i know this thread is old but i found it by searching online, so maybe this will help others that search online.
These objects are indeed mappable objects, but theyre what i like to call irrelevant objects. ones that have no collision, are very hard to work with, and cant really be used with anything; just all- around useless objects. As tails said (hi @Tails ?) try searching for "wire" or "billboard" and "board" for those objects. but if you would like to remove them, you can do one of two things.
The harder of the two would be to edit your .map file to make the problem object into a removeWorldObject manually, but youll need the exact position and object ID for that. the second option would be to make a short script to remove the object forcefully.
This is an example that was found online to remove all the night time building window lights from the server, as they can interfere with custom mapping. im sure this can be edited to include what you need