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  1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الصلاة والسلام على اشرف الانبياء والمرسلين نبينا محمد عليه افضل الصلاة واتم التسليم, اما بعد: أقدم لكم دورتي لـ تعلم لغة برمجة لوا.. ملاحظة: توجد مشكلة في الدرس الثاني الا وهي صغر الخط, وتم حلها ولن تتكرر في الدروس القادمة باذن الله تعالى MTA الدورة لا تتوجه لـلعبة ولكنها تتكلم عن البرمجة بشكل عام بالاضافة لتعليم وتدريس في لغة لوا اذا كان فيه نوع من الاقبال والتفاعل سأتخصص بـ برمجة ام تي ايه بالاضافة لبرمجة الديسكورد وشرح بعض اللغات الاخرى دمتم سالمين في أمان الله..
    1 point
  2. https://backnite.com WHO ARE WE? We are a group of young developers known on the stage of Multi Theft Auto, who wants to throw in a few interesting and innovative plans for the development of our server. WHAT IS BACKNITE? Backnite is an international server based on the Battle Royale mode. This mode is known mainly from games like PUBG, Fortnite or the newest version of Call of Duty Black Ops 4. Probably your first question that comes to your mind will be: “Will the game be based only on Battle Royale?” Of course not, because it would be too boring for long-time playing. To prevent this, we added Story Mode. In this mode you must simply do quests and empathize with the story. BACKNITE DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT Login and Register System System of logging and registration was designed to be simple and easy to use, because we want to create server that everyone will find in it easily. At the beginning, you can set your main language that will be supported during the game. All of your data that you leave with us is fully secured thanks to the latest encryption techniques, so nothing can get out of our database. GUI A simple interface can be found not only in the login panel, but in every place of our GUI. Whole concept of lobby design has been inspired by the PUBG and Fortnite. You can find many of similarities, but nothing was cloned 1:1. Friends system Don’t play alone! We create a brilliant friends system, which is a simply way to play with your friends After you add your friend to a friends list, you can see, is he online or in a game. If he is not in a game you can invite him to a lobby and play together against another people. Shop At the start of creating Backnite we won’t to create a another Pay2Win game. The only things you can buy on our server are visual changes It’s just only a skin customization including weapons, parachute skins and everlasting designs. You can find a lot of them in beautiful designs. The also have rarity lecels like most popular, epic and legendary. The don’t give you any bonus or advantage to be better at the game. Cabinet Here you can search and equip your purchased skins. The possibilities of customization are infinite. Each of our weapons may have a different skin, but nothing stands in the way to color all weapons same! Lobby settings In left down corner of your screen you can find lobby settings. There you can change game mode and number of players. After you setup the game lobby you can invite you friends to it and play together reliving amazing adventure. AFTER THE GAME START After the game start in Battle Royale mode, you will be moved to the waiting room and wait for all players to be connected. Current status of the player you can find in upper right corner. Time to start the game is under the map. Game will not start until enough people connect. SERVER SUPPORT PAGE To better know some problem of our players we create a support website, on which you can directly inform us about your ideas, or found bugs or any kind of problems. You can always search our database to find needed solutions, or just simply create a new ticket to find a solution as fast as possible. SERVER STATUS PAGE Can not join the server? Have problem to reach our homepage? Go to status page to check current server status, planned maintenance work, or a latency between you and the server. HELP US TRANSLATE BACKNITE! Want to be part of our server and translate it on our native language? In that case, we need you very much! Backnite is a international serwer, that’s why we need translators to reach more people and countries all around the world! Current status of translation to other languages you can check clicking to this link. WANT TO BE PART OF THE BACKNITE TEAM? To create that big project like Backnite we