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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/20 in Posts

  1. It's done. Only the license may remain the problem at this point. I have been working few last days on the MTA code to make it work with possibly changed ID limits and world map limits. And it works. Other limits will likely require no changes to the MTA code. Picture: Log: Starting fastman92 limit adjuster 5.7, non-public version, release mode, compilation time: Nov 1 2020 07:38:25 (UTC) Website: http://fastman92.com Launch time: 1-11-2020 8:12:44 (UTC) Launched during the day. Solution platform: WIN_X86 FASTMAN92_LIMIT_ADJUSTER_RELEASE_DIRECTORY is not defined. Documentation files will not be written. Game detected: GTA SA 1.0 US HOODLUM 14383616 bytes Game uses dynamic image base? No Game preferred image base: 0x400000 Game current image base: 0x400000 Number of FLA modules: 67 Delayed processing of limits? No Root base directory: Root directory: D:\MTA\Custom\Game Initial directory: D:\MTA\Custom\Game INI filename: fastman92limitAdjuster_GTASA.ini --------------------------------------------- At least one ID limit is changed. ID limits will be patched. Count of file IDs is over 32767 and requires unsigned ID. Applying unsigned ID patches. Count of file IDs is over 65532 and base ID of CStreamingInfo requires int32_t. Applying int32_t base ID patches. Count of DFF/TXD IDs is over 65532 and requires int32_t. Applying int32_t DFF+TXD ID patches. COL ID limit is over 256 and requires something more than uint8_t. Applying COL ID uint32_t patches. IPL ID limit is over 256 and requires something more than uint8_t. Applying IPL ID uint32_t patches. New ID limits: 0 - 149999 (150000) - DFF models defined within IDE files 150000 - 299999 (150000) - TXD texture archives. 300000 - 449999 (150000) - COL collision archives. 450000 - 450299 (300) - IPL Binary IPL files. 450300 - 450363 (64) - DAT files limited to nodes*.dat 450364 - 450552 (189) - IFP animation archives. 450553 - 451052 (500) - RRR car recordings, carrec*.rrr files 451053 - 451134 (82) - SCM scripts 451135 - 451136 (2) - Loaded list 451137 - 451138 (2) - Requested list 451139 - count of all file IDs Addresses: CModelInfo::ms_modelInfoPtrs: 0x27E5020 CStreaming::ms_aInfoForModel: 0x5037020 CAnimManager::ms_aAnimBlocks: 0x1CDC898 CVehicleRecording::StreamingArray: 0x1CDE040 CTheScripts::StreamedScripts: 0xA47B60 Format of new savefiles will be different: patch for block of IPL flags is applied! Number of IPL flags will depend on current IPL ID limit. Format of new savefiles will be different: patch for enhanced format of model flags block is applied! Format of new savefiles will be different: patch for save game of variable length is applied! --------------------------------------------- Format of new savefiles will be different: patch for car generators with CCarGenerator_extended structure is applied! Format of new savefiles will be different: patch for save game of variable length is applied! Modified limit Car generators to: 500 Is CCarGenerator_extended structure used: 1 --------------------------------------------- Renderware world map size set to 28000 x 28000 World map size set to 24000 x 24000 World map info info: World map size: 24000 x 24000 World sectors: CWorld::ms_aSectors type: buildings, dummies count: 480 * 480 = 230400 sector area: 50 x 50 CWorld::ms_aLodPtrLists type: lod count: 120 * 120 = 14400 sector area: 200 x 200 CWorld::ms_aRepeatSectors type: vehicles, peds, object count: 16 * 16 = 256 --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Number of memory changes made: 5047 --------------------------------------------- What can we do now? Part of EULA: 3. Using this software together with other GTA3/GTA:VC modifications is prohibited by this EULA. This is not a cause for termination of the license but can result in further actions taken by the team or other licensees. I wonder, how could we possibly resolve this matter. As the programming problem of making the MTA code compatible with new limits has been solved.
    3 points
  2. I thought the offer expired, you sort of gave up and set terms / expressed wishes that were considered unreasonable by the MTA team. After which others (including @Saml1er) started working to lift GTA limits, of which the currently merged and pending changes may conflict with yours. The people that worked on limits related stuff also said there are better ways of implementing the required changes than yours, and were fearing for instability (they were also rather afraid of using your code, as you can see for example in the closing comment of https://github.com/multitheftauto/mtasa-blue/pull/917) I'm not saying your achievement will go down the drain, but what I mean to say is that you're definately going to have to talk to the MTA devs again surrounding the desirability before anything else, @fastman92. If you are sure that you used the latest MTA source (in which some of the stuff was already implemented, or solved, such as with dynamic model IDs for skins and such) and also prevented duplicates between what your limited adjuster can do versus those changes that are already in MTA, then it's more likely to work out.
    2 points
  3. E como está o código que você chamou a função? Se for aquele primeiro está faltando o jogador no argumento 1. Além disso, não tem porquê de exportar shared já que as funções ali são apenas do lado server.
    1 point
  4. it's been a long time, finally I have decided to spend few days on the MTA code to make it compatible with new limits. The FLA does the work once, when proxy_gtasa.exe gets run. Limits can be changed once per process launch. Instability - the FLA has been designed very carefully and any errors in the FLA are completely unacceptable. Tested over many, many thousand computers all over the world. A bit of MTA code had to be changed to work with new ID limits and world map limits and it was also done in a proper way. Some ASM code had to be changed. @Saml1ermay have been working a bit on it, but he implemented only the simplest limits probably. The simple limits have never been the problem. They could be changed by the MTA team if there were such a need. Now the FLA also offers the possibility of changing the complicated limits, which took months of work to alter. I was editing the newest version probably. I've done it over TeamViewer on the computer of someone else.
    1 point
  5. Example: function string_padding_dword(s) local l = 4 - string.len(s) % 4 return s .. string.rep(string.char(l), l) end function string_unpadding_dword(s) return string.sub(s, 0, string.len(s) - string.byte(s, string.len(s))) end function FileProtection(path, key) local file = fileOpen(path) local size = fileGetSize(file) local FirstPart = fileRead(file, 65536) fileSetPos(file, 65536) local SecondPart = fileRead(file, size - 65536) fileClose(file) file = fileCreate(path..'rw') fileWrite(file, encodeString('tea', string_padding_dword(FirstPart), { key = key })..SecondPart) fileClose(file) return true end function FileUnProtection(path, key) local file = fileOpen(path) local size = fileGetSize(file) local FirstPart = fileRead(file, 65536 + 4) fileSetPos(file, 65536 + 4) local SecondPart = fileRead(file, size - (65536 + 4)) fileClose(file) -- file = fileCreate(path..'rw') -- fileWrite(file, string_padding_dword( decodeString('tea', FirstPart, { key = key }) )..SecondPart) -- fileClose(file) return string_padding_dword( decodeString('tea', FirstPart, { key = key }) )..SecondPart end -- example FileProtection('infernus.dff', 'GT4BAE') -- FileUnProtection(path, key) local txd = engineLoadTXD('infernus.txd') engineImportTXD(txd, 401) local dff = engineLoadDFF( FileUnProtection('infernus.dff', 'GT4BAE') ) engineReplaceModel(dff, 401)
    1 point
  6. ابي كود يحرك صورة دي اكس يمين او يسار م عرفت اسويه
    0 points
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