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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Castillo

    New object

    Try these: 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216
  2. Castillo

    New object

    There are some objects that aren't used, yes.
  3. Castillo


    For some reason I think the script isn't yours, so I would like to see the full code.
  4. Castillo


    I'm not so sure about that, mind sending me the whole script via PM?
  5. Easy, just convert it to absolute. function getAbsoluteCursorPosition ( ) if isCursorShowing ( ) then local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local cursorX, cursorY = getCursorPosition ( ) return ( cursorX * sx ), ( cursorY * sy ) end end
  6. Split the string by spaces, then for each sub-string, check if it has capital letter using the function I gave you.
  7. I would recommend using just one timer.
  8. Castillo

    help me pls

    Errors on the debugscript?
  9. Castillo

    New object

    Yes, it'll replace it too.
  10. What's the problem with the script?
  11. Castillo


    This script is yours?
  12. It's a function to check if a string has characters or not.
  13. Castillo

    IP problem

    That means that all the required ports are open.
  14. thePlane = createVehicle ( arguments ) theCar = createVehicle ( arguments ) attachElements ( theCar, thePlane, arguments )
  15. "pTeam" is not defined, use "v".
  16. No, what has that to do with what I said?
  17. They are stored at the "team" table, just loop it.
  18. Castillo


    There's an animation example for GUI using interpolateBetween ( on the wiki of this function you can see examples ).
  19. Castillo


    The functions/event I gave you on my first post, these will do what you want.
  20. Castillo


    You mean move it like a GUI window? from the top of it.
  21. Castillo

    New object

    You can replace an object, not add new IDs.
  22. Castillo


    I'm not sure if I understand what you mean.
  23. Yes, I replaced it with player position because I though you wanted to create it on his/her position.
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