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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Post the whole client side.
  2. Castillo

    Help :(

    You want to draw a text over the ped?
  3. What do you mean by "Mr.Whoopee music"?
  4. Show how you changed it.
  5. I gave you an example of how to make a command to output a message to the player you fill in the command, now you must change it to do whatever you need.
  6. I believe that the problem is that you forgot to replace the DFF ( model ) aswell.
  7. addCommandHandler ( "hello", function ( thePlayer, _, who ) local playerWho = getPlayerFromName ( who ) -- Get the player from the string entered on the command. if ( playerWho ) then -- If the player really exists... outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( thePlayer ) .." says hello!", playerWho ) -- Output a chatbox message to him. end end )
  8. I really don't understand, you want to output when the player uses a command, and which commnd is that? addEventHandler ( "onPlayerCommand", root, function ( cmd ) outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( source ) .." used the command /".. cmd ) end )
  9. That function returns milliseconds, you must convert it to seconds/minutes. You may use this function I made to convert it. function convertTime ( ms ) local min = math.floor ( ms / 60000 ) local sec = math.floor ( ( ms / 1000 ) % 60 ) return min, sec end
  10. addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, function ( ) local playerName = getPlayerName ( source ) if string.find ( playerName, "#" ) or not string.find ( playerName, "_" ) then kickPlayer ( source, "Invalid Name" ) else local playerNameSplitted = split ( playerName, "_" ) if ( isStringFirstLetterUppercase ( playerNameSplitted [ 1 ] ) and isStringFirstLetterUppercase ( playerNameSplitted [ 2 ] ) ) then spawn ( source ) else kickPlayer ( source, "Invalid Name" ) end end end ) function isStringFirstLetterUppercase ( str ) local letter = str:sub ( 1, 1 ) return ( letter:upper ( ) == letter ) end Try it.
  11. Castillo


    @Image: If you use "-1" to wait until it got a result, then I recommend you to use callbacks.
  12. You can try to approximate, then change it until it suits your needs.
  13. Castillo

    help blip

    Hiding? you mean when a zombie dies?
  14. Maybe you can combine it with onClientGUIMouseEnter/Leave.
  15. Cuando estas poniendo la element data: "currentHealth"?
  16. Without the script, we can't help you.
  17. What do you mean by "it'll bug"?
  18. Castillo


    That's what I though, you edited an script which isn't yours, it was leaked from CSG, made by Dennis ( UniOn ). Topic locked.
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