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  1. Whenever there's a script I like that's compiled or one i found on a server I either get rid of it, or rescript it myself and add some cool new features.
    2 points
  2. هلا والله ذا التطبيق الثاني يلي برمجته ولكن مع @shwaeki الصور حظا موفقا للجميع مع هذه اللغه أي أسئله انا جاهز جود لك
    2 points
  3. ما انتهت , لقد قام ماستر الشرير بعد ان تم الفك الحظر عنهم بوسوسة نصور على ان يرجع الحظر ورجعو محظورين مظلومين وماستر الشرير مبسوط ثم .. @Master_MTA
    2 points
  4. Hi guys @fastman92 has recently engaged with us in order to get his limit adjuster implemented into MTA. Obviously, there are a number of complexities involved in implementing this, and we need to make some important design decisions to achieve this. So, why do you want to use a Limit Adjuster tool? Some things I'm hoping to learn: Are you trying to play MTA with a modified version of GTASA? Do you want the limit adjuster to play mods like GTA:Underground? Are you trying to use Limit Adjusters with MTA's own Lua engine* functions? (e.g. engineLoadDFF) Anything else? Any feedback would be incredibly beneficial to the team going forward. Cheers Dan
    1 point
  5. السلام عليكم , ارحب بالعيال حبيت أطرح لكم تطبيق برمجته بلغه JAVA وممكن يكون تشجيع للأشخاص يلي يتعلمون هذه اللغه الصور أي سؤال أتركه هنا تقييمك يا ولد
    1 point
  6. I really do not understand, what you want with this? Afaik you have helped a lot people. Just some people do consider us as slaves... Please don't worry about those garbage idiots. Ignoring is the best solution.
    1 point
  7. Hello, dear community members. Today, I am going to show you my training script. It was made few months ago by me but since I don't own a clan or community I don't need it and I decided to sell it. It has features such as; Supports only DM maps for now (possible to add another gamemodes such as DD, Race for a few price) Http map downloader and sound streamer (Http is better for your server's cpu) Map selector (view with 'F1" - makes you leave the current map) Toptimes with anti-delay (toggle with 'F5') Simple hud with map name, time passed and health bar (use 'O' to hide health bar) Warp manager ('/sw' - save, '/lw' - load, '/dw' - destroy latest warp, you can load other players' warps) Spectating other players (use '/spec' [player name] - only if you are driving the same map with him, press 'enter' to stop spectating) Automated ghostmode Car fade (toggle with 'F2') Deco hider (toggle with 'N') Showing invisible objects (toggle with 'I') Custom radar (toggle with 'F7') Custom scoreboard (hold 'tab' to view) Toggling map musics (toggle with 'M') Auto map refresh every 3 hours ('/refreshmaps' to refresh manually) Anti spam Requirements: An external web server to download map contents (elements, scripts, files...) and stream map musics (yes, musics won't be downloaded) Admin rights for resource called 'training' (to refresh resources - check feature #15) Admin rights for resource called "mapmanager" (to load meta files from maps) Previews: Map selector Toptimes Radar & map name Scoreboard Health & nitro bars Overall view (all in one) Don't forget: That it is an old script, some mini bugs might appear (you can contact me anytime to get help) You can't use this script on a game-host (you need an external web server - check requirement #1) What is the price? Open source (100 euro) You can edit every single resource and remove credits. But you can't sell nor share it. Compiled with full support - (any kind of bug will be fixed by me and you'll receive the updates) (60 euro) You can't edit anything, just ask me and I'll help. You can't sell nor share it. Basicly no one is able to sell this resource (or any included resource from it) without my permission. Contacts: Telegram: @miragemta Discord: Mirage#2066 Please inform me that you are interested in this script while sending friendship request.
    1 point
  8. Found it In race_server.lua a function called "function raceTimeout()". Thanks to this post. Just had to add an event to it and then trigger it.
    1 point
  9. Please tell me you're not serious, never roll out your own crypto. Storing hashes from passwordHash is as safe as it gets, there's no "passwordUnhash", only feasible way of unhashing it are rainbow tables, but I'm sure mta salts the passwords, so it shouldn't be a problem.
    1 point
  10. i was thinking about making a function for it, but then realised that i can't make click events for it, and cant destroy it anyhow, and use them as elemenets. I will take a look at dxlib if i can't work this out thanks for the suggestion.
    1 point
  11. local testEventHandler = function (...) iprint("eventName:", eventName, "has been executed with arguments:", ...) end local addEventHandler_ = addEventHandler function addEventHandler (...) addEventHandler_(...) local arguments = {...} arguments[3] = testEventHandler -- replace the function addEventHandler_(unpack(arguments)) end (untested) For events, you might be able to figure it out with wrappers.
    1 point
  12. ما اعتقد انه تقدر تعرف لانه كثير لغات طريقة كتابة الشرط فيها زي يلي كاتبه انتا
    1 point
  13. واصل سكربت رائع من شخص اروع الي الامام بلتوفيق .
