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ســلام عليكم ورحمة الله أخبـآركم - عسساكـمء بخير موضوع اليوم عن لوحة الإهداءات ~ طـبعـا انا لا احتاج احد يجيني في التعليقات يقولي أن اللوحه تبع لسيرفر طاره ~ | gift | كلمة فتح اللوحه من اف 8 هي لتغيير الكلمة , من ملف اسمه sittingCG كل شيء عن المود موجود في هذا الرابط \ الفيديو وبالتـــوفييقء ~~ |~ الإهداءات ~| @!#DesTroyeR_,) @MrKAREEM @Mr.Falcon @DABL @KillerX @NX_CI @[AcM] - Major . @MR_Mahmoud @Ahmed Ly @MR.Mosa @N3xT @Abu-Solo @SuperX @#BrosS @iMr.WiFi..! @Mr.CnTroL @Abdul KariM و جميع أعضاء المنتدى3 points
https://pilovali.nl/youtube-to-mp3/ This site can convert youtube to MP3, using the function callRemote But I need a example of it using any converter link from youtube to mp3 does anyone has an idea?1 point
Agora esta certo, mas antes faça isso: outputChatBox ("[PRESOS] Nick: ".. getPlayerName(p):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") .." - Tempo: ".. tostring(jailtime(p)).." minuto(s)!", player, 230, 230, 230, true) Coloque essa linha no lugar da que está lá no comando de /presos.1 point
1 point
alvo, "tempo:prisao", valTimer Nessa ordem. Afinal, se fosse na key você nao iria conseguir retornar o valor do tempo.1 point
Sim, então seria setElementData armazenando o tempo "valTimer". Como ficaria no código @Renazz1 point
R: Valor bool se trata de dois valores, sendo eles como exemplo true ou false ou seja, verdadeiro ou falso. Então não faz nenhum sentido você utilizar um valor booleano no element-data onde você quer obter o tempo do jogador preso correto?1 point
A resposta tá no meu post acima @Renazz valor booleano = true/false Então perguntei se é isso que fará mostrar o tempo de prisão do jogador ou valTimer ? Responda isso1 point
Não notei, já tem a removeElementData. Use a lógica, você quer mostrar o tempo da prisão ou um valor qualquer? Se for o tempo de prisão não vai outro valor ali? (dica: valtimer).1 point
Ok, tá sendo setado agora, mas pergunte-se: 1- O tempo pode ser uma boolean? (true/false)1 point
Edita o comando de prender e adiciona um setElementData para o tempo de prisão. No comando ficaria assim (assumindo que o element-data "prisao:tempo" exista) : addCommandHandler ("presos", function (player, cmd) if isPlayerInACL(player, "Admin") ~= true then return end local presos = getPlayersByData ("preso") if not presos then return outputChatBox( "Nenhum jogador preso encontrado!", player, 255, 30, 30) end local jailtime = function (player) return getElementData( player, "prisao:tempo" ) or "N/A" end for i, p in ipairs(presos) do outputChatBox ("[PRESOS] Nick: ".. getPlayerName(p):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") .." - Tempo: ".. tostring(jailtime(p)), player, 230, 230, 230, true) end end) function getPlayersByData (dataName) if dataName and type(dataName) == "string" then local playersTable = {} for _, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData (v, dataName) then table.insert (playersTable, v) end end if #playersTable == 0 then return false end return playersTable end return false end function isPlayerInACL(player, acl) local accountName = getAccountName( getPlayerAccount(player) ) if accountName ~= "guest" and type( aclGetGroup(acl) ) == "userdata" then return isObjectInACLGroup( "user."..accountName, aclGetGroup(acl) ) end return false end1 point
Nem tentou pelo visto... addCommandHandler ("presos", function (player, cmd) local presos = getPlayersByData ("preso") or {} local msg = "" if #presos == 0 then msg = "Nenhum jogador preso encontrado!" elseif type(presos) == "table" then msg = table.concat (presos, ", ") end outputChatBox ("[PRESOS] #FFFFFF"..msg, player, 255, 30, 30, true) end) function getPlayersByData (dataName) if dataName and type(dataName) == "string" then local playersTable = {} for _, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData (v, dataName) then table.insert (playersTable, getPlayerName(v)) end end if #playersTable == 0 then return false end return playersTable end return false end1 point
