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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. If that panel was made by NexTreme for your server, then why can't he fix it? or is it that you are illegally using it?
  2. You need to trigger a server event and then back to all clients, then start the sound on every client and attach it to the vehicle.
  3. Te falta poner el jugador al que queres mostrarle la notificacion, ya que la funcion tiene estos argumentos ( server side ): showBox(player, value, str)
  4. No tiene sentido ese script, para restringir un spawn a un ACL podrias crear un nuevo atributo en las clases ( spawn_locations.map ) y luego en el script donde crea las clases, y despues verificas si ese atributo esta usado y ahi verificas con isObjectInACLGroup.
  5. As far as I know, it won't delete it, it'll just set the data to 'nil'.
  6. Castillo

    help anyone

    Maybe because that makes no sense? 370 is not a valid vehicle ID, is the ID of the jetpack, you must use: givePedJetPack
  7. Castillo

    help anyone

    And the problem is...?
  8. You mean to do something when you click it? then you just use the event: onClientGUIClick
  9. Crea una variable y aumentala cada ves que matas a alguien, luego verifica si la variable es igual a 5.
  10. getAccounts I don't understand about the email.
  11. Do you have freeroam running? because that also has a "/kill" command.
  12. No, I'm not kidding, it has a limit, I once tried to save all player weapons on JSON string with account data and it got cut at the end. I don't know the limit.
  13. No, there isn't, unless you make your own script.
  14. I don't know what does it mean with output to the HUD, I never heard of it that before.
  15. Un game mode RPG es algo muy complejo, vas a necesitar mucha experiencia en Lua para hacer algo asi.
  16. Are you sure that isn't saving? maybe it is saving, but the JSON string is just too long for account data ( it has a limit ).
  17. Do you get errors in the debug?
  18. You want to output to everyone who used that command?
  19. getPedWeapon -- To get the player weapon ID. getPedAmmoInClip -- To get weapon ammo in clip. getPedTotalAmmo -- To get total weapon ammo.
  20. addCommandHandler ( 'kill', function ( p ) setTimer ( killPed, 20000, 1, p ) setElementFrozen ( p, true ) toggleControl ( p, "fire", false ) end ) function unfreeze ( ) setElementFrozen ( source, false ) toggleControl ( source, "fire", true ) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", root, unfreeze ) Errors: 1: You have an extra 'end' in the command handler function. 2: The addEventHandler of 'unfreeze' is wrong positioned and has a missing parentheses. 3: You have a extra parentheses at the end of 'unfreeze' function. 4: There's no such event: 'onPlayerRespawn', you should use 'onPlayerSpawn'.
  21. local nigthafuera = createMarker ( 2421.45239, -1220.27234, 24.4, "cylinder", 1.5, 219, 35, 208, 170 ) function teleport ( hitPlayer ) if ( getElementType ( hitPlayer ) == "player" ) then setElementInterior ( hitPlayer, 2, 1205.27722, -12.37278, 1000.92188 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", nigthafuera, teleport ) local dentro = createMarker ( 1204.8000488281, -13.699999809265, 999.7, "cylinder", 1.5, 219, 35, 208, 170 ) setElementInterior ( dentro, 3 ) function teleportSalir ( hitPlayer ) if ( getElementType ( hitPlayer ) == "player" ) then setElementInterior ( hitPlayer, 0, 2421.66333, -1221.85645, 25.39237 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", dentro, teleportSalir )
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