetMasked
  2. Castillo


    Podes usar: guiSetInputEnabled asi los binds incluyendo el chat se desactivan.
  3. That's because you got a problem on unbindKey: unbindKey( source, "F", "down", herewego ) Your player argument is 'thePlayer', not 'source'.
  4. No, that function cancels events, you must unbind the key after using it.
  5. Castillo

    Custom Weapon

    You can replace weapon Models and Textures with the Engine functions. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Cli ... _functions
  6. onResourceStart has no player argument.
  7. Ahi deberia funcionar.
  8. local colour = { { 204, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 165, 42, 42 }, } function vehicleHealth ( ) for index, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) if ( vehicle ) then local rndm = math.random ( #colour ) local vehicleHealth = getElementHealth ( vehicle ) if ( math.floor ( vehicleHealth / 10 ) < 30 ) then setVehicleColor ( vehicle, unpack ( colour [ rndm ] ) ) end end end end setTimer ( vehicleHealth, 1000, 0 )
  9. for index, player in ipairs ( getPlayersInTeam ( taxistas ) ) do -- Tu codigo para enviar el mensaje. end
  10. Yes, you can get random color using the function: math.random
  11. Are you sure the color supports 2 colors?
  12. Ademas tenes otro problema, getPlayersInTeam es una tabla, no un elemento, tenes que usar un for-loop y enviar el mensaje a cada jugador.
  13. Tenes que obtener los jugadores del team con la funcion: getPlayersInTeam
  14. Castillo


    addEvent ( "groupSystem:isCreator", true ) addEventHandler ( "groupSystem:isCreator", getRootElement(), function ( ) local isCreator = executeSQLSelect ( "group_", "groupCreator", "groupCreator = '".. getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) .."'" ) if ( isCreator and type ( isCreator ) == "table" and #isCreator == 1 ) then triggerClientEvent ( source, "groupSystem:showRemoveGroup", source, true ) end end )
  15. Decis un EDF? https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Edf
  16. function vehicleHealth ( ) for index, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) if ( vehicle ) then local vehicleHealth = getElementHealth ( vehicle ) if ( math.floor ( vehicleHealth / 10 ) < 25 ) then setVehicleColor ( vehicle, 204, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) end end end end setTimer ( vehicleHealth, 2000, 0 ) That?
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