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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. All you gotta do is combine: onClientMapStarting With: if ( isElement ( song ) ) then destroyElement ( song ) end
  2. Load the "zombies" definition in map editor, then you can place spawnpoints. And then you can set in the meta.xml of zombies resource the spawn method.
  3. Jajaja, se la re cree el tipo, ami tambien me amenazo y me le cague de risa en la cara ( es que era para reirse mal ).
  4. Is because the following 'if' statement is wrong: if (source == wangcarscars[source]) then Should be: if (wangcarscars[source]) then
  5. Aca hay algunos, buscalos: https://community.multitheftauto.com/
  6. Maybe it's a bug with the version you are using?
  7. You mean that on your friend's MTA, it's created but not on yours?
  8. Instead of that table index, use: tableKUT = { ["D2290"]={"3-Seat couch 1" , 2290}, }
  9. I don't get any error with your original code, the vehicle is created successfully.
  10. Yes, he can actually use that event and would be a lot easier.
  11. I already made you most of it, you must do this last part now.
  12. Ah, you want to stop it when a new map starts? if so, use onMapStarting event.
  13. addEvent ( "playSound", true ) addEventHandler ( "playSound", root, function ( ) if ( isElement ( song ) ) then destroyElement ( song ) end song = playSound ( "endsong/song.mp3" ) end )
  14. You put wrong path @ playSound, should be: "endsong/song.mp3".
  15. -- server side: addEvent ( "onPostFinish", true ) addEventHandler ( "onPostFinish", root, function ( ) triggerClientEvent ( root, "playSound", root ) end ) -- client side: addEvent ( "playSound", true ) addEventHandler ( "playSound", root, function ( ) playSound ( "url or path here" ) end ) Not tested, I leave that part to you.
  16. Castillo

    Se puede?

    Ejemplo de la wiki: function disableTargetMarkers() setPedTargetingMarkerEnabled(false) -- Disables target markers from being rendered after the resource is started end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, disableTargetMarkers) No se si lo desactiva en los jugadores tambien igual. Funcion: setPedTargetingMarkerEnabled
  17. "element" must be returning false, ur sure that "Player" argument is returning the correct player name?
  18. That's weird, it should work.
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