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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/02/23 in all areas

  1. But... I'M TIRED OF THESE CALCULATIONS. IT WAS FUN IN THE BEGINNING, BUT NOW I GIVE UP! YOU HAVE NO IMAGINATION HOW GRATEFUL I AM TO YOU. YOUR METHOD WORKS. I really hope that this topic will help other people as well, since for me personally this kind of object-movement is the basis for any server.
    2 points
  2. I understand that you want to do the calculations your self. But if you are using a matrix, you really do not have to think about all that complex and brain exploding stuff. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Matrix local x, y, z, rx, ry, rz x, y, z = getElementPosition(getPedOccupiedVehicle(source)) rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation(getPedOccupiedVehicle(source)) local vehicleMatrix = Matrix ( Vector3(x, y, z), Vector3(rx, ry, rz) ) local offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ = 0, 0, 0 local newPosition = vehicleMatrix:transformPosition ( Vector3(offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ) ) SpawnedObject = createObject(987, newPosition.x, newPosition.y, newPosition.z) setElementRotation(SpawnedObject, rx, ry, rz, "ZYX") Note: You can do all of this with less lines.
    2 points
  3. ?. Судя по причине, это не ошибка, а бан за использование читов и, скорее всего, временный.
    1 point
  4. If i am not wrong u can use fade camera so the teleport wont look as bad as it is.
    1 point
  5. You can use "setPedCanBeKnockedOffBike" function but its server sided, also there is no such function "setElementGravity" at least not on MTA there are setVehicleGravity and setPedGravity server-side: function teleportVehicle(player, command, x, y, z) if not isPedInVehicle(player) then outputChatBox("You must be in a vehicle to use this command.", player, 255, 0, 0) return end local playervehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) if not x or not y or not z then outputChatBox("Usage: /tp [X] [Y] [Z]", player, 255, 0, 0) return end x = tonumber(x) y = tonumber(y) z = tonumber(z) if not x or not y or not z then outputChatBox("Invalid coordinates.", player, 255, 0, 0) return end triggerClientEvent(player, "onClientTeleportVehicle", player, x, y, z) outputChatBox("Vehicle teleported to coordinates: "..x..", "..y..", "..z, player, 0, 255, 0) end addCommandHandler("tp", teleportVehicle) client-side: function tp(x, y, z) local player = getLocalPlayer() local playervehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) setElementPosition(playervehicle, x, y, z) setPedCanBeKnockedOffBike(player, false) setTimer(function() setPedCanBeKnockedOffBike(player, true) end, 1000, 1) end addEvent("onClientTeleportVehicle", true) addEventHandler("onClientTeleportVehicle", root, teleportVehicle) don't mind the command and all the error handling I've built it to try it tho, I wanted to see if to set its Gravity will fix it
    1 point
  6. I guess motorcycles and bicycles have some tilt property that is separate from rotation and changes as you steer. Maybe it's just visual. Maybe it's not even a property on its own, but rather one of the effects of steering state. And I also assume that setElementFrozen only locks position, rotation and velocity - in which case that tilting property would remain unaffected. A long time ago, I tried making a CLEO script that records the player's driving route by writing the vehicle's position, rotation and velocity to a file in short intervals, and then plays it. I wasn't able to get it to look properly on bikes, because the bike wasn't tilting to the side it was steering during the playback - to the contrary, it was slightly steering to the opposite side. I did realize it was because of lack of control states, but didn't know how to overcome that problem. Now that you pointed out the behavior of setElementFrozen, it looks related. Interesting to find out many years later
    1 point
  7. What a ride down memory lane (and yes this is the original Cray... I have long since lost my original login/email to these forums, but rest assured that I have been a lurker ever since). It's great to see jhxp, eAi, Ransom and so many others continuing to progress this far past anything I had dreamed of in the early days pushing code out, spinning up a server on my basement server and getting some folks in IRC to help me test. Amazing. Keep up the great work! I forgot to say that I still cringe at my interview. Don't worry, I am much more comfortable speaking infront of crowds as a 40 year old
    1 point
  8. To take away some confusion, understand that the changes being announced here are mostly focussed on cutting out the 'community front' of AC team operations, so that we can optimize limited manpower and rebalance expectations for our users to accept there will be periods we can't make waves, if you were able to move yourself into our perspective on how people always want everything solved, fixed, sorted out immediately on their whim, and how persistent they are in that (and in most cases bring something misconceived/invalid, after which they can't even be convinced otherwise or that would take from our time disproportionally), you'd be straight out scared and quickly stressed out. OP was clarified by adding in this segment 1 day after the topic was made: We will continue to bring AC improvements and get rid of emerging cheats and cheaters, but at our own pace, without external pressure or too high community expectations, from now on everything is on a best-effort basis and the point is that there may be periods during which we can't make any waves due to manpower constricts. You can see that this topic intends to lower your expectations and respect the amount of free time we (as volunteers) are able to invest, and get off our backs for things being different compared to some years ago. We're also OK to restrict ban appeals and player reports so we can delegate all of the manpower that's left on our new strategy, breaking cheats (patching them) and just preventing them from working to begin with, instead of permanently banning cheat users and having to deal with them "regretting" in ban appeals. We are also OK to restrict reporting cheaters as our focus shifts to breaking the cheats, and to get the required information to break one, we have our own methods and channels so much that we don't need any sort of reports. Due to the state of anticheat and heuristics, we always have a good picture of abnormalities and what cheats are doing, so the main limiting factor is manpower to get to work with what we have & know. After all, cheating on MTA will not be left alone, and AC team will disrupt it and raise the border even more whenever manpower allows it to do so. Cheaters should realize that their fun may come to an end at any unexpected moment, and that if they're too used to being able to cheat, they will be very upset to have to adapt to playing normally for as long it takes the cheat devs to catch back up to us again.
    1 point
  9. Hello, I would like to request for Persian / فارسی section for Iranian players. Also i ask Iranian players to help out translating mta to persian. (I've already made lot of progress) -> https://translate.mtasa.com/fa/ With regards. Deihim007 با سلام, اینجانب تمایل به درخواست بخش فارسی برای پلیر های ایرانی رو دارم. همچنین از پلیر های ایرانی میخوام برای ترجمه ام تی ای به فارسی کمک کنند (که در حال حاضر پیشرفت زیادی داشته) -> https://translate.mtasa.com/fa/ با سپاس دیهیم 007
    1 point
  10. Je tiens à te remercier pour la réponse qui a été très rapide ! Je vais d'abord essayer la 2ème solution et si sa persiste je vais devoir surement revenir vers vous ^^
    1 point
  11. Hey There Me Arman support this and i would be glad to see a Persian section on the MTA:SA forum. With my best Regards. Arman لطفا زبان فارسی رو برای ما اضافه کنید . نیاز داریم لطفا هم wiki وهم forum اضاف کنید
    1 point
  12. I also hope that the Persian language can make a great progress in this regard!
    1 point
  13. what about moroccan board.
    1 point
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