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  1. طلب الانضمام للمصميين مفتوح :Cوين المصممين المحترفين
    2 points
  2. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته -:في هذا الموضوع يمكنك تقديم طلب للانضمام لفريق مجتمع العرب, يجب عليك قبل كل شيء اتباع شكل التقديم التالي :اذا كنت تريد التقديم كـ مصمم في مجتمع العرب, الرجاء اتباع الشكل التالي :اذا كنت تريد التقديم كـ مبرمج في مجتمع العرب, الرجاء اتباع الشكل التالي الآن السؤال الذي يدور في بال الكثيرين, ماهو المقابل, الراتب الذي ستوفرونه؟ الفلوس (الراتب) تستطيع ان تربحهم فقط من المشاريع التي ستشارك في تطويرهم ولاتوجد طريقة أخرى
    1 point
  3. Próxima vez crie o post na seção Portuguesa por favor: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/97-portuguese-português/ https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=2322 + "onClientRender" getElementPosition getDistanceBetweenPoints3D getScreenFromWorldPosition dxDrawText
    1 point
  4. الـــكـــــود شــغــــال تمـــام , بس بــما اني خـبــرتـي بــلـبــرمجــة مــو كـبـيـرة مثـلـك .. وش الــخــطــاء فــى الــكــود والصح حــقــة وش؟
    1 point
  5. You don't have to have them in the same file. You define the global table in one file then every file can use that table.
    1 point
  6. function playersProcurados (me) local acc = getPlayerAccount (me) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." ..getAccountName(acc), aclGetGroup ( "ACL_NOME" ) ) then local everybody = getElementsByType ("player") outputChatBox ("Players procurados: #FFFFFF", me, 255, 150, 0, true) for i, thePlayer in ipairs (everybody) do local wantedLevel = getPlayerWantedLevel (thePlayer) if (wantedLevel > 0) then outputChatBox ("-> #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).." #FF0000("..wantedLevel..") #FFFFFFEstrelas", me, 255, 0, 0, true) else outputChatBox ( "Nenhum procurado foi encontrado !", me, 0, 255, 0) end end else outputChatBox ( "Você não é da profissão ACL_NOME !", me, 255, 0, 0) end end addCommandHandler ("procurados", playersProcurados) ~ Caso acontecer algum erro, deve ter sido na hora de copiar, para ajeitar, deve-se refazer a linha. ~ Não fiz comentários, deixei pra você ler. Cara, não vai adiantar eu explicar, se você não sabe a lógica da programação. Para você criar um script, deve ter uma lógica, no caso uma sequência de comandos que vai segundo uma lógica. O Cria Jogos, é um canal que ensinou este assunto. Dê uma procurada lá.
    1 point
  7. I'd recommend using table based functions for organization. functions = {} functions['RoomA'] = {} functions['RoomB'] = {} functions['RoomA'].test = function () end functions['RoomB'].test = function () end functions['RoomA'].test() functions['RoomB'].test()
    1 point
  8. Yes. To be honest, I still do not understand your question completely, so I am trying to gamble a bit.
    1 point
  9. Line 528 et seq if elementBackpack[source] then detachElementFromBone(elementBackpack[source]) destroyElement(elementBackpack[source]) end should be if elementBackpack[source] then detachElementFromBone(elementBackpack[source]) destroyElement(elementBackpack[source]) elementBackpack[source] = false end and that should fix it. Problem was removeAttachedOnDeath not marking the backpack as removed and the code trying to remove it again when it did not exist anymore.
    1 point
  10. You can do that with local functions. Those functions can only be used within the file local name = function () end local function name () -- this one is able call itself,in compare to the previous one: name() end local name -- variable scope starts here function name () end Another solution would a table with methods.
    1 point
  11. Parece ter sido um bug ao copiar o código do fórum. Copie o código por aqui e tente novamente: server.lua: https://pastebin.com/GWbGJmrT meta.xml: https://pastebin.com/i3PxAkkq
    1 point
  12. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* هــذا يســتـخدم فـي الضــغــط عــلـى الزر مثــال .. لــو تــبــي مثـلا تــســوي زر اغــلاق اللــوحــة .. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* function Bad_Boy() if source == close then -- هــنــا اســم الزر بــدل اسم الزر حقك بـ close guiSetVisible(Your_Wnd,false) -- هــنــا اســم اللــوحــة showCursor(false) -- لا تظهر الماوس end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root,Bad_Boy)
    1 point
  13. @Jupiter @justboy @aLRsHide @#,~BLaaaCK @a7zan
    1 point
  14. function calculateOffsets(slaveElement, masterElement) local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(slaveElement) local vx, vy, vz = getElementPosition(masterElement) local sx = px - vx local sy = py - vy local sz = pz - vz local rotpX, rotpY, rotpZ = getElementRotation(slaveElement) local rotvX,rotvY,rotvZ = getElementRotation(masterElement) local t = math.rad(rotvX) local p = math.rad(rotvY) local f = math.rad(rotvZ) local ct = math.cos(t) local st = math.sin(t) local cp = math.cos(p) local sp = math.sin(p) local cf = math.cos(f) local sf = math.sin(f) local z = ct*cp*sz + (sf*st*cp + cf*sp)*sx + (-cf*st*cp + sf*sp)*sy local x = -ct*sp*sz + (-sf*st*sp + cf*cp)*sx + (cf*st*sp + sf*cp)*sy local y = st*sz - sf*ct*sx + cf*ct*sy local rotX = rotpX - rotvX local rotY = rotpY - rotvY local rotZ = rotpZ - rotvZ return x, y, z, rotx, roty, rotz end taken from soem glue resource and slightly modified.
    1 point
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