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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Castillo


    Works perfect here, it enables it when I die, and disables when I respawn.
  2. Castillo


    Go to the MTA main menu and press on "Map Editor", from there you can remove world objects.
  3. Castillo


    The ramps are created client side, and if I'm right, that script was stolen ( that's why it has missing server side part ).
  4. Why don't you post what you tried?
  5. Castillo


    Works fine here, so the problem must be somewhere else on your script. My test script: addCommandHandler ( "groups", function ( p ) outputChatBox ( table.concat ( aclGetAccountGroups ( getPlayerAccount ( p ) ), ", " ) ) end ) function aclGetAccountGroups ( account ) local acc = getAccountName ( account ) if ( not acc ) then return false end local res = {} acc = "user."..acc local all = "user.*" for ig, group in ipairs ( aclGroupList() ) do for io, object in ipairs ( aclGroupListObjects ( group ) ) do if ( ( acc == object ) or ( all == object ) ) then table.insert ( res, aclGroupGetName ( group ) ) break end end end return res end
  6. Since you are clearing the list on line 83, the problem must be here: if pass then local count = guiGridListGetRowCount ( GUIEditor.gridlist[1] ) + 1 local row = guiGridListAddRow ( GUIEditor.gridlist[1] ) guiGridListSetItemText( GUIEditor.gridlist[1], row, 1,''..count..'-',false,false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( GUIEditor.gridlist[1], row, 2,Name, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemData ( GUIEditor.gridlist[1], row, 2, tostring (Serial)) end
  7. Estas seguro de que no hay ningun error en el script client side? y que esta en el archivo meta.xml?
  8. De nada. Recuerda: las colisiones del objeto no se cambiaran, eso quiere decir que si lo agrandas, vas a poder ir dentro del mismo como si no tuviera colisiones.
  9. Al usar un pickup, el sonido es el ID 46: en "race/race_client.lua" encontraras esto: playSoundFrontEnd(46) Cambia el numero por otro y listo, y si lo que queres es un sonido propio ( de un archivo: mp3, wav, etc ), tenes que remplazar esa linea por: playSound ( "elDirectorio/nombreDelArchivo.extension" )
  10. Use: getPlayerTeam getTeamName instead of getElementData.
  11. addEvent ( "ReadMsg", true ) addEventHandler ( "ReadMsg", root, function () triggerClientEvent ( source,"ClientMsg",source,Number, Url, Serial ) end ) Where are all these variables defined at?
  12. Castillo


    @DNL291: Where's "table" defined? @Sasuke: Try this: function obtenerIPSerialPing ( serial, ip, account, groups ) guiSetText ( serialLabel, "Serial: ".. serial ) guiSetText ( IPLabel, "IP: ".. ip ) guiSetText ( accountLabel, "Cuenta: ".. account ) guiSetText ( aclLabel, "Derechos en ACL: ".. table.concat ( groups, ", " ) ) end addEvent ( "getData", true ) addEventHandler ( "getData", root, obtenerIPSerialPing )
  13. Para cambiar la escala de un objeto tenes que usar: setObjectScale
  14. if ( skin == 100 or skin == 101 ) then O haces una tabla con los skins y luego buscas dentro.
  15. That script seems fine, maybe stream sounds don't have some meta tags.
  16. Creala vos mismo, no hay diferencia.
  17. After: if (logIn(source, account, password) == true) then You can add: triggerEvent ( "onPlayerRegister", source )
  18. The control must be surely disabled.
  19. Mind explaining what is the problem?
  20. dbExec ( handler, "UPDATE `playerData` SET `??`=? WHERE ACCOUNTNAME = `?`", Ddata, value, ACCname )
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