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  1. Hey folks So, I joined this community back in 2008, when MTA SA DM DP1 was released. It was great. I played in servers. I scripted stuff. The scripting part is especially important here, because I was amazed to see what possibilities to customize the game MTA SA gives to the scripters, and that's what got me involved so much. It was by scripting on MTA that I got lots of coding experience. I had such a great time that 2008 was one of the most memorable years for me, because I can still remember the good moments, including my first time playing the non-race version (I played MTA SA Race in 2007, but only a little bit, and didn't think much of it) and my first attempts to script. As time went by, I set goals for myself. I thought of making my own server with my own gamemode. I didn't just want it for my own gains, I wanted it for the good of MTA, too! I wanted to make use of MTA scripting possibilities, to let the greatness of MTA be known! However, as I still wasn't that good at scripting nor at setting goals (they were huge), I wasn't exactly being productive. I experimented a lot and learned a lot, but apart from that, it didn't really go anywhere. After a few years of playing around, I realized my goals weren't going to come true. I decided I just wanted to be useful to MTA community. That's when I made and released a few scripts, including Drawtag, Gravity gun and NPC traffic. Later I made my own server after all, with a gamemode very different from what I had originally planned. But I was too busy with crap in my life to continue working on it, so I had to end it. I didn't want to abandon MTA. All those dreams that never came true. But I didn't see any other way. I stopped playing and scripting on MTA. Eventually I drifted away and stopped visiting this forum altogether. During the time I was away, I was just living life, but not really feeling like I was enjoying it. There were ups and downs. You know, everyone goes through different phases of life. But now I feel bad about it. It wasn't necessarily my fault that I left, but it was my fault that I didn't come back for so long. Now that I finally did, it seems there have been people who were looking for me, but I don't even know if it's of any use to reply to messages I received 3 to 5 years ago. I'm regularly on YouTube though, but even there, often I didn't feel like replying to comments right away and forgot about them later. I'm feeling like a busta who ran away and left his homies when there was no reason to. I'm feeling like I have betrayed MTA because it gave me so much, but I didn't manage to benefit it as much as I thought it deserved. Things have surely changed around here while I was gone. I see there are admins and moderators who weren't even on this forum when I left. And honestly, I don't remember many people in particular. I don't remember well who was and who wasn't here back in those days. I don't know if anyone here misses me. I'm so out of touch. Kinda sucks, doesn't it? After wandering for years, I'm finally back home, but I'm not even sure if it's still the same home that I've been missing because I don't even know if people here are still the same people that I left. But I see some usernames that look familiar and I can take comfort in that. MTA seems to be doing much better than before. I didn't expect it to become so popular! I'm supposed to be happy about this, because it was my dream to see MTA achieve the popularity that it deserves. But it feels like yet another thing I missed out on. I wasn't a part of MTA community during the time that it grew so much. What a shame. Unfortunately, I don't have plans to resume MTA scripting, not big ones at least. It's a pity, seeing how MTA now has scripting features that I used to dream of. But I just don't think I currently can focus on it. Still, it feels tempting to try. I'm curious, how much have peds been improved? In the old days, I would run into problems because the peds would lose information about health, ammo and many other things, when they got streamed out, so I couldn't have them properly synced and had to resort to workarounds. What about model/texture replacing? I see there are some new related functions, so this functionality must have been improved, right? I remember trying to import Liberty City and Vice City back in 2010, and I managed to convert Liberty City, but I couldn't load it all at once, because 512 MB of RAM was not enough to replace that many models at the same time. And replacing the models dynamically (based on distance to the player) wasn't working well, there were bugs and some models weren't actually getting replaced. My scripts website is no longer there. I still have the files, but I see someone made a GitHub repository and uploaded the resources there, so I guess it's okay as it is. The resources are available to everyone and I'm thankful for that. If I ever decided to make scripts for the community to use, I would start from scratch rather than continue working on the old ones. The same can be said about the server I had, I have the gamemode and the database, but if I wanted to run a server again, I would start the gamemode all over. While the future of my involvement in MTA scripting is uncertain, I'm seeking to be active on this forum once again. I want to be in touch with MTA and the community. Maybe I should try helping people in scripting section or something like that. Perhaps make some tutorial. I'm much better at programming than I used to be. I'm working on my own game engine, but I don't want to make it sound like I'm doing something big or anything like that. This is another thing that I took my time to play around with. I started it long ago, I learned a lot, but I have little results. Either way, it was MTA that inspired me to do it. And I have an idea to make a common scripting interface for MTA and my engine so that scripts made using this interface would work on both. Not stating that's what's going to happen, I'm just thinking of ways to make scripts for MTA even when I have to focus on something else. With things I learned in the recent years, some MTA script ideas that I once considered difficult to implement, look much easier now. Hell, even if I made the mistake of leaving MTA for so long, these years were still far from wasted. That's pretty much all I wanted to say for now. I left for several years, now I feel bad about it, "but now I'm back, and I know what I've been missing". Not sure how much I'm going to be involved in MTA scripting, if at all, but I just want to be a part of this community again.
