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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. local gate = createElement ( "gate" ) setElementData ( gate, "posX", 0 ) setElementData ( gate, "posY", 0 ) setElementData ( gate, "posZ", 0 ) setElementData ( gate, "rotX", 0 ) setElementData ( gate, "rotY", 0 ) setElementData ( gate, "rotZ", 0 ) setElementData ( gate, "interior", 0 ) setElementData ( gate, "dimension", 0 )
  2. Yes, it can be triggered anyway.
  3. What do you mean by "fixed post"?
  4. I'm asking, what do you mean by "nothing happens"?
  5. You'll have to trigger a client side event to show the skin selection GUI when the player registers.
  6. Post the part where the player registers, and the skin selector.
  7. bindKey cuando se usa server-side, necesita el elemento del jugador al cual le va a crear el bind.
  8. You mean that you want to show the skin selection after register?
  9. -- client side: gMe = getLocalPlayer(); gRoot = getRootElement(); gResRoot = getResourceRootElement( getThisResource () ); btn = {}; ipodCoor = { moving={}, pos={} }; addEvent( "clientReceiveMusicTable", true ); local sound = { } addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", gResRoot, function () outputChatBox( "Press 'i' to open your iPod", 0, 255, 0 ); ipod = guiCreateStaticImage( 1.0, 0.2279, 0.1916, 0.4036, "ipod.png", true ); --0.7744 ipodCoor.moving[ipod] = false; ipodCoor.pos[ipod] = "out"; songDisplay = guiCreateGridList( 0.0671, 0.0245, 0.8504, 0.4663, true, ipod ); btn[1] = guiCreateButton( 0.64, 0.67, 0.15, 0.05, "Abspielen", true, ipod ); btn[2] = guiCreateButton( 0.185, 0.67, 0.15, 0.05, "Stop", true, ipod ); btn[3] = guiCreateButton( 0.42, 0.825, 0.15, 0.05, "vD", true, ipod ); btn[4] = guiCreateButton( 0.42, 0.525, 0.15, 0.05, "vU", true, ipod ); for i=1,4 do guiSetAlpha( btn[i], 1.0 ); guiSetFont( btn[i], "default-small" ); end; songList = guiGridListAddColumn( songDisplay, "My Songs", 0.85 ); triggerServerEvent( "serverLoadMusicTable", gMe ); addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", gRoot, function () local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( gMe ) if source == btn[1] then local selSong = guiGridListGetItemData( songDisplay, guiGridListGetSelectedItem( songDisplay ) ); if selSong then triggerServerEvent ( "createSound", root, selSong, theVehicle) end; elseif source == btn[2] then triggerServerEvent ( "destroySound", localPlayer, theVehicle ) elseif source == btn[4] then if sound [ theVehicle ] then setSoundVolume( sound [ theVehicle ], getSoundVolume( sound [ theVehicle ] ) + 0.25 ); if getSoundVolume( sound [ theVehicle ] ) > 1 then setSoundVolume( sound [ theVehicle ], 1 ); end; end; elseif source == btn[3] then if sound [ theVehicle ] then setSoundVolume( sound [ theVehicle ], getSoundVolume( sound [ theVehicle ] ) - 0.25 ); if getSoundVolume( sound [ theVehicle ] ) < 0 then setSoundVolume( sound [ theVehicle ], 0 ); end; end; end; end ) bindKey( "i", "down", function () if ipodCoor.moving[ipod] == false then if ipodCoor.pos[ipod] == "out" then showCursor( true, false ); ipodCoor.moving[ipod] = true; addEventHandler( "onClientRender", gRoot, openIPod ); toggleControl( "fire", false ); else showCursor( false, false ); ipodCoor.moving[ipod] = true; addEventHandler( "onClientRender", gRoot, closeIPod ); toggleControl( "fire", true ); end; end; end ) end ) function openIPod() local x, y = guiGetPosition( ipod, true ); guiSetPosition( ipod, x - 0.01, y, true ); if x < 0.775 then ipodCoor.moving[ipod] = false; ipodCoor.pos[ipod] = "in"; removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", gRoot, openIPod ); end; end; function closeIPod() local x, y = guiGetPosition( ipod, true ); guiSetPosition( ipod, x + 0.01, y, true ); if x > 1.0 then guiSetPosition( ipod, 1.0, y, true ); ipodCoor.moving[ipod] = false; ipodCoor.pos[ipod] = "out"; removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", gRoot, closeIPod ); end; end; addEventHandler( "clientReceiveMusicTable", gRoot, function ( mTable ) if mTable == nil then triggerServerEvent( "serverLoadMusicTable", gMe ); else for _, v in ipairs ( mTable ) do local row = guiGridListAddRow( songDisplay ); local streamtable = split(v, ';') guiGridListSetItemText( songDisplay, row, 1, streamtable[2], false, false ); guiGridListSetItemData ( songDisplay, row, 1, streamtable[1]); outputChatBox(streamtable[2].." has ben added to your ipod", getLocalPlayer()); end; guiGridListAutoSizeColumn( songDisplay, 1 ); guiBringToFront( songDisplay ); end; end ) addEvent ( "createSoundClient", true ) addEventHandler ( "createSoundClient", root, function ( id, theVehicle ) if isElement ( sound [ theVehicle ] ) then stopSound ( sound [ theVehicle ] ); end local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( theVehicle ) sound [ theVehicle ] = playSound3D ( id, x, y, z ) attachElements ( sound [ theVehicle ], theVehicle ) end ) addEvent ( "destroySoundClient", true ) addEventHandler ( "destroySoundClient", root, function ( theVehicle ) if isElement ( sound [ theVehicle ] ) then stopSound ( sound [ theVehicle ] ); end sound [ theVehicle ] = nil end ) -- server side: local gRoot = getRootElement(); addEvent( "serverLoadMusicTable", true ); addEventHandler( "serverLoadMusicTable", gRoot, function () local res, mTable, xml = getThisResource(), {}, xmlLoadFile( "meta.xml", res ); local nameTable = {} if xml then local i = 0; while ( xmlFindChild( xml, "stream", i ) ) do local dir = xmlNodeGetAttribute( xmlFindChild( xml, "stream", i ), "url" ); local streamname = xmlNodeGetAttribute( xmlFindChild( xml, "stream", i ), "name" ); table.insert( mTable, dir..";"..streamname ); i = i + 1; end; end; triggerClientEvent( source, "clientReceiveMusicTable", gRoot, mTable ); end ) addEvent ( "createSound", true ) addEventHandler ( "createSound", root, function ( id, theVehicle) if ( theVehicle ) then triggerClientEvent(root, "createSoundClient", root, id, theVehicle) end end ) addEvent ( "destroySound", true ) addEventHandler ( "destroySound", root, function ( theVehicle ) if ( theVehicle ) then triggerClientEvent(root, "destroySoundClient", root, theVehicle) end end )
  10. You can do it same way as you created it.
  11. Escribiste mal la funcion guiGridListGetSelectedItem, pusiste: guiGridListGetSekectedItem.
  12. Para hacer esto necesitas mucha experiencia en Lua y bastante tiempo para poder hacerlo.
  13. No, el problema es que estas usando 'player', pero tu argumento es 'thePlayer'.
  14. Ah, yeah, that's a compiled script.
  15. Castillo

    How to do ?

    'thePlayer' is not defined anywhere, change it to 'source'.
  16. I really don't understand what do you mean.
  17. First you said that it was yours, now you say that someone gave it, wanna know what I think? that is a leaked script and you don't have permission to use it.
