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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. 'source' must have been passed with the event.
  2. You still don't have rights to sell the script.
  3. Cuando reinicias el servidor queres decir? entonces podes usar el evento onResourceStop, hace un loop de todos los jugadores, obtene su tiempo y usa setAccountData como lo hace el desconectarte.
  4. The function is attachElements, not attachElement.
  5. Castillo

    help ..

    I didn't understand anything of what you said.
  6. Castillo


    What do you mean by "col radars"?
  7. If the element exists, then you can use the element functions ( attachElements, setElementData, etc ).
  8. You already created a topic about this: viewtopic.php?t=66404 It was locked because you are asking help with a leaked script.
  9. What are you trying to do? because you have strings alone, and I think that you wanted to output these texts to the chat.
  10. Castillo


    You have a missing 'end'.
  11. if ( "source" == "player" ) then What is that...?
  12. Well, you must make sure that 'source' is defined, because onVehicleRespawn defined it by it's own.
  13. Castillo

    Help Please

    local sm = {} sm.moov = 0 sm.object1, sm.object2 = nil, nil local function removeCamHandler () if(sm.moov == 1) then sm.moov = 0 removeEventHandler ( "onClientPreRender", getRootElement(), camRender ) end end local function camRender () local x1, y1, z1 = getElementPosition ( sm.object1 ) local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition ( sm.object2 ) setCameraMatrix ( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 ) end function smoothMoveCamera ( x1, y1, z1, x1t, y1t, z1t, x2, y2, z2, x2t, y2t, z2t, time ) if(sm.moov == 1) then return false end sm.object1 = createObject ( 1337, x1, y1, z1 ) sm.object2 = createObject ( 1337, x1t, y1t, z1t ) setElementAlpha ( sm.object1, 0 ) setElementAlpha ( sm.object2, 0 ) setObjectScale(sm.object1, 0.01) setObjectScale(sm.object2, 0.01) moveObject ( sm.object1, time, x2, y2, z2, 0, 0, 0, "InOutQuad" ) moveObject ( sm.object2, time, x2t, y2t, z2t, 0, 0, 0, "InOutQuad" ) addEventHandler ( "onClientPreRender", getRootElement(), camRender ) sm.moov = 1 setTimer ( removeCamHandler, time, 1 ) setTimer ( destroyElement, time, 1, sm.object1 ) setTimer ( destroyElement, time, 1, sm.object2 ) return true end smoothMoveCamera ( 1055.4643554688, -2122.0646972656, 83.747100830078, 1054.6900634766, -2121.4748535156, 83.517967224121, 1480, -1773, 108, 1480, -1688, 13, 200 )
  14. function setFuel ( ) if ( not getElementData ( source, "fuel" ) ) then local fuel = math.random ( 50, 90 ) setElementData ( source, "fuel", fuel ) end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleRespawn", getRootElement(), setFuel ) Errors you had: 1: 'vehicle' not defined, it should have been 'source'. 2: You used just one = to compare if it was 'false', but you must use two. 3: You had a missing 'end' to close the 'if'.
  15. Castillo


    Hi there. I've created this topic to let people know that there's an imposter using my name, what he does is go into servers and tells to the staff that he'll give them forum/community mod rank, and then, he asks for their user details ( password, etc ). Most sent me a PM here on the forums to confirm if it was me or not. He has also created an skype account similar to mine, to do the same. You can know if it's really me by checking the IP, which will surely be from Romania, and I am from Argentina. Regards, Castillo.
  16. We don't give support with leaked scripts. Topic locked.
  17. Castillo


    By skills you mean the weapon stats? like with UZI, if you have X stat, you can carry two UZI's.
  18. It doesn't make any sense, weapons are never stored, that'll never work.
  19. By session variables you mean data that only exists until you quit the server? if so, then yes, you can set element data. getElementData setElementData
  20. But the element exists individually on each client, how are you assigning them server-side?
  21. Yeah, the client side weapon elements doesn't exist in the server side ( obviously ).
  22. Castillo

    Ayuda script

    Usa: guiStaticImageLoadImage
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