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  1. So, I will start editing small scripts till I get used about some easy codes then start gradually using some difficult codes, By the way, I have good English skills and acceptable and I can communicate with everyone without any problem, So It will take more than two years till I learn lua language even more, I just feel so. I will follow the important guidelines that have been stated above ^
    2 points
  2. مو كل شخص فاضي انه يضيع وقته يبرمج سكربت عشان ينسحب عليه وينشره كمثال انا او أي شخص يأخذ طلبات كثيره للبرمجه, بغض النظر عن ضيق وقتك اليومي للبرمجه والأيام الي تروح وماتقدر تبرمج فيها, ماتقدر تضيع وقت تبرمج فيه سكربت وماتاخذ عليه شي وكنت تقدر تبرمج سكربت او سكربتين بنفس الوقت وتستلم عليهم. يمكن ماقدرت أوصل فكرتي بشكل مناسب بس ان شاء الله تكون مفهومه
    2 points
  3. I wondered about creating a movie, but the freecam resource by itself wouldn’t suffice. I made this resource to help moviemakers to make more cinematic camera effects and help with actors. There are several camera modes: Aligment settings: You can attach a camera to any element (car or ped) or world position Four movement modes for camera position and target: 1) Rotation around point 2) Movement to point 3) Free mode (like freecam) 4) Static mode All modes interpolated and fully configurable. Some screenshots: Main menu: Camera menu: It looks crazy but I think easy to understand Target settings identical Peds as actors The experimental part of this resource is Player Motion Capture After beginning recording your motions captured and stopping the recording- the ped can repeat(try to repeat ) your movement and actions. Ped synchronization is very bad in this version of MTA but it will suitable for simple movement. How to use This resource isn’t suitable to do one big sequence at once, think of it as trying to do a big one take video. First of all you must write a script of movie ok 1. In Map editor resource place all vehicles and objects what do you want to use in your sequence. 2. In Stage resource load the map by using "map" console command It helps to easily reset vehicle positions and health. Map will be automatically restart with each Play/Rec command 3. In Actor mode (switch director/actor mode by pressing the F6 key) Stand at the point you want to begin your sequence at(player skin, animations, and weapons will also be saved, press F1 for the freeroam menu to access such features). You can make animation hotkeys. Select animation in freeroam menu. Press = key and 2-0 key for record current animation 4. Then press the O key. Recording will begin. Do some action and then press O key again. Recording will stop. 5. Press I to reset peds positions/restart map resource 6. Now you can play the peds actions by pressing P. 7. You can delete a ped by pressing the K key and select them with cursor 8. Record other peds motions. 9. Switch to Director mode by pressing F6. 10. Now you can configure your camera with the F7 menu or play saved cameras by 2-0 keys(tutorial video will be soon) 11. Play the sequence with P key. Any screen capture software will be useful GUI menu available by pressing F2 Known Issues: Restart resource bug https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=27018 Camera Some camera mode combinations aren't correct Peds Incorrect Ped rotation while on aiming/fire Peds teleport in vehicles Peds cannot skydiving or driveby Bad weapon fire controls. RPG doesnt shoot Next versions Correct ped rotation while weapon fire Import/Export to xml Ped look_at position recording Peds driveby Parachute Code optimization Now (since 1.4) controls are re-bindable Key and commands overview Actor mode O - Start/Stop Record Player Motion I - Reset Scene\nP - Playback Record F2 - Stage Main Menu F3 - show/hide Timer F4 - show/hide HUD F5 Free cam F1 - freeroam menu for weapons animations etc. - - Reset Current Player Animation 2-9 - Play Animation Hotkey shift + 2-9 - in bind animation hotkey mode - set animation as single action (without shift - loop mode) = - Record Animation hotkey(2-0) Animation select in FreeRoam K - kill ped Console commands sens /sensX/sensY - mouse sensivity map <mapname> - set <mapname> resource as current map minute <numeric value> - set minute duration Director Menu - F6 F7 - Camera menu I - Reset Scene P - Playback Record 2-0 - Play camera preset Camera Free mode key control: W/S - move to Target A/D - Rotation around Target Arrow Keys - move camera Mouse Look - rotate Target(if not fixed) around Position Mouse Look + LMB - rotate