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  1. If you wanna keep script in this state, i will explain what could be done better. Start off by: Saving an function call in: local dimension = getElementDimension(localPlayer) Currently, you are returning it every frame, while you could save it in main scope and avoid calling it. By using onClientElementDimensionChange to store localPlayer's current dimension. local dimension = 0 function onClientElementDimensionChange(_, newDimension) dimension = newDimension end addEventHandler("onClientElementDimensionChange", localPlayer, onClientElementDimensionChange) Saving an another function call: local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(getElementByID("ped1")) I'm assuming that custom element is created on script init, otherwise you would need to update it at the time it creates. -- Main scope local myPed = getElementByID("ped1") -- Render scope local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(myPed) For next step, you could use custom implementation of getDistanceBetweenPoints3D which is faster from MTA (thanks @Sarrum) local function getDistance3D(pFirstX, pFirstY, pFirstZ, pSecondX, pSecondY, pSecondZ) pFirstX, pFirstY, pFirstZ = pFirstX - pSecondX, pFirstY - pSecondY, pFirstZ - pSecondZ return (pFirstX * pFirstX + pFirstY * pFirstY + pFirstZ * pFirstZ) ^ 0.5 end Another thing which most of scripters forget about is using tocolor in render, even if color doesn't change... tocolor(3, 169, 252, 255) -- notice () - a function call which returns same color every frame The solution will be to save it in local variable in main scope and later use it. -- Main scope local textColor = tocolor(3, 169, 252, 255) -- Render scope dxDrawText("Unknown", sx, sy, sx, sy, textColor, 2.02, "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) If color isn't static you could use, for example events or timers which will be ideal way to update it. Other than that, you might use onClientElementStreamIn/onClientElementStreamOut to add/remove handler when ped appears or disappears from stream zone, as mentioned above by Dutchman101.
    2 points
  2. createObject - Cria um objeto. Use-o para criar 2 objetos, um para a câmera apontar e outro pra câmera seguir. setElementAlpha - Deixe os dois objetos invisíveis. moveObject - Move os objetos em animação. getElementPosition - Obtém a posição atual do objeto, use a posição obtida no cameraMatrix. setCameraMatrix - Seta posição da câmera e posição para onde ela deve apontar. setCameraTarget - Use para fazer a câmera voltar ao jogador depois da animação. onClientRender - Use para ficar atualizando a posição da câmera a cada frame.
    1 point
  3. Como ficou o código final, caso outra pessoa queira fazer algo parecido: local CMD_INTERVALO = 20000 --Intervalo entre um comando e outro em milisegundos. local tick = {} --Tabela para armazenar o momento do uso do comando para a verificação a proxima vez que usar o comando. addEventHandler('onPlayerCommand', root, function (cmd) if cmd ~= 'minerador' then return end if not tick[source] then tick[source] = 0 end if CMD_INTERVALO + tick[source] > getTickCount () then cancelEvent () outputChatBox('Aguarde '..math.ceil(CMD_INTERVALO/1000)..' segundos para usar o comando novamente!', source) else tick[source] = getTickCount () end end)
    1 point
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