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Showing content with the highest reputation on 15/10/19 in all areas

  1. Try checking your storage usage in your host , or remove some mods.
    1 point
  2. mi-am facut deja http://prntscr.com/pjpz4f
    1 point
  3. Não, só mostra informações do PC do jogador, como memória de vídeo livre, usada por fonte/render target/texturas, etc Movido para https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/97-portuguese-português/ @V1RU5
    1 point
  4. function sairVeh (theVehicle) if (getElementModel (theVehicle) == 411) then outputChatBox ("- Você saiu do veículo e foi reprovado.", source) setElementPosition (source, 1481.06, -1601.6, 13.55) destroyElement (theVehicle) end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerVehicleExit", root, sairVeh)
    1 point
  5. disabledweps[weaponID] disabledweps[ getPedWeapon(localPlayer) ]
    1 point
  6. O primeiro argumento do evento onPlayerVehicleExit é o veículo e o terceiro, o jogador; portanto, se o jogador deixar um veículo, será o ocupante. Se você deseja condicionar o motorista, deve condicionar o argumento "assento". function sairVeh(vehicle, seat, jacked) if (getElementModel(vehicle) == 411 ) then outputChatBox("- Você saiu do veículo e foi reprovado.") setElementPosition(player, 1481.0557861328,-1601.6010742188,13.546875) destroyElement(vehicle) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerVehicleExit", getRootElement(), sairVeh)
    1 point
  7. Hello there and thanks you so much for your help! I still have a problem, at the moment I'm getting the object position from database and the line of code is this one: local Object = createObject(row["objectID"], row["X"], row["Y"], row["Z"], row["RX"], row["RY"], row["RZ"]) and my output to the server is the following one: 1569, 1796, -1744.5, 12.6, 0, 0, 180.5 So if if i was scripting it it should look like this: createObject ( 1569, 1796, -1744.5, 12.6, 0, 0, 180.5 ) How can I add those Frozen parameter to it? I mean I was checking the page https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CreateObject and there is no option for it.
    1 point
  8. Assim isso varia muito, no caso do evento onPlayerLogin, o source será o Player, já no evento onVehicleDamage, o source será o veiculo. O parâmetro cmd só será usado em funções que possuir addCommandHandler, pois a variável cmd irá se referir ao comando que você setou dentro dos () do addCommandHandler. ohh Root geralmente é usado no evento onClientRender. Creio que na Wiki deva ter algo que explique melhor, porém te recomendo que veja este tutorial.
    1 point
  9. شكرا ياخوي على الكود وعلى الشرح الي كتبته
    1 point
  10. لا بالعكس مروق الف مو لازم احط فيس يضحك علشان اوصل للشخص اني مستانس ~ # العفو ~
    1 point
  11. كلام فوق السياره ؟ ولا على السياره ؟ لو على السيارة ف تقدر تكتب على الصوره الي بتنحط على السياره بالشادر اكتب عصوره بالفوتوشوب او اي برنامج تعديل صور اما لو كلام فوق السياره يعني طاير فوقها ف ذا شي ثاني
    1 point
  12. Ah well I've solved the problem. It was a function that kept calling itself (which usually results in an error somewhat similar to to "too long execution, aborting script", I forgot how exactly it goes.). I guess that error message got me confused and I didn't really check the code well enough.
    1 point
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