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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. I recently posted a function to check if a string's first letter is uppercase: viewtopic.php?f=91&t=59657
  2. http://lua.gts-stolberg.de/es/Tables.php No se si servira.
  3. Podes crear una tabla con todos los skins, y luego verificas si el skin que el jugador tiene esta en esa tabla.
  4. Is the skill required in order to make use of that change you set.
  5. local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer ) You are trying to get the vehicle from the wrong argument, your argument is "hitPlayer".
  6. Yes, you can use stream URL's. Use the function: playSound to play a sound, and then to destroy it: stopSound You can also play a 3D sound with: playSound3D
  7. Well, your problem is that you are never executing that function, plus, you forgot to set to how much you want to set the damage to. function reduceP ( ) setWeaponProperty ( 26, "poor", "damage", 10 ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, reduceP ) 10 = damage.
  8. You had it on your code, so he just left it there.
  9. No, you just use the image element in that event, like this: addEventHandler ( "onClientMouseEnter", myImage, function ( ) -- Load your new image here end ,false )
  10. Make sure the combobox height is enough to view these two items. guiCreateComboBox ( 110, 200, 100, 20, "Válasz", false, karakterKeszitoPanel ) That '20' in there is the height.
  11. And onClientMouseLeave to restore it when the cursor leaves the image.
  12. Make sure the guieditor is on the ACL, group "Admin".
  13. Castillo

    help me please !!

    Tried with the command: "/showhud"?
  14. No me entendiste, me refiero si sale algun error en el debugscript.
  15. You have forgotten to mention if you are willing to pay these scripters.
  16. addCommandHandler ( "arma", function ( thePlayer, _, ammo, ... ) local weapName = table.concat ( { ... }, " " ) local ID = getWeaponIDFromName ( weapName ) if ( ID and ammo ) then giveWeapon ( thePlayer, ID, tonumber ( ammo ), true ) end end )
  17. Yeah, but you must put it as a string, like this: "rightfrontdummy"
  18. "rightfrontdummy" that's defined where?
  19. The only way is editing scoreboard.
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