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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Dice que no recibio ningun usuario, vos editaste algo en el script?
  2. Podrias ir a la consola del servidor y mirar si aparece algo al intentar registrarte? P.D: Estas seguro de que no estas intentando registrar una cuenta ya registrada?
  3. Vos apagaste el servidor y luego cambiaste el ACL?
  4. Castillo


    Well, the first one seems to be just fire, you can create fire with this function: createFire And the second, I don't understand what is it.
  5. Add it so it checks if the file exists with: fileExists
  6. Agrega el recurso al acl.xml grupo "Admin", aca me funciona.
  7. Castillo


    As far as I know, is not possible to change a marker form.
  8. No entiendo de que hablas.
  9. Pone "/debugscript 3" y fijate si dice algun error al intentar registrarte.
  10. And no blip is attached? are you sure that it has no errors?
  11. Try this and see if it says something on chat. addEvent ( "onZombieSpawn", true ) addEventHandler ( "onZombieSpawn", root, function ( ) outputChatBox ( "A ZOMBIE HAS JUST SPAWNED!" ) createBlipAttachedTo ( source, 0 ) end )
  12. You're welcome. P.S: Fixed.
  13. You set it as server side, right?
  14. Is the resource "exp_system" started? is it called exactly like that? do you have the latest version of it?
  15. That's because that event is not triggered by zombies, try with: "onZombieSpawn" instead.
  16. Try to place this: elseif column.name == "Home" then dxDrawImage( topX+theX, y+s(1), 16, 11, content, 0, 0, 0, cWhite, drawOverGUI ) After line #703 ( just after the end ).
  17. That seems to be relative. Though, the new guieditor outputs it in 3 digits maximum.
  18. Porque no lo probas? o tambien queres que haga eso?
  19. setPedControlState is for peds, you must use: setControlState ( "walk", true )
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