Position(if not fixed) around Target Space - Pitch camera (relative Target) 2-9 - Apply Camera Preset (saved on F7 menu) - - Reset Camera = - Freeze camera Version history: 1.0.1 - restartResource problem fixed (now you must start the map manualy in the server console) - Warp player into vehicle after map resource restart - Now you can select animation hotkey mode - loop/single (by SHIFT key) - Camera issue with linking to object (after map restart camera freezes) - fixed 1.2.0 - Vehicle movement quality highly improved - Vehicle lights override (by L key) - Peds can crouch 1.3.0 - Vehicle and Peds movement interpolation - Experimental fix bug with ped rotation while ped on weapon fire. Right rotation in almost all cases. If you have any ideas how to fix it - we can discuss this 1.4.0 - GUI Main menu (by F2) - Improved vehicle/peds movement quality (now avalaible few quality modes for memory save) - Implemented peds driveby (not correct aiming, but works - Vehicle speed limiter assist - Multiple players record - Save/Load rec data (also in map-resources. needs ACL rights) - Camera menu fix (now buttons [c] (set as current) and as target/position works correctly) - Re-bindable controls - Beep sounds on start/stop rec/play 1.5.0 - Fixed problem with the huge scenes: no more *NETWORK TROUBLE* when attempting to record and save a lot of actors. - Also saving huge scenes is also supported now (but it takes a lot of time - few minutes So keep count of KeyFrames lower than 15000 (instead of 2000 for earlier versions) - Emerlights resource support. (desc https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtop ... 08&t=44652) Download link: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=646 mirror: Download stage.zip Note: Defalut Director Password: director To change password open server.lua file and edit line local pass = "director" Any feedback would help ACL configuration This resource uses the restartResource function, to use it the resource requires elevated privileges. To do this, open up the acl.xml file in your server\mods\deathmatch directory and add the highlighted line: <group name="Moderator"> <acl name="Moderator" /> <object name="resource.mapcycler" /> <object name="resource.mapmanager" /> <object name="resource.resourcemanager" /> <object name="resource.votemanager" /> [b][color=#BF0000]<object name="resource.stage" />[/color][/b] </group> If you want to load/save peds movement data in other map resources - add this line: <group name="MapEditor"> <acl name="Default" /> <acl name="MapEditor" /> <object name="resource.editor_main" /> <object name="resource.edf" /> [b][color=#BF0000]<object name="resource.stage" />[/color][/b] </group> Installation video tutorial Check my youtube channel for more videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/vovo4kaX Tutorial 1. Work with peds: Tutorial 2. Work with camera Camera demo: (it's just a freecam mode in Stage)Nice video by MykolasGX: by simsoonas 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f97ew_36eRc 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABDOL3-uTXw 3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoFk5GlDwWs 4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMnOf7wv7MM 5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTCsMeRty9M by jjsullivan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apVgrcxAHug Thanks jjsullivan for help with translating this post
    1 point
  4. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته, شرح مفصل عن كيف تسوي سكربت وكيف تحط ميتا له وكيف تبرمجه وتصمم لوحة وتخليها تفتح بواسطة زر أول شرح في دخول البرمجة, أتمنى يكون الشرح مفيد لكل الأشخاص اللي يبون يكونون مبرمجين لآتنسى دعمي بالضغط على زر لايك للفيديو والإشتراك بالقناة لو كنت حاب انزل مودات وشروحات واشياء اكثر, الشرح : في أمان الله, اخوكم مستر جراند
    1 point
  5. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة يسرنا اعلامكم بانة تم افتتاح منتدى ومجتمع ام تي اي العرب المنتدى يهدف الى دعم البرنامج ام تي اي واللعبه جراند سان اندرياس المنتدى رسمي ومرخص من الشركة يعني كل شيء رسمي 100 % المنتدى يدار من قبل اعضاء لخدمة الزوار والاعضاء المنتدى باذن الله سيستمر يوجد اكثر من اداري في المنتدى طلبات الاشراف متاحة حالياً بشروط معينة موجودة في قسم خدمة الاعضاء او سيتم اضافتها قريباً اذا لم تجدها نتمنى من الجميع التسجيل والانضمام الينا للدخول الى المنتدى : http://www.mtaarabs.com/ or http://www.mtaarabs.com/vb للتسجيل : http://mtaarabs.com/vb/register.php نرحب بالجميع ونتمنى من الجميع التفاعل شاكرين لكم حسن التعاون مع أطيب التحيات iPrestege شكراً لكم
    1 point