    1 point
  14. dxDrawText ( playerZoneName, 44, screenHeight - 41, screenWidth, screenHeight, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ), 1.02, "pricedown" ) dxDrawText ( playerZoneName, 44, screenHeight - 41, screenWidth, screenHeight, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ), 1.02, 1.02, "pricedown" )
    1 point
  15. بس لما بدو يرفعو على الأستضافة يفضل يكون مضغوط اسهل من انو يصير يسوي مجلدات
    1 point
  16. انت سوي واحد يا رجال انت جديد برمج شكلك طيب شوف سوي ملف NotePad وبعدها اضغطه حوله على شكل كتب يعني وبعدها غير اسمو وحط meta.xml وبعدها حرره وافتح الملف و حط فيو الاكواد ذي <meta> <script src="اسم الملف.lua" type="client"/><!--محل اسم الملف تحط اسم الملف الي فهمتك ايش هو فوق --> <file src="Vehicle.txd" /><!--هنا تحط اسم ملف التي اكس دي حق السيارة --> <file src="Vehicle.dff" /><!--هنا بتحط ملف الدي افاف حق السيارة --> </meta> <!-- ذا الملف تحفظو بأسم meta وبعدها تحطو في ملف مع ملف الاكواد وملفات السيارة وتضغطهم وترفعهم على سيرفرك وتلاقي وقتها اسم المود الي انت ضاغطهم فيو --> zip ملحوظة :- يجب عليك ضغط الملف بصيغة ال القصة بسيطة مررة
    1 point
  17. تنبيه: إذا قد تلقيت تحذيرين, فإن ثالثهما حظر, والمدة تعتمد تقديرياً على ما فعلت, فإن كررت الخطأ بعد فك الحظر, ستزيد المدة, إلى ان تصل المدة إلى دائمة
    1 point
  18. me and Winky have been working on this for a while for PS Race Server, but we havnt got it working. iil show you what we have.... this is another LUA that will be added into our Race Resource. this may not appear correctly because of the Stupid Swear Filter. but you will still be able to get the idea. function clearStuckShit() local players = getElementsByType("player") for k,v in ipairs(players) do destroyMessage(v) end end addEventHandler("onGamemodeMapStart", getRootElement(), clearStuckShit) Now, we are expecting that to trigger an already coded function built into race.... we do get an error, which points to the First line of the function destroyMessage. (attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)) i know the problem is with the Above script, as that function is used on a Timer to remove "Times Up" by the gamemode, but that timer often fails to do its job if the map changes before it can remove the "Times Up" which is why ive been working on this script, so if it fails to remove, the script will force it on map Change. but as i listed above, it dosent work any ideas? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the section in util_server.lua (The following is just for reference so people can check to see why the script isnt triggering it properly) g_Messages = {} -- { player = { display = display, textitem = textitem, timer = timer } } function showMessage(text, r, g, b, player) if not player then player = g_Root end if g_Messages[player] then killTimer(g_Messages[player].timer) else g_Messages[player] = { display = textCreateDisplay(), textitem = textCreateTextItem('', 0.5, 0.5, 'medium', 255, 0, 0, 255, 2, 'center', 'center') } end local display = g_Messages[player].display local textitem = g_Messages[player].textitem textDisplayAddText(display, textitem) textItemSetText(textitem, text) textItemSetColor(textitem, r or 255, g or 0, b or 0, 255) if player == g_Root then for i,player in ipairs(getElementsByType('player')) do textDisplayAddObserver(display, player) end else textDisplayAddObserver(display, player) end g_Messages[player].timer = setTimer(destroyMessage, 8000, 1, player) end function destroyMessage(player) textDestroyDisplay(g_Messages[player].display) textDestroyTextItem(g_Messages[player].textitem) g_Messages[player] = nil end As you can see, our first script is tryig to trigger the destroyMessage function near the bottom. This is the original function in race_server.lua that triggers the "Times Up" message. function raceTimeout() for i,player in pairs(g_Players) do if not isPlayerFinished(player) then showMessage('Time\'s up!') end end clientCall(g_Root, 'raceTimeout') g_RaceEndTimer = nil setTimer(votemanager.voteMap, 10000, 1, getThisResource()) end
    1 point
  19. This isn't a help thread, more of an information thread, considering I post a lot on here to help people. I want everyone to know that when I provide code that it is NOT tested, unless I say it is in the thread. I do use forms of oop, and advanced/organized code, without unnecessary spaces and using ' instead of " quotes when working with strings. This is professional styled lua code, however it is taught in coding schools when using tabs to space the code that you should use 2 spaces instead of a tab and also use spaces when separating elements commonly after commas, I do not do either of these, I use tabs in order to make the code fast and simple to edit, and I do not use spaces after separating elements to make the code as compact and organized as possible. If I do not post code to help you, it will be a brief comment (possibly with a redirection) due to lack of information and or too much to decipher. I am good at coding lua, I'm not by any means a professional, but I am good. If you need help just let me know. I will not code big scripts, only parts of scripts. You can contact me by email, skype, or discord. I made this thread because many people have been making rude comments towards me and I felt like justifying. Have a nice day everyone.
    0 points
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