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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Castillo

    JSON problem

    And is the weapon in the table...?
  2. These two arguments will be always "nil".
  3. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetVehicleUpgrades https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Ge ... radeOnSlot
  4. You must use getVehiclePaintjob to get the paintjob of a vehicle.
  5. Castillo


    Something like that, yes.
  6. Castillo


    When you update the progressbar, set element data on the local player.
  7. Castillo

    need help

    You're welcome.
  8. Castillo

    need help

    WeaponID = { [ 30 ] = true, } --add an event handler for onPlayerWeaponSwitch addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerWeaponSwitch', getRootElement ( ), function ( previousWeaponID, currentWeaponID ) if ( WeaponID [ currentWeaponID ] ) then toggleControl ( source, 'fire', false ) --disable the fire button else toggleControl ( source, 'fire', true ) --disable the fire button end if ( getPlayerTeam ( source ) == getTeamFromName ( "Police" ) ) then toggleControl ( source, 'fire', true ) --enable it end end )
  9. Castillo

    need help

    WeaponID = { [ 30 ] = true, } --add an event handler for onPlayerWeaponSwitch addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerWeaponSwitch', getRootElement ( ), function ( previousWeaponID, currentWeaponID ) if ( WeaponID [ currentWeaponID ] ) then toggleControl ( source, 'fire', false ) --disable the fire button end if ( getPlayerTeam ( source ) == getTeamFromName ( "Police" ) ) then toggleControl ( source, 'fire', true ) --enable it end end )
  10. Castillo

    interior help

    And the function you was using aswell.
  11. Castillo

    interior help

    local Marker = createMarker ( 2244.4313964844, -1665.2449951172, 15.4765625, "arrow", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 255 ) addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", Marker, function ( hitElement ) if ( hitElement == localPlayer ) then setElementInterior ( hitElement, 6, 297.4460, -109.680, 1001.5160 ) end end )
  12. No, is not. If the FPS script uses element data, then is as simple as I said.
  13. Castillo

    ACL teamsaver

    You are replacing the variable everytime.
  14. Castillo

    need help

    Well, you can make a script where when a player tries to change his weapon, if he's not in the Police team and the weapon is the Ak-47, then set it back to the old slot or the next one. Use the event: onPlayerWeaponSwitch and the functions: getPlayerTeam getTeamName setPedWeaponSlot
  15. Castillo


    onPlayerQuit is a server side event, you can't use it client side. You'll have to set some element data storing the "progCount" value, then get it server side when they quit.
  16. "szint" must be returning nil.
  17. Simple, create a scoreboard column using the FPS element data name.
  18. Castillo

    interior help

    Post your script.
  19. Castillo


    That didn't make any sense, a key can be bound to a lot of things.
  20. That's why I'm asking, I know that is possible to decompile it.
  21. function lookright ( ) local skin = getElementModel ( client ) local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam ( client ) if ( playerTeam and getTeamName ( playerTeam ) == "ekri" ) then setElementModel ( client, skin + 1 ) else setElementModel ( client, 50 ) end end addEvent ( "right", true ) addEventHandler ( "right", getRootElement(), right )
  22. Castillo


    You're welcome.
  23. Where did you get that script? DayZ is a compiled game mode.
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