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Showing content with the highest reputation on 17/08/23 in all areas

  1. Coloque todos no mesmo time e depois desabilite o friendly fire do time. Assim ninguém consegue dar dano um no outro. Porém não sei se funciona para casos de atropelamento, tem que testar. CreateTeam SetTeamFriendlyFire SetPlayerTeam
    1 point
  2. for Key, Player in ipairs( getElementsByType ( 'player' ) ) do if ( getPlayerName( Player ) == 'Avir14' ) then outputChatBox( "Welcome", Player ) end end for Key, Player in ipairs( getElementsByType ( 'player' ) ) do if ( getElementData( Player, 'ID' ) == 5 ) then outputChatBox( "Welcome", Player ) end end
    1 point
  3. Substituir os blips via shader faz com que eles continuem funcionando da mesma forma que os blips originais. Você só teria problemas com isso se os blips fossem criados via dxDrawImage, sem ser por createBlip.
    1 point
  4. getPlayerAccs : وظيفة لـ جلب جميع حسابات اللاعب Syntax / التركيبة : table getPlayerAccs ( player thePlayer ) player thePlayer: اللاعب الذي تريد جلب جميع حساباته - Source Code: getPlayerAccs = function ( Player ) if ( getElementType( Player ) ~= "player" ) then return error ("Bad argument @ 'getElementType' [Expected player at argument 1 , got "..type ( Player ).."]") end local Serial = getPlayerSerial ( Player ) local Table = {}; for _,acc in ipairs ( getAccounts ( ) ) do if ( Serial == getAccountSerial ( acc ) ) then table.insert ( Table , acc ) end end return Table end مثال عن الوظيفة : addCommandHandler('getAccs', function ( Player ) outputChatBox('* Your Accounts', Player , 255 ,0,0 , true ) for _,v in ipairs ( getPlayerAccs ( Player ) ) do outputChatBox(getAccountName ( v ) ) end end)
    1 point
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