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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/06/17 in all areas

  1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم .. سلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته انا سويت سيرفر في برنامج ديسكورد والسيرفر ذا متخصص في مساعدة الاكواد القصيرة والمساعدة السريعة طبعاً انت بتقول وش ذا الديسكورد ؟ طبعاً الديسكورد هو برنامج تواصل اجتماعي ينافس التيم سبيك ويمكن طرح الاكواد بكل سهولة ويسر كمثال : مميزات الدسكورد : سهولة التواصل , سهولة طرح الاكواد , بأمكانية برمجة بوتات مجانية داخل السيرفر الخاص بك طريقة دخول الدسكورد + وكتابة الاكواد + وارسال روابط الفنكشنات بسهولة ؟ الرابط دخول السيرفر : https://discord.gg/BdmJyNm السيرفر يدعم اغلب لغات البرمجة بشكل عام ويهدف لمساعدة الجميع دون استثناء أي المساعد والي بينظم مساعد في السيرفر يكتب تعليق تحت هالموضوع ويكتب مشارك .. بشرطين ": خبرة برمجية متوسطة , يكون داخل السيرفر في الختام ماهو مجبور عليك تدخل السيرفر هذا سيرفر يساعد في تطوير المبرمجين وتحسين البرمجة اتمنى تدخلو السيرفر وسلام عليكم
    2 points
  2. In dxCreateTexture there is an argument called mipmaps. It will generate multiple copies in different resolutions, so that it looks good. If I create these mipmaps manually, do I have to enable or disable this option? (dds (image) files can have mipmaps included) element dxCreateTexture ( string pixels [, string textureFormat = "argb", bool mipmaps = true, string textureEdge = "wrap" ] ) element dxCreateTexture ( string pixels [, string textureFormat = "argb", bool mipmaps = true, string textureEdge = "wrap" ] )
    1 point
  3. Best way would be to test and find out yourself.
    1 point
  4. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Resource:Dynamic_lighting
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=9398 But it require strong PC.
    1 point
  7. العفو حياك الله , وانت بخير
    1 point
  8. addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick" , resourceRoot , function () if ( source == GUIEditor.button[1] ) then guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor.window[1],false ) showCursor ( false ) triggerServerEvent ("wtfis",localPlayer) elseif ( source == GUIEditor.button[2] ) then guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor.window[1] , false ) end end )
    1 point
  9. https://developer.android.com/preview/download.html رابط تحميل Android Studio والجافا (شروحات) https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-java
    1 point
  10. انت فاهم غلط قصده يبرمج تطبيقات الاندرويد .. == ميدو اول شيء لازم لك خبرة طفيفة عن الجافا حتى يسهل عليك الامور ثانياً حمل برنامج اندرويد ستديو وشوف شروحات عنه وثالثاً : سوي تطبيقك الخاص من الشروحات الي تعلمتها في دورات كثيرة منها دورة حسن الربيعي , سالم عدد .. انا عن نفسي شفت هالدورتين واخذت خبرة لا بأس بها .. والحين قاعد اتابع كورسات في موقع lynda عشان تتابع كورسات بتحتاج مبلغ معين من المال حتى تتابع الكورسات هناك .. برأيي lynda صحيح انها ماتدعم العربية لكن شروحاتها مفهومة وكلش بس اذا مالك أي خبرة بالانقليزي راح تجيب العيد وماراح تستفيد شيء
    1 point
  11. Hello! If I wanted to do this, I'd use: setTimer setElementPosition onPlayerDamage killTimer addEventHandler and addCommandHandler I hope it helps!
    1 point
  12. Labas! The community will have a lot of the things you are looking for. I suggest you read a couple of the resources so you have an idea of how they are made. We're happy to answer any questions you have here.
    1 point
  13. U will need a badass scripter, no one will do everything free I think. You can learn to script here : https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Scripting_Introduction but you will need a lot of knowledge to do everything.
    1 point
  14. اوقسم با الله انك كفووو استمر الي الامام
    1 point
  15. وأنت بصحة وسلامة حياك الله ..
    1 point
  16. If you want to test your script with two players on a single machine you should use a virtual machine. If you want to run two servers on your local machine you have to run both servers on different ports. If you want to play on two servers simultanously then you should go with the first option. I didn't understand your suggestion/idea.
    1 point
  17. As of 09/03/2017 we've pruned the entire section, as we felt some sort of rules and guidelines were needed in order to achieve a good listing for both server staff and interested parties. Rules: - General forum guide of conduct and rules apply in this section. - Any modification which is outside limits for the OP shall be reported via the report system in order to be addressed by a moderator. This is mandatory, as the goal is to keep this section as clean as possible. - Topics must have a detailed description of your server, this involves a brief description of your community, gamemodes you're offering and anything else that helps players to get interested on you. - Drama, server bashing, staff bashing, won't be allowed by any means. Members found guilty of these behaviour will be punished accordingly to our general guidelines and more severe depeding of staff judgement. - You should be atleast a staff member (or owner) of the server you're advertising (so no promotion by 'satisfied players'). - It's not allowed to actively recruit or persuade people to leave a positive opinion on your topic. Moderators reserve the right to judge if a spree of posts is suspicious (likely to be a result of this practise) and remove it on their own discretion, this is non-negotiable. Formatting your topic: - Topic titles shall have the form [SERVER TYPE] Brief description/Name [LANGUAGE]. - The first post shall be written in at least 3 parts, being the first a brief description of yourself, the second any media you may provide about your server, mostly ingame shots and anything you might want to show to interested players, and the third one server details, this involves connection details, contact details, and anything else you may provide to get players to your community. Any thread not following this guidelines shall be deleted and the user/s involved been given a warning depending of the staff judgement.
    1 point
  18. I guess then you're living in the parallel reality from everyone else. In my universe you have to use brain to achieve something, things do not depend on the programming language you use. PS: pls don't reply to this topic - it up to MTA devs, not for spam. Anyways I wanna hear something from MTA devs. I have an option to avoid using that new function, but then I'll have to stick to Pacejka tyre model (which is quite stone age). And there's no guarantee it will work as I won't be able to use substepping. I wanna make some really advanced thing.
    1 point
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