still searching for new talented people, that can help us. If you are programmer, 3D modeler, graphic designer we are waiting for you! Simpy send us message on Discord and attach to it your portfolio. If you are not good at this things, you can also give us your propositions. At the end of the advertisement. If you reach to this part of our ad, and you read it all, we hope that you are now interested in our project. That’s not all things that we can offer you. We are reading all of your suggestions and we try to implement all of them to create server that will make you happy. If you want to follow our project and enjoy its community you need to arrive on our Discord, Facebook, Twitter and forum. See you in game! Backnite Team. © OUR BEST TEAM @Backer - CEO of the project, Lead LUA Developer @Pumelowsky - 3D Object Creator, Polish Translator @KingMoses - Web Developer, System Administrator @QuoVaids - Map maker, Story mode designer, Polish Translator @DHXtR - Graphic designer Stay tuned with our project, following us on our Social Media! https://backnite.com https://forum.backnite.com
    1 point
  3. Hello dear players! It's been a long time since the announcement came out and it's time to put the plan into practice. However, before this happens, we need to run a number of server tests. We would like you to help us with testing and finding errors. If you are willing to help with server tests, write a simple application for beta tester according to the form given below and send it to us on our email: [email protected] or on our fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialBacknite/ in private message. You can send applications in English or Polish, because we don't support other languages yet. If you want to become a member of Backnite Team and you know english and other foreign language very well you can become our translator. Send us message that you want to become a member of our team and add language that you can translate server to. Good luck! Backnite Team. © Time to send applications for beta tester ends: 28 December 2018 Form: Nickname: Do you have discord? (YES/NO): Why you?:
    1 point
  4. function setBlipsToTeamColor() for _,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do for _,blip in ipairs(getElementsByType("blip")) do local team = getPlayerTeam(player) if (team and getElementAttachedTo(blip) == player) then -- only if this blip is attached to `player` local r,g,b = getTeamColor(team) setPlayerNametagColor(player,r,g,b) setBlipColor(blip,r,g,b,255) end end end end setTimer(setBlipsToTeamColor,500,0) Also I've renamed the function since you should avoid naming your function with the same name as existing hardcoded functions (namely, setTeamColor) as that makes them inaccessible.
    1 point
  5. لا تنسون تحطو حقوقي برضو لاني علقت ع المنشور وهذا يعتبر انجاز لصاحب المود ??
    1 point
  6. O problema no seu primeiro código além do uso incorreto da condição que já foi falado é o getElementData que deve receber 'player' em vez de 'source'. Tente: function blockVehicleEnter(player, seat, jacked) if seat == 0 and getElementModel(source) == 437 and not (getElementData( player, "Emprego" )) or getElementData( player, "Emprego" ) ~= "Motorista de Onibus" then cancelEvent() exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx(player, "Esse Veiculo é Exclusivo dos Motoristas de Onibus!", "error") end end addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), blockVehicleEnter)
    1 point
  7. O parâmetro 'source', no seu código, é o veículo. Naquele primeiro código que você postou está correto, porém no uso do getElementData ( ) está errado, ou seja, use player ao invés de source.
    1 point
  8. الموضوع مو للطلبات و تقدر تدور بقوقل بتلاقيه منتشر كثير هو
    1 point
  9. na linha 1 Onde está player num deveria estar source? :\
    1 point
  10. onVehicleStartEnter The source of this event is the vehicle in which a player began to enter. Leia a Wiki do onVehicleStartEnter. Com relação ao seu erro, é porque você está tentando setar um valor de uma data que você está tentando pegar. No caso "Motorista de Onibus". O getElementData não tem esse terceiro parâmetro como o setElementData.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Maybe you need more than 55 reais
    1 point