local playerdata = "preso" function getPlayersByData(dataName) if dataName and type(dataName) == "string" then local playersTable = {} for i,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(v, dataName) then table.insert(playersTable, v) end end if #playersTable == 0 then return false end return playersTable else return false end end for i, player in ipairs(getPlayersByData(playerdata)) do print( "Data: ".. playerdata .."; Jogador: ".. tostring(getPlayerName(player)) ) end1 point
1 point
addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", root, function (player, _, jacked) if isElement(jacked) and getElementType(player) == "player" and getElementType(jacked) == "player" and (getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(player)) ~= 'Police') then setElementData(player, "Charges", tonumber(getElementData(player, "Charges"))+30) end end)1 point
1 point
addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", root, function (player, _, jacked) if isElement(jacked) and getElementType(player) == "player" and getElementType(jacked) == "player" and not (getPlayerTeam(player) == 'Police') then setElementData(player, "Charges", tonumber(getElementData(player, "Charges"))+30) end end)1 point
-->> عدل على السكربت حقك -->> اول ما تعطي اللاعب النجوم -->> تحقق بإستخدام الشرط التالي قبل اعطاء النجوم if not (getPlayerTeam(yourPlayer) == "Police") then -- yourPlayer : اللاعب اللي بتعطيه النجوم Police تحقق اذا ما كان بتيم -->> اعطيه النجوم هنا تحت الجملة الشرطية else -- إذا كان فعلاً في تيم الشرطة return false -- سوي انهاء end1 point
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1 point
Crie um tópico (em Programação em Lua) e detalha o seu problema lá, mostre o código, etc.1 point
@gbmv33 Esses símbolos aparecem depois da primeira vez que você copia no fórum, ou seja, na primeira funciona. Minha dica é estar ciente disso e quando copiar o código dar f5 para 'resetar' o bug e então copiar.1 point
1 point
Algum motivo tem por trás do mapa ficar 'sumindo', ligar/desligar o Map editor pode até ser uma solução, mas não vai te mostrar o problema e a melhor solução. Esse problema é resolvido com esta função: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetOcclusionsEnabled E pare de criar outra conta pra se auto-pontuar no fórum, isso vai contra as regras é coisa de trapaceiro e patética.1 point
if hour >= 0 and hour < 12 then status = "AM" elseif hour >= 12 and hour < 24 then status = "PM"1 point
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1 point
كل شيء مشروح بالمقطع, وراجع ردود الموضوع لأن فيه ناس واجهوا مشاكل ممكن تكون مثل مشكلتك1 point
مود جميل جدا لكن لو تضيف زر للكلمة حقت اف ٨ refresh و اقدر اتكلم وانا خارج السيرفر اقدر اصك باند وميوت بتصير لوحه جبااره وبالتوفيق1 point
Pra falar a verdade é source ao invés de localPlayer mesmo pois no evento onClientPedDamage quem recebe o Damage é o source volte pra source nas datas, e no server está errado, a data neste caso você precisa informar um valor bool. Troque por: setElementData (player_alvo, "shock", true) Onde essa função emshock esta sendo chamada no server-side ? Acredito que de pra gente fazer tudo server-side e nem precisamos usar as datas no client. Digite /debugscript 3 e diga se aparecer erros quando startar o resouce.1 point
1 point
Hello staff MTA team, I am having some problems with the MTA these days in question of DLL . Version = 1.5.6-release-16588.5.000 Time = Sat May 25 14:15:26 2019 Module = C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.5\mods\deathmatch\client.dll Code = 0xC0000005 Offset = 0x0027EFAA EAX=00000000 EBX=01CEE150 ECX=5B4F7605 EDX=70CCBCB0 ESI=00000004 EDI=01CBCC20 EBP=0177F0F0 ESP=0177F0DC EIP=00344BB4 FLG=00210202 CS=0023 DS=002B SS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B Already tried everything, already installed and uninstalled several times and did not give in any results, also already downloaded the latest version several times . ~Thanks for read~1 point
وعليكم السلام , والله شوف ي ايكو المودات القديمة افضل مليون مرة من الجديدة مع احترامي :]1 point