  18. gMe = getLocalPlayer(); gRoot = getRootElement(); gResRoot = getResourceRootElement( getThisResource () ); btn = {}; ipodCoor = { moving={}, pos={} }; addEvent( "clientReceiveMusicTable", true ); local sound = { } addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", gResRoot, function () outputChatBox( "Press 'i' to open your iPod", 0, 255, 0 ); ipod = guiCreateStaticImage( 1.0, 0.2279, 0.1916, 0.4036, "ipod.png", true ); --0.7744 ipodCoor.moving[ipod] = false; ipodCoor.pos[ipod] = "out"; songDisplay = guiCreateGridList( 0.0671, 0.0245, 0.8504, 0.4663, true, ipod ); btn[1] = guiCreateButton( 0.64, 0.67, 0.15, 0.05, "Abspielen", true, ipod ); btn[2] = guiCreateButton( 0.185, 0.67, 0.15, 0.05, "Stop", true, ipod ); btn[3] = guiCreateButton( 0.42, 0.825, 0.15, 0.05, "vD", true, ipod ); btn[4] = guiCreateButton( 0.42, 0.525, 0.15, 0.05, "vU", true, ipod ); for i=1,4 do guiSetAlpha( btn[i], 1.0 ); guiSetFont( btn[i], "default-small" ); end; songList = guiGridListAddColumn( songDisplay, "My Songs", 0.85 ); triggerServerEvent( "serverLoadMusicTable", gMe ); addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", gRoot, function () local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( gMe ) if source == btn[1] then local selSong = guiGridListGetItemData( songDisplay, guiGridListGetSelectedItem( songDisplay ) ); if selSong then if isElement ( sound [ theVehicle ] ) then stopSound ( sound [ theVehicle ] ); end triggerServerEvent ( "createSound", root, selSong, theVehicle) end; elseif source == btn[2] then if isElement ( sound [ theVehicle ] ) then stopSound ( sound [ theVehicle ] ); end sound [ theVehicle ] = nil elseif source == btn[4] then if sound [ theVehicle ] then setSoundVolume( sound [ theVehicle ], getSoundVolume( sound [ theVehicle ] ) + 0.25 ); if getSoundVolume( sound [ theVehicle ] ) > 1 then setSoundVolume( sound [ theVehicle ], 1 ); end; end; elseif source == btn[3] then if sound [ theVehicle ] then setSoundVolume( sound [ theVehicle ], getSoundVolume( sound [ theVehicle ] ) - 0.25 ); if getSoundVolume( sound [ theVehicle ] ) < 0 then setSoundVolume( sound [ theVehicle ], 0 ); end; end; end; end ) bindKey( "i", "down", function () if ipodCoor.moving[ipod] == false then if ipodCoor.pos[ipod] == "out" then showCursor( true, false ); ipodCoor.moving[ipod] = true; addEventHandler( "onClientRender", gRoot, openIPod ); toggleControl( "fire", false ); else showCursor( false, false ); ipodCoor.moving[ipod] = true; addEventHandler( "onClientRender", gRoot, closeIPod ); toggleControl( "fire", true ); end; end; end ) end ) function openIPod() local x, y = guiGetPosition( ipod, true ); guiSetPosition( ipod, x - 0.01, y, true ); if x < 0.775 then ipodCoor.moving[ipod] = false; ipodCoor.pos[ipod] = "in"; removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", gRoot, openIPod ); end; end; function closeIPod() local x, y = guiGetPosition( ipod, true ); guiSetPosition( ipod, x + 0.01, y, true ); if x > 1.0 then guiSetPosition( ipod, 1.0, y, true ); ipodCoor.moving[ipod] = false; ipodCoor.pos[ipod] = "out"; removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", gRoot, closeIPod ); end; end; addEventHandler( "clientReceiveMusicTable", gRoot, function ( mTable ) if mTable == nil then triggerServerEvent( "serverLoadMusicTable", gMe ); else for _, v in ipairs ( mTable ) do local row = guiGridListAddRow( songDisplay ); local streamtable = split(v, ';') guiGridListSetItemText( songDisplay, row, 1, streamtable[2], false, false ); guiGridListSetItemData ( songDisplay, row, 1, streamtable[1]); outputChatBox(streamtable[2].." has ben added to your ipod", getLocalPlayer()); end; guiGridListAutoSizeColumn( songDisplay, 1 ); guiBringToFront( songDisplay ); end; end ) addEvent ( "createSoundClient", true ) addEventHandler ( "createSoundClient", root, function ( id, theVehicle ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( theVehicle ) sound [ theVehicle ] = playSound3D ( id, x, y, z ) attachElements ( sound [ theVehicle ], theVehicle ) end ) Try that.
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