  13. وظيفة تسوي Ped مع حدث عند ضرب أل Ped Ped = createPed( id skin , ألأ حدأثيات ألي تبي فيها ال Ped يرسبن فيها ) function أسم الفنكشن أي أسم تبيه() local sound = playSound("أسم الأغنية او الصرخة الي حطيتها ب الملف حق المود.mp3") setSoundVolume(sound, 0.5) end addEventHandler("onClientPedDamage", root, أسم الفنكشن الي حطيته فوق) مثأل Ped = createPed(12,-2391.20850, -613.10767, 132.75192 ) function mahdi1() local sound = playSound("Mahdi.mp3") setSoundVolume(sound, 0.5) end addEventHandler("onClientPedDamage", root, mahdi1) كود بسيط (: وظيفة عندما ألأعب يتحرك يحدث حدث ولما يوقف يصير حدث ------------------------------------------ ألكود -------------------------------- addEvent("onLocalPlayerStartsMoving") addEvent("onLocalPlayerStopsMoving") local localPlayerMoving = false local deadSpeed = 0.01 setTimer(function () local vx, vy, vz = getElementVelocity(localPlayer) local speed = (vx^2 + vy^2 + vz^2)^0.5 if not localPlayerMoving and speed > deadSpeed then -- if starts moving localPlayerMoving = true triggerEvent("onLocalPlayerStartsMoving", localPlayer) elseif localPlayerMoving and speed <= deadSpeed then -- if stops moving localPlayerMoving = false triggerEvent("onLocalPlayerStopsMoving", localPlayer) end end, 8000, 0) addEventHandler("onLocalPlayerStartsMoving", localPlayer, function() -------------- هنأ تحط الحدث ألي تبيه يصير لمأ الأعب يبدأ الحركة end) addEventHandler("onLocalPlayerStopsMoving", localPlayer, function() ----------- هنأ تحط الحدث الي تبيه يضهر لمأ الأعب يوقف عن الحركة end) ------------------------------------مثأل-------------------------------------- addEvent("onLocalPlayerStartsMoving") addEvent("onLocalPlayerStopsMoving") local localPlayerMoving = false local deadSpeed = 0.01 setTimer(function () local vx, vy, vz = getElementVelocity(localPlayer) local speed = (vx^2 + vy^2 + vz^2)^0.5 if not localPlayerMoving and speed > deadSpeed then -- if starts moving localPlayerMoving = true triggerEvent("onLocalPlayerStartsMoving", localPlayer) elseif localPlayerMoving and speed <= deadSpeed then -- if stops moving localPlayerMoving = false triggerEvent("onLocalPlayerStopsMoving", localPlayer) end end, 8000, 0) addEventHandler("onLocalPlayerStartsMoving", localPlayer, function() dxDrawRectangle(473, 109, 92, 27, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150)) end) addEventHandler("onLocalPlayerStopsMoving", localPlayer, function() dxDrawRectangle(473, 109, 92, 27, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150)) end) بألتوفيق (:
    1 point
  14. Caused by GTA5 hack. Don't run any cheats for any game when playing MTA
    1 point
  15. setTimer(function() if coroutine.status (clearing_nonexisting_peds) == "dead" then clearing_nonexisting_peds = coroutine.create(forgetNonExistingPeds) end coroutine.resume(clearing_nonexisting_peds) end, 1000, 0)
    1 point
  16. Some pull requests are over a year old, there's 23 pending, and a lot of them have this tag: "pr:needs-testing" I would be happy to test these if there was a way to test them without having to go to all the effort of compiling my own build. Correct me if I'm wrong but 'master' is 1.6 and therefore basically all pull requests could be merged to master right now (or make a branch where all pull requests are merged to) and then we'd be able to test it all with the 1.6 nightly and then the whole community would have the ability to test all pull requests, then we can confirm whether or not the pull requests work. 1.6 is a long way off so there'd be plenty of time for any bugs to get discovered and if we're given a few weeks notice before a 1.6 release we can do general testing to see if any random bugs have popped up. A lot more pull requests might actually get made if they got merged, back when I made some source pathces, it was demotivating to see my patches get ignored, then I just lost interest. The people with pending pull requests from months ago are probably feeling the same thing. To be honest, all the pull requests combined could actually be good enough for a new release especially when there's "Added dynamic ped ID allocating" and if there was dynamic object ID allocating I'd be begging for 1.6 to get released. All you guys gotta do is check their code to make sure it looks legit, then I can do all the ingame testing.
    1 point
  17. I solved the issue. I my anti virus was blocking a base file and I clicked the option to allow it. Thanks for your time.
    1 point
  18. You can wait one day
    1 point
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