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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/12/17 in all areas

  1. CRG | Community of Roleplay Gaming. Hello everyone, we are creating a community called Community of Roleplay Gaming abbreviated as CRG. We are looking for some talented staff and developers, mainly developers. If you are interested to join our team you must be able to speak understandable English and you must always act professionally. If you think that you have understandable English skills and you are mature then contact me on our discord Our Discord: https://discord.gg/t7sUZjd
    1 point
  2. There isn't too many informations, so... Everything happens only on Polish Real Life server (that's the name of it). IP I'm one of the administrators on this server. There's a lot of players who complain about bluescreens (10 players posted that problem within 3 hours). These crashes started from today I think. Mausner, please to do a MTADiag and send the results (How to do that: Pobierz i wypakuj MTADiag, podążaj za instrukcjami zawartymi w programie. Naciśnij 'n' kiedy program zapyta, czy MTA działa poprawnie. MTADiag skopiuje do schowka link do logów (dostępne pod PPM > wklej lub CTRL + V). Wyślij je w nowym poście. W celu poprawnego działania programu MTADiag wymagana jest intalacja Microsoft Visual 2012 (x86) ( https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679 ))
    1 point
  3. عجبني المجسمات الي موجودة فيها ، ولكن ماعتقد فيها GUI
    1 point
  4. Love how you talk to noobs not willing to learn man
    1 point
  5. Keep working, it will finally be a great DX LIB.
    1 point
  6. ترا الغلط واضح مثل الشمس , والتحققات الي مسويها مالها اي معنى بالكود
    1 point
  7. صلو علي الحبيب محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم
    1 point
  8. RenderTargets will be used, alternative without RenderTargets will be shown in version 0.2.
    1 point
  9. Try this: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=12404
    1 point
  10. منورين الموضوع ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- نسيت احط رابط تحميل برنامج Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express دا رابط https://up.top4top.net/downloadf-63099hvm1-zip.html
    1 point
  11. I do not know did not work
    0 points
  12. كل واحد داخل يقول خرابيط الكل صار اينشتاين و ايدسون
    0 points
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