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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Since you are passing a string and not a table to ismapDM, then you must here use the string. function ismapDM ( mapName ) if string.find( mapName, "[DM]", 1, true ) then return 1 elseif string.find( mapName, "[DD]", 1, true ) then return 2 elseif string.find( mapName, "[FUN]", 1, true ) then return 3 end end
  2. You can also use: interpolateBetween which gives nice effects if you know how to use it.
  3. Oh, then you can't do that, there's no command to restore health for normal players.
  4. Yes, I do, I'll do it this time, but if you need something else, you'll have to learn on how to do it. addCommandHandler ( "health", function ( thePlayer ) setElementHealth ( thePlayer, 100 ) end ) I hope you know how to install it on your server. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Ser ... our_server https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Meta.xml
  5. Well, if you are new and really want to do this, then you better start learning manuals, tutorials and so on: viewtopic.php?f=148&t=40809
  6. Castillo

    In search of

    Did you mean this one? https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ils&id=906
  7. You must use: addCommandHandler setElementHealth
  8. You want to bind a key to restore your health?
  10. Eso es porque pusiste las comillas, no necesita un string, necesita un elemento, quitale las comillas.
  11. Instead of using absolute positions, use relative positions.
  12. El recurso ese trae un archivo: "spawn_locations.map", abrilo y empeza a cambiarlo.
  13. Esta mal, no se usa getPlayerName, se usa el elemento del jugador, en este caso seria 'player', para mostrarselo a todos vas a tener que hacer un for-loop. for _, player_ in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do exports["Evo-notificaciones"]:showBox(player_, "info",getPlayerName ( player ) .." termino ["..pos..posName.."] y ganó $"..money.."!") end
  14. Tenes que editar el script y agregarselo.
  15. By exported I guess you mean the "customblips" resource? that resource has only client side functions, and no attachment. About money thing, you can use getElementHealth to get the vehicle health.
  16. "Admin"> "Moderator"> "SuperModerator"> "Admin"> "RPC"> "resource.admin"> "resource.webadmin"> That's the group, now you add it like this: "resource.resourceName">
  17. Add the resource to the ACL group: "Admin" at "acl.xml".
  18. What do you mean by "what functions"? the event onClientGUIClick is triggered every time you click ANY GUI-element.
  19. Of course it is, I've done that on many scripts. Any GUI element can become a "button".
  20. Oh, my bad, I don't know why I didn't I think of that. I guess I though what the wiki said was about something else.
  21. Still, the panel was not made for your server by NexTreme, you aren't using it with his permission.
  22. In this website: http://crystalmv.net84.net/pages/scripts.php You'll find the scripts to make peds and vehicles around the city.
  23. Oh, so you think you can come here and just ask us to make things for you? you are wrong, we only help you fix and understand your errors here. Here you got all the ban functions: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Ser ... _functions
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