    3 points
  2. Se o script vendido é a pronta-entrega: O suporte deve cobrir bugs que o resource possa ter até que ele atenda completamente o objetivo que ele propõe. Nada além disso. Se o script vendido é customizado/exclusivo: É necessário atender todos os objetivos solicitados pelo cliente. Para isso, é necessário que todos os objetivos estejam bem esclarecidos antes da entrega do resource, para evitar que o cliente peça novos objetivos do resource após a entrega. Os preços variam de acordo com a complexidade do resource, tempo que demorou para desenvolver, qualidade da otimização, qualidade da programação (sem erros nem warnings no debugscript), suporte pós venda, exclusividade, importância do resource como um todo. Como base, recomendo o seguinte: Resources simples = R$25,00 (Empregos de dirigir até tal lugar, sempre no mesmo lugar. Painel VIP. Painel de corp/gangue. Mapas sem nenhum sistema ou no máximo um sisteminha simples de abrir/fechar portão.) Resources intermediários = R$50,00 (Empregos que exigem múltiplas ações do jogador, ex: Vai até um lugar, faz tal coisa e depois precisa ir até outro lugar. Scripts que precisam de algum painel um pouco mais elaborado, como painel de policial para buscar/multar/prender jogadores. Mapas que possuam sistemas intermediários de proteção da base, painel de gerenciamento.) Resources avançados = R$100,00 (Sistemas de segurança que envolvam fetchRemote ou banco de dados, sistema de casas gerenciáveis.) Resources extremamente complexos = R$200,00 (Sistema de dominação de zonas que funciona com banco de dados, timers, pagamentos aos membros das equipes dominantes, pontuação em tempo real durante o conflito de ataque/defesa de zonas, veículos/pickups/teleportes exclusivos das zonas, sistema de salvamento automático, áudios, colShapes, radarAreas, mensagens e informações em DX, etc. Tudo sem bugs ou erros.) Depende dos termos que você estabeleceu com ele. Se for um script exclusivo pro cliente, se ele vazar é problema dele e o script deixará de ser exclusivo. Se for um resource a pronta-entrega, dai não se pode vazar. Até hoje não existe nenhum método infalível de proteger os scripts. Ainda mais sem ser compilando. Um método bem comum é proteger o resource via IP para que ele só funcione no IP do cliente. Mas nada adianta se o script não estiver compilado. ------ Sempre deixe seus termos bem claros e acessíveis na sua loja. Não deixe brechas para interpretações do cliente que busquem te prejudicar. Deixe claro as opções de suporte, garantia, trocas, reembolsos para evitar que os clientes tentem te dar calote.
    2 points
  3. Hi Mate I sent a friend request on discord
    1 point
  4. Dutchman what you want from me im good player not cheater stop abusing me for serial changing and other :~ i want to create my own epic server (multi rpg is :~ want to be better) I can sue you beacuse you lie of me im not cheater unban me you know my new serial from VM goodbye i give you last chance Stop abusing me Please last chance Last Chance
    1 point
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