  6. احس البعض لو عليه بيحذف الامثله من الويكي ويجلس يتفلسف ويقول تعلم من نفسك ترا كود ماركر بسيط يقراه ويفهمه جاهز ويفهم كيف اكواد اللعبه كيف تشتغل والمشكلة نص الي متعلمين هنا كذا بدايتهم يفتح مودات مو مشفره ويقرا ويعدل لين فهم , ويوم احترف قام يتفلسف ويقول لا تعطوا جاهز Lua لغة الجافا سكربت الي تعتبر اصعب من lua فهمت الاساسيات وبديت اتعلم عليها وافهمها اسهل من بسبب المدرسين والمبرمجين الي يعطوا امثله توصل لبناء موقع كامل ويقلك كيف لو تبي تسوي الشي الفلاني و يعلمك طريقة تفكيره وانت تبدا تبحر وتتعمق الفكره باللي يبي يتعلم والي ما يبي يتعلم ماله دخل الكود جاهز ولا مو جاهز الي يبي يتعلم بيتعلم والي ما يبي مالنا دخل فيه . انت اذا خايف ع المبتدئ ومسوي تبي تطلع ناس مبرمجين ويتطوروا تقدر تنصحه انه لا تعتمد ولا ترجع لطلب كود او تقرا كود جاهز من اي مود الا بعد ما تحاول مره واثنين وثلاث الى ما تفقد الامل واذا ضبط معك الكود تبدا تقارنه بكودات ثانيه وهو حر عاد يسوي النصيحه ولا لا . كلام طالع من قلب
    1 point
  7. ! مرحبا بك في حرب الشوارع, ايها المحارب هذا شرح مختصر عن السيرفر بالأسفل " Next " إضغط للذهاب للصفحة التالية Next = التالي في حرب الشوارع هناك ثلاث فرق - Ballas - Police- Grove Street بعد اختيار فريقك اذهب لإحتلال الأراضي من اجل فريقك وحارب الأعداء :الأحداث المميزه والمخدرات المخدرات تعطيك مميزات مثل السرعه , زيادة الدم- F4 لفتح لوحة المخدرات إضغط TDMتستطيع الحصول على المخدرات بمشاركتك في حدث ال - LS الذي يبدأ كل ساعة في مستشفى الأيقونه بالرادار !هل أنت جاهز أيها المحارب ؟ F1 اذا تحتاج الى المزيد من المعلومات إضغط ! حارب
    1 point
  8. مشكور يعطيك العافيه حليت المشكله
    1 point
  9. add option to make text like Bold Italic Underline Strikethrough and combo like something something2 something3 in gui text,gridlist, dxdraw, chatbox etc example outputChatBox("[b]bold[/b][i]italic[/i]")
    1 point
  10. +_+ خلاص مشكورين حليتها
    1 point
  11. Some GTA files are missing: audio\streams\AA audio\streams\ADVERTS audio\streams\AMBIENCE audio\streams\BEATS audio\streams\CUTSCENE Re-install GTA:SA
    1 point
  12. take a look to performancebrowser in resourcebrowser (make sure performancebrowser is started) (i'm talking about the web server) PS: next time use a less generic title
    1 point
  13. As I notice by the code, you didn't probably write it. Since I see the use of triggers and elementdata and such although you don't know how to debug. Assuming this is from the community. we do help you, don't mishear my answer. but we help you with your code and your problems (and learning course). So instead of asking us to fix community scripts, please start from the bottom. kind regards
    1 point
  14. Use the code option <> next time and what is your problem, what exactly isn't working?
    1 point
  15. عليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته حبي استخدم setTimer عشان تحدد وقت تشغيل الماركر او المهمة وهذا شرح له في أمان الله
    1 point
  16. يعطيك العافيه .. اتمنى انك تكلمني في سكايب .. Live:-ix في امان الله
    1 point
  17. DOWNLOAD: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... s&id=12426
    1 point
  18. With this script you are able to create your custom districts in MTA:SA, this is useful for almost "anything" (custom maps with your own districts, gang zones (which might require a little editing), protect zones, etc.)! You can create your own districts in the districtC.lua file, an example is given. Export functions: - getDistrictName(element) Get the custom district name of an element (works client and server side) - onElementDistrictChange This is a custom event, the source of this event is the element that changed district (currently working only client-side) PARAMETERS: districtName - An integer representing the name of the current custom district Note that the event works on client-side, but it is possible to do it on server-side if it's needed. !! The source of the onElementDistrictChange event is the element that changed the district, could be a vehicle, a ped, a player, anything that is an element. !! An example script for using the event and getting the district name is given in the exampleC.lua file, check that for usage and the example command. Future versions MIGHT contain: - Server-sided onElementDistrictChange event - A command to add a district manually Special thanks to for helping with the script to: Tails, pa3ck If you have any question just write a comment! Feel free to edit, but please, keep the credits. DOWNLOAD: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=13834 Images: /getpos - If currently NOT in a custom district /getpos - If currently in a custom district Entering a custom district
    1 point
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